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Masks Kill

masks kill peopleYes, masks kill people.

So I’ve written numerous articles proving proof that masks do nothing to save you from the fake covid-19 virus and is only forced on us so the evils can see how many stupid people believe the lies and will follow any order (logical or not) from our slave masters (that’s them.)

Here are the other articles:


  • Masks don’t work – here
  • Masks cause more infection – here
  • Wearing masks outside – here
  • How masks harm us – here
  • Masks are toxic – here
  • MD talks about masks – here
  • Masks make people into slaves – here
  • I don’t like or trust whitecoats, but here they are saying masks are not needed – here

Now I’ll start listing all the ways masks kill people and I’ll also add some instances I copied where people got sick from wearing them.

Make no mistake, even if you don’t feel sick, you are making your body and brain sick. That’s a scientific FACT!

  1. Two Chinese boys dropped dead within a week of one another while wearing face masks during gym class, according to a report. You can read the full article here. This happened in May 2020.
  2. Someone wrote this… “If I can get in without a mask…it.’s fine. However I can’t support small businesses if I don’t shop. I’m wearing the mask as little as possible because it’s hard to breathe and I get a headache.”
  3. “A young man from Edmonton… (a friend of his family posted this)So I don’t usually rant to often I may share many posts on political views or anti COVID
    HOWEVER tonight my son was rushed to the hospital after having a seizure ( no know seizures within the family and at 22 years old first one ever )
    Hypercapnia new word for me tonight Carbon Dioxide poisoning lack of oxygen in his blood ,causes wearing a mask all day at school and all day at work

    What does carbon dioxide do to your brain?
    CO2 increases brain excitability, as measured by a decrease in EST and the appearance of spontaneous SEIZURES Inhalation of high concentration of CO% (40% or higher) markedly de- creases brain excitability and causes anesthesia. Thus the effect of CO2 on brain excitability is related to the concentration

    Mild symptoms of hypercapnia include:
    flushed skin.
    drowsiness or inability to focus.
    mild headaches.
    feeling disoriented or dizzy.
    feeling short of breath.

  4. Next, 3 young girls in Germany just died. You can watch the video here.

So all you whom support masks I hope you took the death jab because you are a nazi follower and you are participating in the extermination of the entire human race and killing off our Mother Earth. WE ARE IN A WAR, WAKE UP ALREADY FOOL!!!

Also make note that your gums and teeth will start to become sick and you will have gum and teeth problems. I heard from a holistic dentist that other conventional dentists are getting a lot of patients with mask disease and yet how much do you want to bet they are STILL wearing the masks even after all of that.




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