Home » Covid19 » It’s how they claim they are isolating the virus that’s the problem

It’s how they claim they are isolating the virus that’s the problem

Fake covid19 virus pictureSo, in the end, it’s how they claim they are isolating the virus that’s the problem.

Before I continue, I want to make it very clear that the image I put in this article is FAKE.

This is the image the evils and their fake scientists and their mafia government have spread worldwide to brainwash people into thinking that that image is REAL. These people don’t know the first thing about the Truth or REAL science, and they would trust ANYONE who wears a whitecoat and looks official without even understanding how fake the scientific community has been for hundreds of years.

So I hired a scientist type guy to study papers for me and he showed me this document proving that the evils did isolate the covid19 vaccine.

This is all over my head, so I took it to a group and asked them to weigh in.

Here’s the comments I got

  1. “There is a legal maxim which states – Actori incumbit onus probandi.Translates to – The claimant is always bound to prove: the burden of proof lies on him.

    The likes of Dr Kaufman, Cowan, Lanka, Bailey’s et al are not making claim or postulating a new hypothesis or theory, but rebutting a so called “theory” which in fact isn’t a theory by definition, as it has not even gone through the correct and proper scientific method.

    My suggestion is to watch the videos posted by Dr Sam Bailey as her and husband Mark do a great job at researching and making videos on this subject. Including why electron microscopy cannot prove these entities which are purported to exist. The whole process from start to finish conducted by a virologist, is a self deception based on blind faith and assumptions without controls in place to ensure there isn’t an issue that the procedure itself is not causing the very thing they claim.”

  2. “They found something that they say looks like a coronavirus but All electron micrographs are riddled with artefacts. They need now to prove that the original thing they are comparing it against was in fact a coronavirus but they can’t because they didn’t isolate a coronavirus in the first place.All they really have is a bunch of micrographs that look like each other.”
  3. “It isn’t so much the power of the microscope but the fact that thy freeze, dehydrate and dye the sample and the electron beam heats things up to 800 Deg C or something so that there is no way of telling whether what you are seeing is real or just something created by the microscopy process itself.https://library-of-atlantis.com/harold-hillman/

    And this person responded to this comment with…

    “Amen. Cf nerve cells. MS belief is that they pass the signal along the line via a chemical reaction at the end of each “neuron” based on what’s been seen under electron microscopy. What a load of rubbish.”

More information that proves viruses aren’t naturally harmful

Here’s Bailey’s article disputing everything the New Zealand government gave her “claiming” the covid19 virus exists.

Then I found this article I hadn’t edited and published and it’s VERY VERY long, but now it’s published so you can read it. It’s by Dr. Stefan Lanka and if you don’t know who he is, he’s an ex virologist.

And lastly, Stefan did this scientific study back in 2021. I don’t understand it, but hopefully you will.

And don’t forget about this huge page of videos that questions everything about the covid19 virus and I’m sure all the “other” so called “viruses” the evils have been using to scare the world with and getting them to take other poisonous (not as deadly) vaccines.

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