Seeking intelligent proactive part time VA (virtual assistant)
We are Seeking intelligent proactive part time VA (virtual assistant).
You must be intelligent and fluent in reading and writing English so there’s no miscommunications. I do provide detailed instructions and videos and you will learn a ton from me.
This is a part time job. Around 3 hours a week, maybe a bit more, depending on whether you are on the low side of my budget for your hourly rate.
I’m a Truther activist. I work full time for free to help save humanity and our Mother Earth from the war (WWIII) we are in with the evils. This is why the hourly rate ($3-4/hr. USD) is so low and that’s even too high for me since there’s a lot of work and everything comes out of my pocket.
You do know we are in a war right?
I need someone who cares about what is going on as well. Anyone who ignores the Truth and thinks if they just ignore it that it will go away, isn’t welcome.
Now is your time to learn what’s going on as it plays out, how to protect yourself and your family, and most importantly, THE TRUTH about what is really going on, not the lies spread on the fake news.
This has NOTHING to do with fake politics, it has to do with Humanity and our Mother Earth. You are affected just like everyone else worldwide and if you can’t see that, then this is not the job for you.
You should be a hard and relatively fast worker and be proactive.
Just some of the tasks that are to be done for me or our Think Tank are:
- On Odysee put videos into playlists according to the Zoho sheet my former VA set up.
- Copy pages and any images from a PDF book into Word or clean up the Word doc I converted the PDF to.
- Go through WordPress articles and make sure the right video embed code is in there, then get me to edit it so it can be published. Also add new quote posts or videos to the site.
- Send out links of our quote posts and videos to all of my social media platforms as well as other groups on FB, MeWe, Twitter, Telegram, etc.
- Online research (there’s a lot of this type of work to be done). I need someone who really researches well as if you are a private investigator. If you aren’t skilled at this, just tell me that you want the other type of work instead.
- Contact companies I may personally have issues with. This task doesn’t happen often.
I’m sorry, but I can’t pay for training like watching videos, and emails going back and forth, only the work done.
I’m sure there’s more work, but for now, that’s it. You will learn a lot from me and improve your skills, so you are learning the Truth which I spend a lot of time explaining, and you will learn about new sites and skills which will help you with other jobs, but I don’t want you to apply just for that reason.
Please give me your hourly rate, and tell me what skills you have that pertain to these tasks and what you know about the Truth worldwide. Here is my contact page.
Help me continue to fight the evils by doing your part in this war.