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News About Flint Michigan and Other Cities in America

The ongoing American nightmare about Flint Michigan, the entire country and its water crisis

Flint MichiganWhat most people DON’T know is that ALL of America is serving up toxic water to the people. Flint isn’t actually the worse city, according to Erin Brockovich. It’s happening in East Chicago and Indiana too.

Environmental investigator Bob Bowcock created a report for the state of Michigan a year before this crisis hit the mainstream media and not only didn’t he get a thank you, they also just ignored his report and protocals.

Then Brockovich had people calling her up saying they were getting rashes and their hair was falling out.

Then the state tells the people to boil their water and if you know anything about lead in water, you can NOT boil it out.

In fact MOST toxins can’t be boiled out of water, this is a misnomer. Not to mention boiled water tastes like garbage.

The EPA can’t or won’t do anything due to corruption and the fact that Trump took away a HUGE chunk of their funding to give it to the EVIL CORPS who benefit off of the business of WAR!

Someone at the state level clearly hid the data that the water was toxic and they hid the information from the people. Whether it was Governor Snyder or not we won’t speculate, but the people at the LOWER level always get blamed for what management is responsible for.

You can test your water for lead and other contaminants with this water testing kit, and if it tests positive, then get a lab test.

Did you know that the US has the HIGHEST infant mortality rate of any first world country?

And over 50% of America’s children have some form of chronic disease.

Mother from all over the country are now taking charge to protect themselves and their children from the toxic water the country is serving up on a platter.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Back in 2016 Pittsburgh had a 72 hour Do NOT drink water hold.

Then in 2017 their hospital was closed for legionella. They also found legionella at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare campus in Pittsburgh’s Oakland section.

Hannibal, Missouri

Hannibal was the home of Mark Twain and it also has water problems, but because it’s middle class, the town doesn’t think it can afford to clean up the water, and of course the city or state tries to scare them with the price tag so they don’t make waves.

People with money who live in rich cities like Charlottesville, SC DEMAND the water gets cleaned. Lower to middle class communities can’t afford it, so they agree to be FURTHER poisoned by the city putting ammonia in their water.

And just the other day they figured out that the lead in the water in Flint has caused abnormally high miscarriages.

This is NOT just a Flint problem, this is a country wide problem!

And most bottled water is NOT clean or even healthy for you, especially not the bottled water from the EVIL CORPS. Not to mention how the plastic bottles aren’t biodegradable.

You need to understand that it’s not JUST about the water you drink, it’s also about the water you shower with that seeps into your body through your largest organ, your skin. It’s about the water you use when you brush your teeth, wash your face, wash your hands, give to your plants, garden, etc.

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Flint water caused miscarriages

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