How to fight the evils cashless society
How to fight the evils cashless society and win. This is a simple plan you can do with all of your activists anywhere in the world.
The top few posts are pinned posts. Please scroll down to see the lastest posts.
How to fight the evils cashless society and win. This is a simple plan you can do with all of your activists anywhere in the world.
The Need for Action to save Humanity and our Mother Earth. This can only be done by both mental and physical Action.
Are you unvaccinated and looking to keep it that way from the death jab? Protect yourself with this unvaccinated control group.
How to stop my employer from forcing me to take the covid vaccine. Since when does an employer have the right to hold your job hostage?
Alternative Therapy Courses to help you heal from childhood trauma, learn how to love and respect yourself and have a better life.
Worldwide Meditation and Prayer Circle to combat the evils. We need to take them down and this will work. Spread the news worldwide.
Actions to wake the normies up so we fight back this war. Unless you take action, all you are doing is contributing to your slavery.
They feed us poison This article will cite the numerous ways they feed us poison. People don’t believe we are … Read more
Please Join Us to help fight the evils who are trying to bring down humanity. Their plan to depopulate the entire planet is underway.
Religious fanatics and how they harm all of Humanity. They are controlled slaves that play into the hands of the evils who enslave us.
Here is my Holocaust Update for October 2022. What the evils were doing to us at the time and how the evil corps were brainwashing zombies.
Natural Amanita being DESTROYED WORLDWIDE by the evils as the evils destroy everything that helps us and forces ONLY toxic things.
My story of how I was being blocked from installing Windows 7. Evil microsoft controls what OS you can put on your own computer.
Stories of what the poisonous vaccines did to their babies so they can never be normal ever again, and have to be cared for forever.
Vaccines kill babies and they blame it on SIDs. The evils have been killing babies with vaccines for years.
How the digital prison is rolling out to enslave you like you’ve never been enslaved before and this will work offline too.
What a healthy school should be teaching your children so they grow up to be healthy both mentally, physically and emotionally.
Why most people in third world countries are very low IQ and this harms us in first world countries because the evils hire them to service us.
Companies who force you to switch to Windows 10. They’ve been controlled by Microsoft to stop letting their software work on Windows 7.
Is Telegram starting to censor the fake awake community? Where will you go if they do? How often are you on Telegram discussing the Truth?
Examples of what happens when people fight together Here are Examples of what happens when people fight together. I’m STILL … Read more
How veganism ruined their health and they almost died due to not eating meat, and the evils’ brainwashing and propaganda about being a vegan.
How to get rid of pests in your garden. That’s all insects and even animals that won’t stay away. For farming too.
Admitting the Truth that everything is about fear. It keeps people away from Freedom, Truth and Consciousness. Therapists who put on a mask.
How castor oil saves the day with tumors, lumps, wrinkles, pain, digestion, eye problems, thyroid problems, and more.
Software that’s changing for the worse and making my life a living hell. I’m a power user. This is a good example of their digital prison.
Brave Bitchute and Odysee are not safe like everything thinks they are. They are evil owned or controlled as well.
Just see how dangerous Windows 10 is and how evil miscrosoft has been stopping us from using Windows 7 for years. Do you know why?
How feminism helped ruin the world to destroy intimate relationships, children, and help destroy real men.