Copy text from a PDF to Word

Copy text from a PDF to WordI need to hire someone to Copy text from a PDF to Word. It’s a flat rate of $25, and this will take some time, so you shouldn’t apply if you need money right away and are impatient. I need to edit every page you give me first and the only way I can tell if the entire book has been copied properly is to edit it and this book has a lot of issues (it’s not mine of course).

You must be fluent in English (reading and writing) and have a high attention to detail.

So I work full time for free fighting the evils who control every aspect of the entire world (and us) and have moved forward with their depopulation agenda when the war started back in March 2020.

I do my best to hire people to help me within my limited budget because I can’t do all of this work myself.

I hope you will take that into consideration.

There are some VERY important books that people need to learn from, and because they are older, there are no good ebook/PDF copies.

If the book is very important, I want to revamp it (usually not the text, just the organization of it and images) so it can be read by everyone even on a Kindle.

This is the second book I’m revamping based on a similar topic of how the evils poison us from the sky and how to fight back.

I found a PDF version, but the way it was designed is convoluted and it’s more newspaper style than just the regular vertical book text style which is what I want.

There are a lot of images that need to be redone either by you finding them online, or taking another copy using ShareX so they can be zoomed in. If they can’t be found, we will have to just use what’s in the PDF.

You will have to copy most of the text from the PDF because it got distorted when I converted it from the PDF to Word.

There’s approximately 36 pages left. Someone just copied the first few pages and I edited it, so I want to use that and I’ll have to edit the other pages someone else did, so you will need to figure that out.

As you are doing the work, you should make sure there’s blank lines in between paragraphs and wherever else there should be, headings are in text, not images, and anything wonky is fixed.

I will do the major editing of the text, because it was very poorly written and a lot of the links are dead so I have to test everyone. You will need to get the links from the wayback machine. The evils have destroyed a LOT of Truther sites over the years.

You should have experience doing this before and also know how to use Track Changes in Word. I have instructions, but most people ignore the instructions, so I hope you have a complete understanding of using TCs with other writers/editors, because we will be going back and forth with the doc until it’s completely clean and ready to be converted back to PDF.

Please detail:

1. Your experience working with revamping ebooks
2. Your experience working with TCs
3. Why you think you have attention to detail.


