All the companies who pushed the gay trans agenda in June 2022
I’m going to list all the companies who pushed the gay trans agenda in June 2022 as far as the ones I saw.
Make no mistake, this is NOT them doing this because they give a shit about gay and transgender people, this has to do with the evils trying to make everyone gay and trans and using either the companies they own to do it, or they are forcing these companies to do it (for brainwashing) under the ESG criminal social credit score for companies worldwide (see video here).
You can register and add any companies I missed and even companies in your city.
I’d boycott them and make them feel the heat that they are part of this gay transgender AGENDA by the evils. This is no different than them brainwashing people for any other reason and if fact, is WAY more dangerous.
- Celebrate Pride Month with Mozilla | Queerness is in Multitudes (from an email)
- Uber’s company called Postmates. Here’s the video.
- Pride Picks – Fan Picks: LGBTQIA+ Movies and Series We asked IMDb fans on Twitter and Facebook to share the LGBTQIA+ movies and series that mean the most to them.
- Duolingo – – this language learning app is pushing (propaganda and brainwashing) being gay with an entire family of children.
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Pizza hut didn’t mention PRIDE, but the fact that this came out in June 2022 means they were supporting it. Link