Need intelligent techie to help with various computer issues
So I need intelligent techie to help with various computer issues.
You must be fluent in understanding written and verbal English and be able to use Telegram.
I’m looking for someone I can go to every time I have an issue with either my computer (I’m now on Windows 10 on a terrible laptop, but on my desktop which I will be getting set up soon will have Windows 7) or my mobile phone.
I am NOT switching to Win 10 on my desktop, so don’t even bring it up, although I just learned there’s a different version that would eliminate all of the spying, but ow that I’ve been on Win 10, other than one feature which I can’t even remember what it is, it’s terrible. I can’t even search on Win Explorer.
You should be very intelligent and be able to figure out what the issues are and just tell me what to do whether it’s about Thunderbird or any other type of software I’m having problems with. The odd time we can do screen share, but I don’t have time to give you access to my computer while I sit here waiting and doing no work.
And I’ve had too many issues with people who broke my computer/Windows 8.1 when I was trying to get Win 7 installed off the USB stick and it wouldn’t work.
I’m on an Asus K55N laptop, the desktop is just a clone, older MB.
If you are not aware were are in a digital prison that is getting worse by the day, then it’s best you don’t respond. I need someone who is at least somewhat awake, and is willing to learn more about the Truth.
If you worship the mafia government, believe everything you are told through your fake news, or you believe in transhumanism, please do NOT respond. I ONLY BELIEVE IN HUMANITY and Spirituality. I do NOT believe in merging computers with Humans. Do you even know who’s behind that and what will become of you when you make that decision???
I normally pay the $5-$10 for around 3-10 tasks, depending on whether they are quick or complex. I’m a Truther Activist, so I can’t afford more than that. I work for FREE to help save Humanity and our Mother Earth in this war we are in.
You can discuss the pricing with me if you want, but some people want WAY more than the $10. It’s not going to happen.
In order for me to gauge whether I think you know your stuff, I’ll send you a problem from my list, and you can tell me what you think it is.
Please respond here and tell me your experience and what’s the most complex issue you ever fixed for a customer.