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Evils Censoring on Social Media Sites

censorshipAnyone who’s a Truther and isn’t even in charge of a video channel should know by now that the evils are censoring us non stop so they can stop the truth from coming out and waking people up.

The evils only want THEIR mainstream media to control the masses.

They have been increasing their censorship ever since trumpet was placed into power, but things really started to escalate around 2018/2019.

Obviously they knew they were going to roll out the scamdemic, and so they had to get a head start and I heard they will ramp up the shutting down of all truther channels and pages/accounts the closer they get to the vaccine.

They removed tons of vaccine youtube channels, truth channels about the police, and goolag buried tons of sites.

You can listen to James on how they censor in the 21st century and he’s 100% correct. If you were a normie, you would have NO IDEA that censorship even exists because you don’t follow truther channels anyway, so you will always see your mainstream media channels that are run by the evils.

So I decided to start posting when people and their accounts get removed, and what topic they were censored on. If you have any that I have missed, please feel free to reach out to me and I’ll add them.

Remember that the evils have always controlled the Internet and all the companies you normally associate with. You probably just didn’t know it before, but trust me, the more I learn, the MORE I learn how every single company you take for granted is an evil corp and is in bed with all the other evil corps even if their industries aren’t the same.

I’m currently reading a book all about the criminal allopathic medical-industrial complex, and there are tons of different types of companies who are involved in running and funding the criminals who brainwash you into thinking that drugs are good for you when nothing could be further from the truth.

Here are just two of the BS fact-checking sites that are fact-checking your truth and telling normies they are all lies.

  • Correct the Record
  • Media matters for America

And also keep in mind, that the minute a site starts to get any traction, they buy it up or invest heavily into it so they have FULL CONTROL.

(all dates are in US format)

    1. 04-11-20 – A group on 5G – “Last night a STOP 5G UK Facebook GROUP with over 60,000 members was ❌❌📵SHUT DOWN!!!”
    2. 04-13-20 – Brian’s London Real He’s not a truther as he interviews financial people or people who are too shallow for me, but he had David Icke on talking about what the evils are doing to us and that got that one video taken down. After that, the following companies ditched some of his accounts. (sigh)Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Ofcom which is a regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries. AND he’s not even a communications company. He’s just a guy in an office on YouTube. DropBox, and then today, LINKEDIN also dropped his accounts, which of course Microsoft bought out in 2016.

      I’m not a fan of Brian, but I felt for him because he’s never experienced this before. For 9 years he’s been just interviewing guys and now this.

    3. Larry Cook – Stop Mandatory Vaccinations – stopmandatoryvaccination.com I don’t know what date all of this happened, but he just created a new site and community and he mentioned it on his intro video.

      He was booted from Pinterest, Vimeo, MailChimp (they’ve always been a terrible company), and Facebook stopped him from being able to reach his million followers per month. He’s now down to about 120,000 per month.I don’t support this guy because he believes in government, he’s a trumpet lover, and believes in the psyop Q, but he should NOT be censored. He is also all about religion and prayer which is fine, you can do whatever you want, but when you have to announce it to the entire world, that makes me feel very uncomfortable.

      I meditate. Do I announce that to the entire world?

      Nope, that’s what I do in my private life. I can tell others that I feel it helps and why, but I don’t just go around announcing it every day which is what really irks me to no end about these religious fanatics.

    4. June 29, 2020 – Stefan Molyneux – youtube. I never liked him, but that doesn’t matter. He did nothing wrong. He never even got any strikes. He called himself a philosopher. He was also trying to teach people about anarchy. He had a huge male following.
    5. July 12, 2020 – Max Igan at the Crowhouse got his youtube channel deleted. No warning, no strikes, and after 13 years!

      Here’s his Bitchute channel. And his Lbry channel. He’s a truther anarchist.

    6. July 30, 2020 at 11 am PST – The Highwire with Del Bigtree got booted from youtube – here’s his site. He talks about all things vaccine. I’m still not sure if he’s controlled opposition, but the entire ex-vaccine community worships him. He had a huge subscriber base.
    7. August 25, 2020 – Brian at HighImpactVlogs and HighImpactFlix is gone now from youtube, but he has one channel left that I hope they don’t shut down. He’s a truther anarchist.
    8. Also Vincent James, but I don’t know who he is.
    9. August 26, 2020 – they shut down James Red Elephants. I don’t know who he is, but someone mentioned it. That’s 3 youtube CHANNELS of his censored – sigh
    10. On August 31, 2020, fakebook shut down a facebook group called “Millions Rise for Australia.” It had over 119,000 members and Australia has been hit HARD by the evils. They are 100% a police state now. Tons of tyranny.
    11. Around September 11, 2020, a group on Discord was removed that talked about all the important topics like 5G, the covid-19 coronavirus issue, riots, masks, etc. It had tons of links and information from all of its members and it helped wake up many people.
    12. RichieFromBoston – some time in the last week of August or first two days of September 2020. I didn’t watch him really, but I knew he was a christian truther. Then he posted his next video about how the military is trained to take down Americans and that’s when he told us that he lost TWO of his channels – sigh
    13. September 12, 2020 – Greenmedinfo was removed from instagram which of course is now owned by fakebook. Here’s their site.

I’ll publish this now, and add to it as more twitter accounts, youtube channels, and facebook accounts and pages are taken down by the evils.

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15 comments on “Censoring”

  1. Okay, more to add to the list, but this is NO LONGER censorship, this is outright WAR.

    When you take away people’s ability to make money by taking away their pay pal or Vimo account, you are aren’t just taking away their ability to talk or write about something, you are trying to starve them to DEATH.

    We already knew that that pay pal was an evil corp. They’ve been evil since minimum 2004.

    Just go to pay pal sucks dot com to read miles of stories about what they have done to people.

    Okay, here we go. These were done around October 22, 2020.

    1. Satire Site Babylon Bee which is a satire channel (jokes) – all they did was do jokes.

      The evils have been trying to take away any semblance of LIFE which includes HUMOR, so of course they have to take this youtube channel down.

    2. Dr. Simone Gold a licensed white coat. I assume she was speaking AGAINST the scamdemic and so Vimeo removed her.
    3. Ice Age Farmer was booted off of Discord. I mentioned a month or so ago, that Discord has been removing channels who speak the truth.
    4. Techno Frog who I believe developed this documentary called “The plot against the president.” was either deplatformed or the video is in limbo.

      You know that I tell everyone trumpet is just one of the evils (and he is) and that anyone who thinks he’s a good guy is INSANE (and they are) because this is all a game to make people hate the other side AND think someone is on their side fighting for them when he is NOT!

      This is just to string them along so they don’t WAKE UP to the truth and fight back. And the evils love it when the walking dead looks like a fool. They get off on it just like they do when we are upset.

      There’s ample evidence that EVERY president has been placed into power, and trumpet is no different. Plus there’s evidence that he’s part of the evil collective just playing his role.

      BUT, that doesn’t mean I agree that this moron’s video getting censored. If he wants to be a part of the circus, let him be a fool. That’s HIS CHOICE.

    5. Republican Andy Biggs was censored off of Twitter.
    6. Evangelist Bevelyn Beatty had her Pay Pal account terminated after 6 years. She also lost her Venmo account and pay pal owns that.

      She had painted over a HUGE BLM sign that is written all over the floor of the streets.

      She was arrested, got out, and then she did it again and for THAT, they took away her way to get donations.

      I’m not a fan because she goes around preaching Jesus every 5 minutes, but she has every right to fight BACK against the FAKE BLM movement that is RUN by the evils, so kudos to her for being a BRAVE woman!

    7. Amazing Polly lost her Pay Pal account too, and her Canadian bank started asking her for more paperwork regarding checks she was depositing probably from her listeners.

      She’s been depositing checks for years and never had a problem until now.

  2. Ok, more to add to the list of people YouTube tore down from their channel:

    I like only a few on this list, but you may like them all.

    You can find them all on Bitchute – I imagine, and yes Bitchute sucks a lot of the time, so try also searching for them on LBRY – Those are my channels, and once there just search for them at the top.

    1. Derrick Broze from The Conscious Resistance
    2. Josh Sigurdson from World Alternative Media
    3. Dan Dicks from Press for Truth (he was run off of the following… goolag, twitter, fakebook, go fund me, and mail chimp. WOW) I’m not a fan of him, but I feel bad for him.
    4. Ryan Cristian from The Last American Vagabond. His backup channel is now being used.
  3. Larry Cook – so I’m not a fan of Larry Cook because he’s a religious fanatic, a trumpet worshiper and all he does is sell this one product over and over again (I guess he needs to make money), but he should NOT be removed from fakebook and he was.

  4. This just up…

    I’ve been hearing off and on that MeWe is censoring people.

    I just heard from another woman that she knows of a few people who were censored and even kicked OFF of MeWe.

    She wrote, “I know people personally who have been censored and removed from mewe, and not for anything outrageous. It’s not discussed in the media, so there’s no “proof” other than discussions I’ve seen elsewhere.”

  5. Computing Forver just got pulled by nazi goolag and in my eyes he’s not even a die hard truther.

    He still believes in government and is only now getting to the bottom of some of the truth, but I’m proud of him because he wasn’t aware of a lot 10 months ago when I became aware of him.

    This just happened today and I only found out by accident.

    You can find him here.

  6. Sarah Westall was taken DOWN by nazi goolag last month. I only found out about it because I have an article from her site on my germ theory article and now her SITE is gone.

    I just found out that GO DADDY took it down.

    No offense to Sarah, but you do NOT host with Go Daddy.

    ONly people who know nothing about anyting host there.

    So clearly Go Daddy is part of the evil collective.

    I moved domain registrars from them years ago. We all know they are terrible.

    I’m not a fan of Sarah because she’s a government worshipper, and when I first came across her, she worshipped trumpet.

    I also don’t love her interviewing style although I think she’s gotten better.

    BUT once again, I do NOT agree with ANYONE being taken down. Who cares if I like her or not. That’s my opinion. She has many who love her and she’s doing NOTHING WRONG!


  7. Let’s change this up to NOW include podcast hosting sites.

    I just got this and yes it’s old from May 17, 2020.

    They are called “Podcast Addict,” and they have been around for 9 years and use the Google Play store and OF COURSE, nazi goolage told hem they can’t have ANY covid19 information on their app UNLESS (China here) it comes directly from the mafia government.


    if you do, please get some HELP!

    goolag removed the ads (of course) and by the time the developer Xavier Guillemane realized what was going on, he was slated to lose thousands of subscribers.

    Of course he was devastated, especially because he’s clearly not a truther, he just uses the app to let other host content, so he wasn’t emotionally prepared like most truthers try to be. And even when we prepare, it’s still a shock to our system because they are stealing from us. Anyone who thinks they aren’t just because THEY or the government owns the domain and software doesn’t believe in freedom at ALL, and is so indoctrinated, they can’t even see the bigger picture.

    I hope he’s WOKEN UP TO THE TRUTH NOW!!!

    See the article here.

    And here’s a censorship-free site they recommend.

  8. 1. Byoblu – which is an Italian independent news source from the people’s point of view. They have been on nazi goolag for 14 years and had just over 500,000 subs. You can see their site here.

    This is how I found out that, “The Administrative Court of Vienna ruled that the PCR test is not suitable for diagnosing Covid 19 . The entire swab policy in Austria was thus indirectly rejected, which is based on this test and which is the same one adopted also in Italy and in other European countries.

    On this ruling Byoblu24 heard the lawyer Mauro Sandri . ” The ruling stated that, without clinical evidence of symptoms, it is not possible to define a positive swab subject as having Covid-19 “. Furthermore, ” he expressed the principle that, beyond 24 cycles, the PCR test cannot be considered accurate and adequate ” and therefore usable for diagnostic purposes.”

    I wish there were English subtitles on their videos, but what can you do. At least they have text below the video. Here’s the video.
    Other channels nazi goolag has banned:

    2. Swedish media outlet SwebbTV that had 64,000 subs – they had their channel taken down back in August 2019, but within days YouTube put it back up.

    This time froget about it. They rejected the appeal immediately. Site here.

    3. One America News Network (OANN) – they weren’t taken down, but they have a strike and have been demonetized. The strike was because they talked about a “cure” to the fake covid19 virus. LOL – Remember, you can NOT talk about holistic products because then they can’t sell you the toxic drugs and poisonous vaccine to harm and kill you.

    They have been stopping us from talking about Vitamin C right from the very beginning when the MSM was lying and saying that the Vitamin C cure that China used was fake.

    Back in November, they had a guest on that said that trumpet had won the election and that they were just stalling to tell us this.

    Supposedly the news outlets (why in the world would they care) demanded that the video be taken down and nazi goolag demonetized, but goolag didn’t take it down right away until they raised holy hell again.

    It’s ALL BS theater!

    3. Steven Crowder – honestly, I’ve heard the name, but have no idea who he is. He’s been demonetized a couple of times, once for making fun of another journalist.

    Again, the corrupt communist mainstream media, complained (supposedly) and YouTube eventually demonetized him.

    I just find it hard to believe that it’s the MSM doing this. I mean seriously.

    Unless it’s compartmentalization where the MSM doesn’t know that YT is also evil owned by the 13 evil families taking down humanity. SMH

    Hmm, so does this mean all the late-night talk show hosts and the Simpsons who make fun of people should be taken off the air?

  9. Another alt news YouTube channel called Millat Times was given a strike and of course, probation for 90 days.

    What was their terrible SIN????

    They showed protests from workers due to the lockdowns in the state of Maharashtra India.

    Of course nazi goolag uses their same BS reason they have given almost all of my videos that have received strikes…. “It violated its COVID-19 misinformation policy.”

    Yeh, I guess Millat Times arranged a whole bunch of human mannequins that were somehow holding signs outside, and the mannequins were walking around with angry faces. But that was all a lie because it was a fake protest.

    In the past, they’ve also been banned on fakebook for reporting on other human rights catastrophes.

  10. Peggy at THE HEALTHY AMERICAN lost her Pay Pal account and they stole her money (of course it’s under the guise that it’s FROZEN) and she lost her Venmo account which, of course, is tied to Pay Pal.

  11. Well, I haven’t written to add to this article in a while, but low and behold, the very last censorship FREE site is now officially added to the list of evil run websites.

    This one is Quora which used to be a GREAT Q&A site.

    People would ask questions about a myriad of topics, and if you knew something about that topic, you would respond.

    I started telling the truth after the scamdemic started, but I had a feeling my comments were being deleted even though they didn’t tell me.


    Because I didn’t get any ZOMBIES attacking me LOL

    I still see people asking questions like how long should I isolate (people just LOVE to imprison themselves – sigh) after taking the PCR test?) So now he’s given himself the death jab. GOOD FOR HIM.

    If you don’t already know, the PCR test is a mini death jab – https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/John-Hopkins-created-PCR-tests-to-be-mini-vaccines:2

    I’ve gotten a few zombies attacking me in the last few days, one of which I wrote a long blurb to and I haven’t heard back from him since.

    Another one just attacked me with the typical “conspiracy theorist” label. Can’t they come with ANYTHING original already? I guess if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

    Anyway, Quora created spaces which are really like groups, but I found them confusing and even though some people joined my Truth vs Lie one, they never said a word so I stopped posting also because people stopped joining. It could be because Quora buried it, I don’t know.

    So I started only posting memes and this is the one they book burned. It wasn’t even medical misinformation, it just asked questions LOL

    Meme that was bookburned by Quora

  12. https://disqus.com/ is also censoring anything that has to do with the truth.

    I get the emails saying there’s a comment, but then I click on it and it goes nowhere.

    STOP USING DISQUS, they are an evil corp censoring the truth and our discussion about it.

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