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 The mafia government

Forms of slaveryAs slaves, we are controlled by a mafia government. I don’t care where in the world you live, if you don’t know this, you aren’t paying attention, are braindead, or you choose to ignore the obvious.

Note: Did you know your government isn’t even a government, but rather a CORPORATION??? You can see links here and here. You will have to try and find your own government corporation listings. I had to reach out to the law groups I belong to for help on that one.

And I’m not even talking about the evidence because of the war we have been in since March 2020 and how we are being being lied to about the fake coronavirus or covid19 virus, the deaths it didn’t cause but the fake news said it did, the toxic PCR test, or the deadly vaccine which is really a death jab.

I’m going to start listing ALL of the obvious ways the government controls us, which obviously means we are SLAVES!

Most people have been brainwashed to think that if there aren’t chains on their wrists and ankles and they are allowed to leave their house (for the moment), they are FREE.

Well, that’s NOT true.

If you have to ask permission from ANYONE to do the simplest of things, YOU ARE A SLAVE.

If you have to fear for your freedom or safety from the mafia government’s nazi cops and legal system, YOU ARE A SLAVE.

If you are okay with being a slave, move along, I have no use for people who SUPPORT SLAVERY!

Feel free to send me other examples if you have some or just register and comment with your experience.

  1. So if you don’t already know, the American government (among others) were working very closely with the nazis during WWII. Many American companies supported the nazis during the war and had companies set up in Germany to support them.

    Of course all evil corps are run by the bloodline evils. This is the list I have of the bloodline families. They have been controlling the world anywhere from the 1300s, or one book says he traced them all the way back to Cain from the Cain and Abel story. I’m not sure I believe that.

    After the war “supposedly” ended, Operation Paperclip went into drive and they pulled out around 1,600 nazi scientists and brought them to America to continue their evil work to find ways to harm and kill all of the people on earth so they could continue their eugenics program.

    One of these scientists was called Herman P. Schwan. In 1953, he was commissioned to state what the safety regulations would be for anything to do with radiation. He said it could be up to 10 million microwatts per meter squared.

    Fast forward to today, and that figure has NEVER changed.

    In fact, many scientists from all over complained to the FCC over and over again that they need to lower it, and in 2019, the FCC officially stated they won’t.

    Here is a huge study that shows how dangerous anything over 6 microwatts per meter squared is. It’s called the Bioinitiative Report and it’s from 2012, but it has been updated since.

  2. Terrance Ingram had his bees stolen from him without a warrant and no chance to defend himself. He had made them resistant to the poison glyphosate which is in toxic RoundUp manufactured by the evil corp MONSANTO that is now owned by Bayer. They are a nazi company. They lied (of course) and said the bees had some type of disease, so they killed them all including the queen. Article.
  3. You buy a piece of land, and at least in Texas, if there isn’t already an agricultural or wildlife exemption on it, it takes 5 years for the mafia government to “let” you grow food or have livestock on that land even though it’s YOURS!
  4. The same thing with what kind of a house you can build, those are called deed restrictions and they can even say that you can’t put a mobile home on your own land.

    Now for all the government slave worshipers, they’ll say oh that’s for your own protection because if there’s a tornado then your mobile home will fly away or maybe harm someone.

    Well, I’m a free human being – NOT! I should be able to decide whether I want to take the risk of having my mobile home fly away. It’s my business, no one else’s business.

    But it’s not just about mobile homes. They can even tell you how many square feet you can build on your OWN land.

    I don’t know if the deed restrictions are a lot more lax when you are out in the middle of nowhere, but this information was being asked of a group of realtors, and they already knew that people were trying to buy outside city limits, so I’m assuming that they were talking about out in the middle of nowhere.

    The one exception is if you’re building your own home for yourself, so I didn’t understand if that meant that you actually have to build a home, or you hired a contractor to build a home for you which should make no difference.

  5. Percy vs Monsanto. If you have any heart, this lecture will break it what the Canadian mafia government did to him. They stole his land and obviously he went through years of paying legal fees and wasting time and energy (the stress) in course. Here’s the video.
  6. Wilhelm Reich was a very intelligent man who figured out how to cure cancer and other diseases using his energy or frequency machines. What you may not know about him is that the mafia government went after him using the FDA who lied and said he misrepresented his products across state lines. This was back in the 1950s just in case you thought it was recent.

    They threw him in Federal prison where he died. THEY KILLED HIM.

    We all thought they did this because they didn’t want him healing people, but now it’s come to light that they may have done this so that he couldn’t research and disclose more about energy, interdimensional portals, etc.

    And if you think Reich was the ONLY one to EVER be targeted by the mafia government because he figured some secret thing out, think again. MANY others have been targeted and either arrested on BS charges or killed.

    Here’s a video about how two inventors were killed for inventing a car that runs on water. I hope to have the plans for a car like that put on the site when I have a moment.

    The evils kill or quash ALL inventions to help us.

    I started questioning years ago, WHERE are all of the inventions?

    The ONLY things that have come out are toxic things to do with TECHNOLOGY!

I will add more to this as I come across more evidence.

Here are more articles with examples

  1. Article 1
  2. Article 2

If you still think the mafia government has to exist to ENSLAVE US, that tells me you are under DEEP MIND CONTROL.

I get that it’s hard to let go of what you have known your entire life, but by now you should know that they are EVIL and were only created to enslave us.

Here are some videos and lectures to help you understand.



A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!
Truth, connecting to consciousness, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others to build a better world is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

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4 comments on “Mafia government”

  1. In Somerville, NJ, a mother wanted to sell her cookies to raise money for her son’s college fund and at first the State said it was ok, it was only $100 and being the good little slave she was, she went to pay it, but then the city of Somerville wanted $5,000 and they refused her application.

    People started ignoring the $5,000 extortion fee and started selling their cookies anyway. WOW, maybe there’s hope after all.

    The New Jersey Home Bakers Association has since taken up the fight for other mothers and have partnered with the Institute for Justice to battle it out with the mafia town of Somerville.


  2. On April 26, 2006 Maurice wrote this on a forum and I’m posting it here…

    “My name is Maurice Philipps. I’m a French Canadian, born in Quebec City, Canada in 1958. I’m now residing near Montreal.

    Since 2004, I have been seeking release of the Louis Mortimer Bloomfield archives collection, hold by Library and Archives Canada (LAC), the Canadian national archives. The collection was given to the Canadian government by L. M. Bloomfield in 1978-1980, on condition it was open to public 20 years after his death, which occurs in 1984. When I asked access to the open collection in summer 2004, LAC restricted access to the archives for at least 10 more years, as a direct result of my request. In April 2005, the day after Library and Archives released to me a few pages of administrative records on the Bloomfield archives, asked under a FOIA request, LAC extended to 25 years the new access restriction to the collection, again as a direct result of my request. In 2005, I open procedures with the Canadian Federal Court to obtain a judicial review of Library and Archives’ decision. After opposition by LAC to release documents in this case, the procedures were put back on a normal course in February 2006, and hearing in the case should be hold before fall 2006.”

    I don’t have time to look up what happened with the case. If you have information, please comment or email me with the details.

    Thank you

  3. These incidents were back in 2017, so you can see how they were already stealing land from farmers not just in 2017, but even before. I think it started to escalate then AND the evils are going after organic farms to get rid of HEALTHY FOOD so we die.




    I’m sure there’s many MORE stories I don’t have links to.

  4. If I didn’t already mention this. I learned about this even BEFORE I was awake.

    The US American mafia government stops almost ALL inventions from seeing the light of day. That’s how they stop us from growing as a society and species and we only use toxic EVERYTHING that they invented.

    This was a comment from someone on a video I have to upload.

    “The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 (Pub.L. 82–256, 66 Stat. 3, enacted February 1, 1952, codified at 35 U.S.C. ch. 17) is a body of United States federal law designed to prevent disclosure of new inventions and technologies that, in the opinion of selected federal agencies, present a possible threat to the national security of the United States.The U.S. government has long sought to control the release of new technologies that might threaten the national defense and economic stability of the country. During World War I, Congress authorized the United States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to classify certain defense-related patents. This initial effort lasted only for the duration of that war but was reimposed in October 1941 in anticipation of the U.S. entry into World War II. Patent secrecy orders were initially intended to remain effective for two years, beginning on July 1, 1940, but were later extended for the duration of the war.The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 made such patent secrecy permanent, though the order to suppress any invention must be renewed each year (except during periods of declared war or national emergency). Under this Act, defense agencies provide the PTO with a classified list of sensitive technologies in the form of the “Patent Security Category Review List” (PSCRL). The decision to classify new inventions under this act is made by “defense agencies” as defined by the President. Generally, these agencies include the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Security Agency (NSA), Department of Energy, and NASA, but even the Justice Department has played this role.”

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