Home » Holocaust Monthly Updates » Holocaust Update for March 2021

Holocaust Update for March 2021

Here is your Holocaust Update for March 2021.

    1. 200 Marines arrive to vaccinate people in Philadelphia via FEMA. Article.
    2. Twitter sues the attorney general of Texas General Ken Paxton for investigating Twitter for censorship. I find this hilarious and this has NOTHING to do with trumpet. They should have looked into this long before trumpet’s Twitter account was removed. So many truthers have had their accounts removed, tweets or comments removed or our content shadowbanned. trumpet is no more important (in fact less) than we are. STOP WORSHIPING someone else and thinking they are better than you. This is a lie that’s been spread to make you think you aren’t worthy or lovable.

      And again, ALL of the high-tech companies are owned and controlled by the evils behind the scenes. Article.


      In Western Australia, the police have new powers to attend private homes and strip people of their clothes and forcibly vaccinate them which is assault and battery, trespass, breach of the peace.

      These are all Federal offenses. In a so called “democratic” society where consent is required before business may be conducted, and

      In NSW the army has been engaged to assist in the vaccination of the elderly in old people’s homes (implying many elderly may have protested or refused vaccinations so “force” was now required to be used) in order to “protect” the elderly from the dis-ease,

    4. The evils plan to make EVERYONE trans continues. THIS MAKES ME SICK!!! Article.
    5. If you didn’t already know, IBM was involved in the first holocaust and of course, here’s PROOF they are involved in this second one.
    6. The British government talks about our current 4th industrial revolution as IF it’s a good thing. Here’s a screenshot from this page.
    7. Still think the PCR test that goes up your NOSE is safe? Nanoparticles for nasal vaccination – See link here. Ask yourself why they have been pushing the PCR test for an ENTIRE year and they won’t even let you leave or enter a country without it.And here’s proof there’s nanobots on them and this chemical which can cause cancer. But even if there WEREN’T nanobots on them or this chemical, why the pressure to take a test? Have you EVER in your entire life been pressured to take a test? Even when their fake HIV AIDs pandemic false flag came out, they never pressured EVERYONE to take this test, forced them to stay home, forced them to NOT leave their country, etc.I know I’m preaching to the choir, but for those of you who are normies, I’m talking to YOU!
    8. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) will be using our search on goolag and probably the other search engines to adjust our credit score. CHINA HERE WE COME!!!! The IMF is evil owned if you hadn’t already guessed. The evils control all of the banking worldwide and how much the money in your hand is worth and the inflation too. Article
    9. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert. So while I don’t agree with this guy on ANYTHING since he believes in fake science AND VACCINES, the fact that he’s coming forward to say the vaccines are dangerous speaks volumes. If someone can let me know when they kill him so I can put that in the article, that would be much appreciated. My heart goes out to the risk he is taking. What he said.
    10. Proof that Robert Kennedy Jr. is part of the evil collective. I knew he was and of course you know that the Kennedys are one of the 13 evil families, right? From Ireland, but so many people keep defending him and now I got this from a group.
    11. Worldwide, this is going to be our reality soon…  “According to the new law, no one can “leave England to travel to a destination outside the United Kingdom or travel to, or be present at, an embarkation point for the purpose of traveling from there to a destination outside the United Kingdom” without a reasonable excuse. The document also suggests that anyone caught flouting the rules could face a whopping £5,000 fine.” Site.
    12. They are getting rid of all grocery stores so you can’t go in and be around other people and choose the food you eat.

      A great way to stop you from talking to others to wake them UP.
      A great way to continue the fear propaganda that the braindead just laps up so they can stay afraid.
      A great way to get rid of small businesses and farmer’s markets.
      A great way to poison you with GMO vegetables since you have no idea what you are getting until they put it into your car. Same with subpar veggies.
      Also makes it so you can’t read the ingredients on the list to see what poisons they have put into it.

      Watch here.

    13. A very long analysis of the toxic PCR Test and how it’s all a scam. See here.
    14. So I don’t think I posted this in February’s holocaust update article, so I’m posting it now. Look at what Pfizer (which is evil owned of course) is doing to get all of the assets and MILITARY resources from third world countries. If you understand that the evils are trying to rape the ENTIRE WORLD of their resources, this is HUGE. Watch here.
    15. I would be here all day if I listed every toxic effect of the poisonous covid19 vaccine, but here’s one I haven’t heard of before. Peeling skin. Look at how the lying MSM makes it seem like it’s not from the J & J vaccine, but MUST be from something else.
    16. While this fell in April 2021, I’m posting it here because it’s THAT important. I was wondering how they were going to overtake all of the crypto including Bitcoin, assuming still that bitcoin isn’t a psyop. Here you go
    17. Here’s proof from Ireland by way of the Health Service Executive and a FOIA request that the covid19 virus doesn’t exist because they can’t isolate it all on its own. They have to put a whole bunch of other things in their test to then “claim” it exists.

      If you can’t isolate it, then it doen’t exist due to all of the other things in the test.

So that wraps up the Holocaust Update for March 2021

I hope you are doing well and I invite you to join my new REAL LAW study group so you can learn how things really work, how the evils have been pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes for thousands of years, and how to protect yourself and your community from the evils.

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