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My Definition of evils and evil collectives

rothschildThis is my Definition of evils and evil collectives.

I constantly have to explain this, so I decided to write up an article.

The Evils

The evils are the bloodline families who have controlled the world for hundreds if not thousands of years. They are also part of the Vatican, Jesuits, British empire, Roman empire who never disbanded, evil jews, and more.

They never have relationships with anyone who is NOT in one of those bloodline families which is why they often intermarry.

They have RhD negative blood which is why a lot of their babies die.

I will paste some parts of the book that talks about this so you understand.

“Their blood type is RhD Negative and not a pure human blood antigen or found naturally in any other species. It is metal based, mainly copper. They have infected almost all of us with the Rh “protein”.”


“While almost everyone has RhD protein in their DNA, the mutation in the negative blood type creates a “cannibalistic” gene which literally eats the DNA of the offspring created with any other type of blood. Note that every living creature known to man can breed with anyone of their species.

Hemolytic disease (which it is called) is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her negative antigens produces antibodies to destroy the positive antigen (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the offspring. This same problem occurs in mules (hybrid of a horse and donkey) which is why no mules or other hybrids we have produced ever procreate. Nowhere in true nature does this occur. This fact alone points to the cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species. Hemolytic disease would not occur in humans if we were all of the same species. This could be dubbed “vampire-like”, could it not? Don’t be turned off by terms. Understand the meanings of them. The world is not what you have been told. This blood is high in metals and other foreign structures that simply do not exist naturally in pure human DNA.”

And when I watched Passio’s video here, the light bulb went WAY OFF – WOW, but please if you haven’t already watched his Natural Law lecture, watch that first here.

And it looks like they target ANYONE who has this same type of blood.

From this video she says… “she thinks she was targeted because she has D RH negative blood and only 2% of the population has that.”


“She says that targeted individuals usually have these types of blood types because they have mental and physical superiority. So they’re targeted first, some are harassed overtly, and some are just slightly harassed from afar. Some are persecuted physically or spiritually through implants for life.”

Here is the list I have of the names of the evils. Whether it’s complete or not, I don’t know. I will always add to things once I learn something new.

And here’s 3 books you can read to educate yourself on the evil bloodline families.

Evil Collective

So who are the evil collective?

Well, for me they are ALL of the people (human or otherwise) who are either under deep mind control (MK Ultra babies, meaning they were raised from birth to be their slaves by way of mind control, rape, torture, etc.), or they consciously agreed to do evil FOR the evils in exchange for power, fame, or fortune, or all of the above.

They are usually the ones you see out in the limelight that you think are controlling things, but really they aren’t. It’s just their names are on the company’s paperwork and they are the puppets who shield who is REALLY pulling the strings, THE EVILS.

Names like Bill Gates (KILL BILL), Fauci, Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, trumpet, obama, the 2 Bushs, the clintons, hitler, stalin, and the list goes on upto anyone high up in the mafia governments, in hollywood, entertainment, authors, scientists, etc.

The evils NEVER show their faces, although the lower level evils seem to on occasion, like the rothschilds and rockefellers, and a few others.

Obviously there are way more evil collectives than there are evil bloodline families, but it’s clear that the evils have a DEEP hold on their evil collective puppets/robots.

So I hope that explains things.

If you have anything to add to this, just comment below, or reach out to me.



Our Free Society
I hope you learned something and if you can support my work (there are different options), it would be much appreciated. If not, I understand.

A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!

Truth, connecting to consciousness, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others, to build a better world, is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

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