Software that’s changing for the worse
So I started to notice different software that’s changing for the worse since mid to late 2023.
Since it’s been happening over and over again, I want to start tracking it.
I figured out a few months ago that the best way to stress us out, is to fuck with our computers, sites, software, etc. It’s VERY stressful to not have computers and software that works as intended or what we have come to expect for the last 25 years.
If you think this is a coincidence, YOU ARE A BRAINDEAD ZOMBIE.
So here is my list
Evernote just did this around 2020/21.
They changed their entire application that worked well before so that it does NOT work with Windows 7. KILL BILL and his evil corp microsoft have been pushing companies to threaten their customers that they have to switch to Windows 10 since 2020 or maybe even 2019 (sorry, I can’t remember).
I knew something was very fishy when a few months after they started pushing Windows 10 big time, two of my vendors sent me an email (unheard of before) saying they will no longer support Windows 7.
Just like with the death jab and how they coerce and threaten, this was no different.
Once Evernote switched, I could’t even have both the legacy version and their new toxic version on my computer at the same time, otherwise it would CRASH my computer.
Now why would they do that?
Things I can’t stand about the new Evernote version which is why I stopped using it. They may have fixed some of these issues, I never stuck around to find out.
- The search is all the way on the left now which makes it less easy to use and it doesn’t automatically search like it did before. I have to take my hand off the keyboard and use my mouse to hit the search icon or enter key.
- The new version crashed, and even when I’m low on memory, the other Evernote NEVER crashed.
- I go into a notebook, do a search, then try to create a note, and instead of it creating it in that notebook, it creates it in my Daily Calls Notebook and also, there’s no longer a drop down to change which notebook the new (or even existing) note goes into.
- 2. There seems to be no spell check anymore.
- I can’t right click on a link/e-mail and copy it anymore
- Every time Evernote restarts, it closes all my notebooks and I Have to reopen them.
- Tried to search for Twitter, and it said it found 2 notes, but wouldn’t show them to me.
- If I don’t fill out the heading for the note right away, the cursor jumps to the next line. At one point I couldn’t even type where I wanted to type because it kept pushing the cursor to the left.
- I wasn’t able to do Ctrl F to search for something within the note.
I could go on, but I won’t.
And I won’t even go into how many NOTES Evernote has deleted but I’ve since found one which means their search wasn’t working because I literally spent almost an hour trying to find one of those missing notes. The other one I never found.
Of course their community forum where they bow down and worship ALL THINGS Evernote just blames it on me the user, because yeh, I’m a moron and I always go in and delete notes that took me 8 hours to write up. Wouldn’t you???
evil Facebook
On Facebook, one minute the “translate this” link is on the site, the next day it’s missing. This has been going on now for 2 years where they keep removing it, then I complain, they put it back, then it gets removed again. This game playing all started shortly after the war started.
Here’s my article on facebook and how it owns a ton of groups (who even knows how many) and is stopping me and my VAs from posting or joining groups.
It’s now June 2024 and last month I tarted to have problems with one group I own which is fairly new, meaning it’s new as of May 2024.
I always welcome my new members and once you welcome them, it’s supposed to clear out the names, but it’s not. Now when I go to welcome someone new, the previous names are still in there and I can’t remember who the new people are so I can delete the others.
I complained a few days ago and they still haven’t fixed it. My guess is that they are doing this on purpose.
PDF Escape
PDF Escape – link – so I’ve been using PDF Escape since around 2018 when a client of mine told me about it. It wasn’t the best software because there were issues with uploading signatures and getting them to go where I wanted it to go, but I figured out how to use it and all was fine UNTIL they revamped their entire software so now I can’t use it at all.
Their buttons are not labeled so I have no idea where anything is, but now I can’t use it at all to upload a signature.
Every time I use it, I waste so much time trying to figure out how it works.
I’ve complained at least 5 times and nothing has changed, and it’s only gotten worse.
Like right now I can’t get it to insert the signature where I put my mouse and I can’t move it anywhere on the page either. So, I have to find another software that’s free that will do this. WHY did they need to change it? They didn’t.
Spell Check
All spell check features on every site or application I use with the exception of maybe one, NO LONGER spell checks properly OR the correct spelling is all screwed up. I’ve seen over and over again that they put an apostrophe after an S or before the S instead of providing the correct spelling without any FUCKING APOSTROPHE.
Again, never had this problem before 2023.
On Word – and again and
On WordPress, but on Brave – and while writing up this article, AGAIN, the misspelled word was “normal” and it couldn’t even find it.
Skype – – the misspell was “normal” which should have been obvious
On WhatsApp – – “plugged” was the correct word. Literally 2 letters interchanged.
Canva who is an evil collective company since they were promoting the fake virus and being a slave changed things now with their stupid BS AI tool.
When they changed that, now their “cross hairs” or “arrow cross” (this moves the text box or image around) no longer shows up unless you click at least 1-3 times outside the box and then in the box. Before it would show up right away on the box. Again, the evils love making us waste time so we take time away from everything from working, learning the Truth, relaxing, working on our issues, etc.
That’s the common theme with every software change, it ALL wastes my time.
Interesting that this cross move thingy is NOT mentioned in relation to graphic design applications, ONLY in relation to christ. Hmmm and look at this, it’s mentioned in relation to Hungarian fascists. Now WHY wouldn’t my graphic designer and I NOT be able to find ANY graphic design site that mentions it???And why would the evils create an image like that for graphic design?
Now when I copy text with a link in it, INSTEAD of it copying the link, it puts this BS garbage in so I have to do extra work. I reported it and they didn’t care. They have low IQ robots manning their tech support who told me to just copy the link and replace it. NO KIDDING YOU PIECE OF SHIT SINGLE DIGIT IQ morons. I SHOULDN’T HAVE TO DO THAT. I NEVER had to do that before. Add a little bit of body text
LastPass was bought out by a terrible company called LogmeIn back in 2015. A few years after that when they started recoding the LastPass software, everything went downhill.
While the customer service for LastPass was never great, when LogMeIn bought them out, it became worse.
They ruined the software, removed features like being able to right click on the login field (user name or password) and your login details were right there, you didn’t have to move your mouse way up to the top of your screen and click an extra button. Again, WHY even remove it? It made my life so much easier. Give me one good reason to remove it.
Now they are forcing this Improved auto fill and save feature and I don’t like it and we were able to turn it off, but now in 2024 they announced you won’t be able to use the old method.
Their support is terrible. They don’t even understand English and they stopped letting us email them and were forcing us to get phone calls that would last an hour just for one question or to report a bug.
Now that they FINALLY created a ticketing area it sucks too. I can’t even figure out where to post it’s so convoluted. Also, they respond to the ticket that looks like it came out of the 1980s and their response isn’t there. This has happened with multiple tickets, not just one. Here’s just a quick view of it.
They also close the tickets and if I don’t reopen them within 7 days, I have to create a NEW ticket all over again.
When auto filling in the info for a new site I want to purchase from, they also started forcing us to click on a poup that says we agree to insert the info into the page. OMG. I’ve NEVER in all of my years of using LastPass which started in 2009 have I EVER had to do that.
Even to copy a password now you have to click on this popup just to let the software allow me to copy it. TOTAL DIGITAL PRISON TYRANNY and of course a waste of time AND it doesn’t even work. It checkmarks it saying it copied and then it never does and I got some long set of words in my clipboard instead.
Capital One
Capital One has been driving me insane every time I try to log in. First I don’t know if it’s LastPass or Capital One, but my user name shows up as the first 3 characters and then the rest are asterisks. That NEVER happened before.
Also, this error has been showing up over and over again to the point that I am almost never able to log in normally. I have to re-login just to get to the dashboard.
“{“error”:”server_error”,”error_description”:”Internal server error. The resource owner cancelled the request”}”
Plus now they are forcing me to give them a code from a toxic cell phone weapon otherwise I can’t purchase.
They won’t send me a code to an email or my landline which is how things worked for as long as I have been online.
I complained twice, but of course I was dealing with low IQ Filipinos, so they just said we can’t change it.
I finally got an American on the phone (what a fucking difference) and she agreed that they shouldn’t be forcing me to use a cell phone like that. Obviously she’s not awake and has no idea this will be our reality probably by the end of the year.
There have always been bugs on Telegram, but recently in the last several months as of June 2024, they have been doing a LOT of updates and changing things for the worse.
Before when I responded to a comment, I could see the other person’s comment while typing mine out.
Now they force ANOTHER POPUP, and then you have to click to see the comment. It takes me at least 3 seconds longer to do this then it did before and I’ll ask AGAIN, what was the point? It was working fine BEFORE.
Also it’s not working well on my Windows 7 desktop. Sometimes the mic icon doesn’t show up and I have to restart it.
They have also been treating some of my freelancers like garbage where they are stopped from messaging me even though we were already messaging. The common denominator is that they are all from Pakistan or other Muslim countries.
Ok, in order to get this out, I’m going to wrap this up and just add more to it as I encounter MORE SLAVERY AND DIGITAL PRISON TYRANNY via a comment. The evils are definitely DESTROYING the internet. No doubt about that. Even zombies are complaining about nazi goolag not giving them good search results.
The only way to win this war is with US!
People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth.
Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.
I know it’s hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.
The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.
Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that’s sharing the workload.
Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils’ mafia governments. It’s the ONLY way.
It’s our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren’t United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!
Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.
The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn’t be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that’s why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.
This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That’s where the psyop religion comes in – SALVATIONISM.
They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us.
Here’s my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it.
There’s NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.
It’s when you don’t care and don’t work to rid yourself of them (this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.
With tough Love
The Our Free Society Warrior Alliance
I hope you learned something.
Never make Authority your Truth… make Truth your Authority
The definition of insanity is blind obedience.
Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.
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