Names of the evil families
Here are the names of the evil families. The evil bloodline families control the ENTIRE WORLD and always have.
I do recommend you read these books, but they are really only talking about the lower level bloodline families, not the ones in the middle or at the top of the evil pyramid.
Here is a video that proves that EVERY US president has been an evil bloodline except for one. I was wrong, they aren’t evil collective puppets. Sorry about that.
And here is my definition of the evils and evil collective.
If you happened upon this page, it’s tied to our Meditation and Prayer Circle project. Please read here and join us.
Remember that you are NOT trying to kill them, you are taking away their power and making them disappear. Maybe you want to make all of their power or money disappear. See video samples here.
You are doing this because you are defending yourself and our world (Humanity and our Mother Earth). According to Natural Law, you have every right to attack or even kill someone who is harming you.
When it comes to the Laws of Nature, you ARE allowed to defend yourself and the evils have been harming and killing us and keeping us as slaves for a very long time (even more so now.)
Remember that there are tons of people and families who are part of the evil collective, but they aren’t part of the evil bloodline and that’s who we need to focus on in this meditation and prayer circle, the evil BLOODLINE.
Also, since there are no first names, just picture their entire family and bloodline, as there are many in the same family (some may not all be related) spread out worldwide in Europe, America, Canada, and so on.
Once the evil families of the bloodlines fall, the rest will start to fall like dominoes.
I would concentrate on them FIRST because if you only go after the lower run evils, you will leave the higher rung standing.
You can also concentrate on the vatican and their army the jesuits.
Here’s a very short pyramid of the evils and the ETs
I’ll also type out the lower rung 13 evil families if you have time to concentrate on them, but keep in mind that there are even others that aren’t on this list.
Additional top top level 13 evil families (updated list as of February 8, 2023)
- The Agonalis bloodline
- The Dogali bloodline
- The Flaminio bloodline
- The Lateranense bloodline
- The Matteiano bloodline (Italian
- The Minervio bloodline (Italian Jews)
- The Macuteo bloodline
- The Palavacini bloodline
- The Pinciano and Esquiline bloodline
- The Quirinale bloodline
- The Sallustiano bloodline
- The Solare bloodline
- The Vaticano bloodline
Top rung 13 evil families
- The aldobrandini bloodline
- The borja bloodline
- The breakspeare bloodline
- The chigi bloodline (Chigi-Albani-Della)
- The colonna bloodline
- The conti bloodline
- The este bloodline
- The farnese bloodline
- The gaetani bloodline
- The medici bloodline
- The orsini bloodline
- The pamphili bloodline (Doria-Pamphili)
- The somaglia bloodline
Second Tier Bloodline families
- Guinness, Hennessy and Bailey Families (Irish)
- Dreyfus family (Julie Louis-Dreyfus)
- House of Alba
- House of Bathory (Dracula, Order of Bath, Prince Charles and Blood Bath Ritual) (Hungarian)
- House of Bonaparte (Italian/Albanian)
- House of Borromeo
- House of Bourbon
- House of Habsburg
- House of Marescotti-Ruspoli
- House of Orange-Nassau (the Cult of Venus)
- House of Osorio
- House of Sacchetti Doria (Goldman Sachs) (Doria-Pamphili)
- House of Savoy (ruled Switzerland for hundreds of years)
- House of Sforza (Cesarini)
- House of Torlonia and Borghese
- House of Windsor and HAARP (Egypt, Germany and British)
- Massimo Family
- Odescalchi Family
I have no idea where these evil bloodline names go in the hierarchy of the evil pyramid, so I’m just putting them here
- Alouwite
- Baden-Zahringen (founded Bern in Switzerland)
- Bernadotte
- Boncompagni-Ludovisi
- Braganza
- Brandi (Swiss tax advisors for the evils)
- Corsini
- Crowley (British)
- Del Drago
- DeVere – (French) neutral bloodline, they don’t help get rid of the evils, but they don’t do sacrifices. They create cults to teach people, but then they also want to get people to worship them.
- Erlach (Swiss tax advisors for the evils)Giustiniani
- Glucksburg
- Grimaldi
- Hannover
- Hohenzollern
- Khalifa (Lebanese – partially Jewish)
- Lucchesi-Palli
- Nassau-Weilberg
- Orleans
- Pallavicini
- Pecci and Pacelli families are more recent bloodlines of the Black Nobility (Italian Albanian)
- Plantagenet (Jewish) – they are a branch (tied together) with the DeVere
- Romanov
- Rospigliosi
- Rovere
- Saud (Arabic Mizrachi Jews)
- Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Windsor is their fake British name, they are really German)
- Thani
- Wittelsbach
- Zogu (Albanian)
Lower level evil families
- Astor
- Bundy
- Collins
- DuPont
- Freeman
- Griffith
- Kennedy
- Li (from China)
- Onassis
- Reynolds
- Rockefeller
- Rothschild
- Russell
- Van Duyn
- Mu (bloodline from China related to a war general, but lower than Li bloodline)
Third Tier Bloodlines (New Money)
I’m not sure if this list is legit. Zuck is supposedly (no proof sorry) not even his real last name.
- The Merovingian bloodline
- House of Saud
- The Disney Bloodline
- The Krupp Bloodline
- The McDonald Bloodline
- The Gates Bloodline
- The Bush Boodline
- The Clinton Bloodline
- The Kraft Bloodline
- The Taft Bloodline
- The Smith Bloodline
- The Carter Bloodline
- The Zuckerburg Bloodline
- The Bezos Bloodline
- The Murdock Bloodline
- The Elon Musk Bloodline
Ones not on this list
- McDonalds or MacDonalds (remember, they always have slightly different variations in spelling in order to hide who they are)
- Krupps
- Jesuits
- The vatican
- The evil jews
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Hi Michelle, I do believe all what you say about meditation and to have set up this one is a great idea. Please don’t take it wrong if I share with you that I feel that just imagining names being erased or burnt or whatever with me cannot work, because I (and I believe to not be the only one) have a visual memory mostly, or let’s say emotional. For example, at school, I was bad a geography because I didn’t care to remember names of places where I had never been or seen in my life, while I assure you that any place’s name where I have been traveling to once, will stay forever memorized… 😉 If there were at least one image, portrait or symbol next to these bloodline names, that would be more effective and appealing (something not attractive gets quickly boring). Also, I learned that if there are many misunderstandings between humans with words, it’s because everyone subconsciously get attached an emotion to each word of the vocabulary first time learnt, thus some image or symbol attached to each name, I personally believe, could be useful. What do you think?…
HI Patrick,
Sure, that sounds like a good idea, but I don’t have time to do that.
Actually, each bloodline family DOES have their own crest with colors.
If you can find them for each of the names, I’ll upload that image next to the names.
But you can also just create an image in your mind of all of them together like an ugly face, an evil-looking image, etc.
Thanks for commenting. Maybe next time can you use paragraphs.