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How the government Controls Us

This list will showcase examples of how the government controls us. I welcome anyone else who has other examples. Just register and comment.

Sorry it took me so long to publish this article.

  1. This man who is an engineer wrote to the state of Oregon complaining about the yellow lights being very short. Not only does this make the state more money by giving tickets to people who go through red lights, but it also harms people because they could get killed by driving through a red light.

    In his complaint he mentioned he was an engineer (which he is), he just didn’t mention what type of engineer he is and really people, this should NOT matter.

    That’s when the tyrannical state of Oregon charged him $500, claiming he’s not an engineer.

    This is the type of abusive power the state ALWAYS wields against ANYONE who questions them.

    This situation is no different than someone who questions the mafia (another word for the government) and being beaten up because of it. In this case, instead of bruises and a broken leg, this man was fined money because the government will find any excuse to steal from the people. You can read the full story here.

  2. A couple in Augusta, Kansas is fined for feeding stray cats. Not ONLY did they fine the couple, they fined them for EVERY cat they fed which totaled 21 cats.

    The slave owners, known as the government, can’t allow their slaves to help others including animals. Remember, they don’t want us to be peaceful, loving, and to get along, they want WAR, FIGHTING, and MAYHEM. You can read the full article here.

    Looks like has happened again. I guess the reason you don’t see it happening more often, is because most people aren’t kind enough to feed stray cats. This time it was in Ohio with a 79 year old woman who was lonely because her husband had recently passed over and they were throwing her in JAIL!!! It’s a short article here.

    I don’t care if they warned or fined her before. We ALL should have the right to feed animals. They are part of our WORLD!!! You harm an animal, you are harming yourself.

  3. Now you are fined $400+ in Sacramento, California for fixing your car in your driveway. You can read the full article here. I don’t like toxic smells or ongoing noise pollution and when you do a major fix or rebuild on a car, that’s a reality. But, why can’t they just ask the person nicely to stop instead of fining them? And a person should be able to ask their neighbors to stop if they have a problem with it and then decide from there. Not EVERYTHING requires the government and their tyrannical police, but again, if this was a FREE country, this wouldn’t be happening.
  4. A man visited his sick mother and never made arrangements to cut his lawn. The government fined him so much, they ended up sending him a bill for $30,000, Then the government who controls us REFUSED to negotiate, stole his house, and threw him out onto the streets. You can read the article here. Did you know that the government can take away your house at any time?

    Did you know you don’t really own the land your house is on?

    Yes, they can take away your house because you don’t pay property taxes that shouldn’t even be levied against us in the first place. Many people have lost their homes and/or farms for other reasons including eminent domain which is the government’s “excuse” for stealing your home/land.

    You shouldn’t be forced to move, AND the amount they offer you usually isn’t what the market would give you. Plus, making people uproot their family or even just themselves to build some bloody shopping mall, highway, or fancy condo complex is once again, ONLY for the 1%. They are always the most important people in society because they bribe, blackmail, threaten and even kill to get their own way.

  5. If you buy a hybrid or electric car which is obviously better for the environment (minus the batteries), now you will be TAXED because you won’t be lining the oil oligarchy’s pockets anymore. They have NEVER wanted FREE energy. Read here.
  6. A rapper criticizes the cops through his lyrics, so they arrest him.

    Now while no one likes hearing nasty things said about them, people have the right to their opinion. AND if the experiences he or his community have had with the police were positive, he most probably wouldn’t have written those lyrics in the first place.

    You do NOT throw someone in jail for something so menial, ESPECIALLY when it’s an artist. Artists almost always go over the top with everything, including what they wear. Now for SURE he hates them. Read about it here.

  7. If you keep on top of which companies are controlled by the US government which of course, are controlled by the evils, you should already know that Amazon is one of them.

    Amazon PULLED both “The Big Secret” and the “Vaxxed” documentary from Amazon Prime. They have also pulled MANY books that may provide details into who was really behind WWII and Hitler. We won’t list them here because we haven’t read them and we aren’t sure if they are hate books or legit.

    Del Bigtree who was co-creator of the documentary “Vaxxed” had a deal with Amazon Prime that the documentary would be offered for free.

    Why would a company pull a FREE documentary unless they were censoring it?

    The government is censoring EVERYTHING that has to do with the truth when it comes to vaccines (and other topics) and how toxic and deadly they can be.

    Amazon has HUGE contracts with the mafia criminal government.

    Amazon has practically given away their Alexa spying device which means they are losing money on each device sold.

    Why would they do that you ask?

    Alexa records EVERY single word you say within your home.

    People think that it only records something when you ask it a question, but think about it… how does it know when you want to ask it a question if it’s not already listening?

    Here’s an article that talks about how Amazon employs people to actually listen to EVERY word you say within your home. And Google also listens in via their Google Assistant.

    When I wrote this there was a lawsuit underway to stop people from listening in, but if you think for one minute they are going to follow that even if they lie and say they will in court, then you are REALLY naive.

    These devices are spying on us for a reason, and it’s NOT to hear us having a great time with our friends and family.

  8. There are two very important documentaries about how the government, along with their partners in crime (EVIL CORPS), have been harming people’s health for over a century.

    First, they stopped all forms of natural remedies or holistic practitioners. The Rockefellers did this back in the early 1900s not just because their oil is USED in producing their harmful toxic drugs, but also so people would become addicted to the drugs, become even sicker and/or die from them.

    Why do they want to kill us off you ask?

    Because they have had a plan for hundreds of years to depopulate the earth of people they consider to be subpar.

    The Rockefellers never could have gone after ALL of the holistic practitioners, shut them down, and then forced them to have permission from the government to even practice (something they never had to do before) UNLESS the government was complicit.

    Then there’s vaccines.

    The government and the evils of the world have had a plan in place to force vaccines on ALL people. They started to ramp up their plan to harm or kill babies and children around the late 1980s to early 1990s.

    That’s when you start to see a HUGE number of children becoming autistic or having other neurological disorders. Many have even died, or parents are forced to spend money they don’t have and their entire lives are now spent taking care of these disabled children.

    You can written by a judge back in 2009. He talks about how it was their plan all along to kill us off with vaccines.

    It’s faster than people taking drugs AND the government allows the PHARMA MAFIA to bypass providing safety studies like they are forced to with toxic drugs. Plus the mafia government doesn’t let you sue the PHARMA MAFIA companies if you or your child get sick or die from vaccines.

    You have to go through a terrible procedure with a special court system controlled BY the very people who provide these toxic vaccines and you are responsible for somehow proving that the vaccine harmed your child. Most parents don’t have the energy, money, or time because while before the government would help you, now they are on the side of the company that is harming or killing your children.

    So you may ask why the government is doing this to us?

    It’s simple. As I’ve said numerous times before, the government was NOT created for the people. It was created to protect the very evil families that control the world.

    They know we outnumber them and they needed a very strong way to control the masses.

    They don’t want what they consider to be low-quality humans around our world, nor do they want to let us have our own free lives. We have always been slaves to them, so they have been slowly harming or killing us all off. Give me the names of 10 people you personally know who are 100% healthy both physically and mentally.

    In the 1990s, the evils really started ramping up their agenda in so many ways… More and deadlier toxic drugs, toxic vaccines, chemtrails in the sky, fake food (in most cases it’s only poor people who eat this garbage, but even if you eat out at fast food places, you are getting the same poison, not to mention GMO food), all the poisons from toxic waste dumping either in the water or ground, fluoride in the water system which degrades our hormones and brain capacity, cigarettes, etc. Here’s my list of poisons. If you see any I haven’t added, please let me know.

  9. Douglas Valentine provides an account of how the CIA controlled and terrorized the Vietnamese when the Vietnamese did NOT want the president to be in power. They wanted communism which they considered freedom for all people. The CIA (United States) couldn’t have that, so they started the war known as the “Vietnam War,” and created a huge terror and torture campaign called “the Pheonix Program. Read his book about the program here.

    If you think that program is JUST for Vietnam, think again. At the beginning of his presidency, trumpet decided he was going to bring the program back. It’s all about psychological warfare meant to frighten people and it’s also used on us.

  10. In Baltimore, Maryland years ago the government allowed the Marriot to come in, built an expensive million dollar complex and they ONLY have to pay $1 of tax per year while the citizens of Baltimore have to pay HUGE taxes to pay for all of the city’s services.

    So you may think they are giving jobs to their employees, but instead, they are paying them peanuts, low hours (this is what the fast food industry does) so they never qualify for overtime, health care, and other perks because you need to be working minimum 30 hours per week to get those.

    The mafia government allows all of this which keeps the people working as slaves, poor, and in dire stress in poverty conditions.

    Oh, and when the workers started protesting, they were fired.

    You can watch the episode on that here.

  11. Here are more examples of how the mafia government STOPS children from being outside and learning about business at an early age.

    With kids constantly sitting indoors watching TV or playing video games, getting them outside in the fresh air, learning about FREE TRADE at an early age, OR teaching them how to garden organic produce should be HIGH on our list as a society, but NOOOO, the government has to stop ANY action that is positive. They continue to steal every bit of our hard-earned money.

    Over the years, the police have shut down childrens’ businesses whose ages range from 3-11 years old.  Things like running a criminal lemonade stand, selling drug-infused hot chocolate, one little girl wanted to sell mistletoe from her farm to help her father pay for her $5,000 braces.

    And NOW, they shut down a preschool because the kids had been taught how to garden and had expanded their business so much that they were selling organic vegetables to the local community.

    This is what the criminal mafia government does when it controls US, THE PEOPLE. Oh and by the way, they would have let them stay open if they had paid the greedy criminals $50/DAY!!!

    And to make matters worse, this is a preschool in a very poor neighborhood, so the children were getting healthy free vegetables and learning how to eat properly.

    You can read more here.

  12. Raw milk is very very healthy for all of us and YET, the government says it’s illegal in most states and literally goes AFTER farmers who provide it by arresting or fining them.

    That is SLAVERY plain and simple. Here’s a site that tells you if your state is included in this, and don’t think this only happens in the US. Many other countries (controlled by the evils of course) also make raw milk illegal.

    Of course they lie and say it’s to protect you from getting sick when in actuality, milk sold in the STORE makes you sick.

    There’s nothing healthy about pasteurized milk because of the drugs and chemicals they give to the dairy cows or put in the milk. It WILL make you sick even if you aren’t aware of it because you aren’t in-tune with your body.

  13. In many countries, YOU have to ask permission to home school your own children. And in Switzerland, you can’t homeschool at all. This proves you are a slave and can’t decide what your children learn and how they learn those subjects.

    And in some countries, you have to follow the mafia governments’ curriculum which you may not agree with.

  14. In the States, some states offer you a business grant to help you start your new business, but then they tax you on the money so it’s like you never got it in the first place.

I will continue to add to this list as we find all the different ways the government controls us.

Here are more articles with examples

  1. Article 1
  2. Article 2

If you still think the mafia government has to exist to ENSLAVE US, that tells me you are under DEEP MIND CONTROL.

I get that it’s hard to let go of what you have known your entire life, but by now you should know that they are EVIL and were only created to enslave us.

Here are some videos and lectures to help you understand.


A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!

Truth, connecting to consciousness, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others to build a better world is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

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4 comments on “Government Controls Us”

  1. This is an excerpt from this book I do recommend if you want to see how the mafia government controls people when it comes to people’s health. A totally DIFFERENT way they control and kill people, and allow evil corps to damage or kill their employees. Remember that the insurance industry is owned and controlled by the evils.

    My guess is all of these people who got sick from these toxic manufacturing plants were working for an evil corp. I know their actions point in that direction, but I only care if the evils owned or controlled these companies.

    I also recommend this book if you are sick and don’t know why because the low IQ or evil whitecoats are clueless and just ply you with drugs (evidence of that in this book too) that make you SICKER.

    She’s not really awake and (although this was written in 2012) she sort of thinks the system can be fixed, and she also thinks the mafia government is supposed to help us, but hopefully now she is MORE awake.


    “One of the most tragic cases that I have come across of someone dealing with CF/FM was a clinic physician who became totally disabled. She was cut off from her long term disability insurance at the two year own occupation limit. She tried to fight this but found that she was getting nowhere. When she became aware that many others were dealing with this same issue she started to gather evidence of these cases. She tried to get a lawyer to help her but seem to get a run around. Then she tried to represent herself. She finally found a lawyer who said he would start a class action for her.

    I don’t know why this class action did not go forward. I would learn later that she developed M.S. and a brain tumor along with the diagnosis of CF/FM. When she finally got before a judge they agreed to give her two years for depression and nothing on the other diagnosis. I couldn’t believe this. She had 5 doctors saying she was permanently disabled. I spoke with her previous lawyer and he made the comment to me, “be careful or you might end up like Judy Doc (as she was affectionately known).” I asked what happened to her and he said he didn’t want to discuss her case. He said the more noise you make the more determined they are not to help you. She went on Medicaid since she was on so many drugs that were expensive and Medicare would not cover all of them. She had to take in a roommate to help her meet her expenses. She had a long term disability policy that should have paid her 90% of her pay for as long as she was disabled. You may think you are safe if you have a disability policy but find out you can’t collect past the two year own occupation limit these companies have been allowed to change their policies to without telling the clients their policies had been changed.

    I just read on the Lawyers And Settlements site that many cases that were ordered to be compensated by one insurer are still being denied their monies. You can learn more about this by visiting their website.

    I still can’t believe anyone with any moral fiber could treat a human being like Judy Doc was treated. The only thing I can think of is that they wanted to set and example for anyone else who might try to fight the broken system. Her case is very tragic because she ended her own plight. I wonder how many other victims of the system are out there. I do know this, there will be many more if we don’t take a stand to make them enforce the laws that are on the books and dismiss any judge that steps outside the boundaries of the law. We have people who are interpreting the law instead of enforcing the law. This sentiment was recently expressed during the republican debates. Our politicians are aware that people have lost their rights in many situations. One politician stated, “people have lost their worker’s rights and their human rights.” Judy shared with me that she thought she had been followed and was run off the road. Social security recognizes depression as a disabling disorder; then why isn’t the long term disability carriers ordered to also compensate this for as long as the person is disabled?

    This is not an isolated case. There have been several class actions against long term disability insurers. It seems that many are being forced to sue to insure their rights but the people who cannot afford lawyers and court fees are losing their rights. This has to change to restore fairness and equity to working people. You might think you are secure because you pay for long term disability insurance, but you may find it impossible to collect when you most need it, unless of course you can afford the high expense of good lawyers and court fees. I was told this could run in the tens of thousands of dollars.

    I recently learned of a case of CF/FM where the person had high ammonia levels. I have read that even a slightly elevated level of ammonia in the blood can lead to brain damage. She recently had her colon removed. I asked what happened; she had been on many pain meds for a chronic condition. This can lead to auto-intoxication through the colon walls according to Dr. Gilbere. She had her insurance cancelled before going in for surgery; this meant a reduction of around $500.00 per month for her family. I find it ironic that the people who are suppose to insure our rights are enforced never have to worry about losing their health, they have voted themselves permanent health insurance, yet they are failing the American people by not making these companies do what is right.”

  2. From the same book as in the previous comment, and yes I know that a lot further down has nothing to do with the mafia government, but overall it is.

    All of these low IQ or evil whitecoats are RESPONSIBLE for all of this. If you bow down to whitecoats you are LOW IQ and my enemy.

    Look at this FUCKING SHIT. OMG, they force the people to take FUCKING TOXIC AND DEADLY DRUGS.

    “It makes me ill when people on Medicaid say they have to take the medicines they tell them to take or they might lose their healthcare. Every person should have the right to choose what medicines and what supplements they feel best meets the needs of their body. They go so far as to say they test their blood to make sure they are taking certain medications. I find this hard to believe but I have heard this! I do believe we need to stop the pre-existing exemptions for all health issues. No one should be excluded from health care because they changed jobs or became ill. None of our senators ever have to worry about pre-existing exemptions in their health care.

    No one knows your body like you do and no one should have the right to dictate what you will or won’t take, especially if what your taking is causing a nasty side affect. Surely this needs to change. I would have been dead a long time ago if I listened to what the doctors told me to do every time. People with FM can not tolerate many medications. They do much better with natural herbs and supplements. This is why they need a physician that is not only an M.D. but has training in holistic or functional medicine.”

    I’m not a fan of functional medicine doctors. They think that food is the culprit and yes, if you are eating fake food it is, but I once tried one functional person (not sure if she was a doctor) and she was terrible.

    All she would do is tell me what I couldn’t eat (veggie wise), she would never tell me what I COULD eat, and her communication skills were abhorred. I ran from her real fast.

    I’m not saying they are all like that, but this book talks about way more than food.

    Of course just a note, that ALL food is poison unless you grow your own, it’s organic, and even then it’s poison because the evils spray it with their poison spraying. sigh

    She’s right about this…

    “When you can’t work or are forced on disability you surely don’t have all the funds needed for all the supplements that have been suggested. I’m sure there are those who suffer from post traumatic stress from years of being ill and not getting the care they needed.”

    People NEVER address that being sick causes STRESS. It’s a vicious circle all intended by the evils of course.

    I’ve been saying this for YEARS, that I can’t connect to SOURCE if I’m sick.

    She and Hyman (I knew of him years ago) are naïve, but I HOPE they have woken up by now.

    “Dr. Mark Hyman M.D. recently stated on facebook, “Chronic illness—whether physical or mental, dementia, depression, ADHD, autism, chronic fatigue, obesity disease, cancer and allergic and auto-immune diseases are all related to elevated levels of cytokines and system inflammation.” “They can cause problems in every organ in every part of the body.” This should impress upon the establishment just how vitally important it is to get our environmental exposures under control. They are after all breathing the same air and eating the same foods that we are.”

    She also thinks if they (the mafia government/system) just do XYZ all will be fine. She has NO IDEA that this is ALL DONE ON PURPOSE TO DAMAGE, STEAL OUR MONEY, AND KILL US. Gawd, I hope she didn’t take the death jab.

    I heard, but didn’t study, YEARS AGO that inflammation is the cause of ALL symptoms.

    “There has been a dysfunction of the neurotransmitters in the brain of people with CF/FM. It isn’t just a state of depression. They are finding these neurotransmitters to be low. I believe this problem starts with inflammation. I recently read they are saying that depression starts with a pro-inflammatory state. My nurse practitioner stated, “If you have inflammation in the gut you will have it all over the body.” When you read my article on tests for leaky gut, you will see that the tryptophan is being lost in the urine. This neurotransmitter is necessary to produce serotonin and serotonin is necessary to produce melatonin. I believe it is inflammation that is the precursor for developing the leaky gut. This might be due to trauma and stress hormones, chemicals (drugs), heavy metal exposures, bacteria’s, yeasts or parasites. I remember reading an article on food allergies and their connection to allergies of the brain tissues. They know there is a direct correlation of the nervous system in the gut relaying impulses to the brain. I also just recently read they believe an auto-immune condition may be causing antibodies to destroy the serotonin in the gut.”

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