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Organic or All Natural Companies Who Have Sold Out

Here is the growing list of organic or all natural companies who have sold out to EVIL CORPS for HUGE windfalls in the double to triple digit millions and even some got billions of dollars.

I’m positive that EVERY evil corp changed the formula and started poisoning people.

I’ll put them in order of year.

I never published this on my We Deserve Health site and needed to hand it out to someone and had to hunt for it which took a while, so after years of it sitting there in draft mode, I’m finishing it off. I decided to post it on OFS instead, since it’s clear that the evils do all of this so we do NOT get healthy food options. Every article tries to make it seem that they are doing it just to increase their portfolio because of the recent interest in HEALTHY FOOD. Yeh right.

Wow, I found a lot more evidence and I thought I would get it finished within an hour, but now, I’m probably going on 3 hours and I thought it was almost all done before. I was going to put up images of each company because you may not recognize the names, but I just don’t have time for that. I’m exhausted.

Note: I don’t have time to put quotes around everything I copied from various different sites.

    1. 2000 – Cascadian Farm was started by Gene Kahn around 1972 when he wanted to start an organic farm and then created all different types of organic products. It was bought out by General Mills in 2000.
    2. 2000 – Kellogg Company acquired Kashi for $32 million, although I’m not sure if that’s the right amount.

      Kashi was founded in 1984 by Philip and Gayle Tauber. They sold all natural or organic cereals.

      In 2012 Kashi faced major criticism over what consumers saw as its abuse of the “natural” label. It was also known that Kellogg gave money to defeat California’s mandatory GMO-labeling law, and this was after Kashi promised to remove GMOs from its products.

    3. 2005 – Green & Black’s organic chocolate company sold to UK-based Cadbury Schweppes for around £20million. Five years later, Cadbury was bought by Kraft.

      Green & Black’s was a British chocolate company founded in 1991 by the couple Craig Sams and Josephine Fairley, organic food pioneer and journalist respectively. The company produces a range of organic food products, including: chocolate bars, ice cream, biscuits and hot chocolate.

      In October 2015, the founder of Green & Black’s said, “I regret selling Green & Blacks to Cadbury. It was a mistake. A great shame. “

    4. 2006 – Dagoba Organic Chocolate run out of Ashland, Oregon was founded in 2001 by Frederick Schilling.
      Dagoba is known for its high-quality natural and organic chocolate bars, hot chocolate and chocolate-covered coffee beans.

      Hershey bought them out in 2006 (no amount).

    5. 2006 – Naked Juice was bought out by PepsiCo for around $450 million. Naked Juice come under fire for its high sugar content and “natural” labeling.

      In 2013, Pepsi settled a class action lawsuit brought by consumers who contested the label’s “100% Juice” and “All Natural” claims, among others. Pepsi paid out $9 million and agreed to stop printing “All Natural” on its Naked Juice bottles.

      The Naked Juice Company was created in Santa Monica, California in 1983 by Jimmy Rosenberg and David Bleeden. It touted no artificial flavors, added sugar, or preservatives and the drinks are promoted as containing high concentrations of antioxidants.

      They have expanded to Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France, among others. fruit juices, juice smoothies, and protein smoothies, along with other beverages like coconut water.

    6. 2007 – Burts Bees sold out to Clorox at the end of 2007 for a whopping $925 million. They are an expensive line of body and facial products that are all natural.
    7. 2007 – Bear Naked out of La Jolla, California is an all-natural food and lifestyle company that offers whole grain granolas, granola bites, and oatmeal. It was launched in 2002 by entrepreneurs Kelly Flatley and Brendan Synnott.

      Kellogg Company, through Kashi (see above) bought them out for $122 million.

    8. 2009 – Earthbound Farms who packages expensive organic salads started in 1984 by Drew and Myra Goodman. It was sold out to HM Capital in 2009. Then in 2013 WhiteWave bought them for $600 million.

      Then Danone acquired WhiteWave in April 2017 for $12.5 billion.

      Then in April 2019 Earthbound was bought by Taylor Farms. That company sure gets around. Geeze.

    9. 2011 – Honest Tea – I guess Coke was buying their shares up and finally got majority in 2011. I’ve never heard of this tea brand. Actually I just looked and I think I’ve seen their logo at some point.

    10. 2011 – Coleman Natural and Coleman Organic Foods, the nation’s largest producer of organic chicken with no antibiotics or added hormones, sold to Perdue (no amount anywhere). Perdue has a past with animal welfare.

      In May 2011, The Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division issued the following statement today after announcing the closing of its investigation into the proposed acquisition by Perdue Farms Inc.’s parent company, FPP Family Investments, of Coleman Natural Foods:

      The Antitrust Division obtained extensive information from Perdue, Coleman and a wide range of market participants, including interviews of customers, chicken processors and more than 100 chicken growers. After a thorough review of the evidence, the division concluded that the facts did not support challenging the proposed transaction.

      Perdue AgriBusiness ranks among the top United States grain companies.Note: Coleman Natural Foods teamed up with Sysco back in 2009. They are a distributor to restaurants and they are pushing the fake climate change on their site.

    11. 2012 – Food Should Taste Good (FSTG) was bought out by General Mills. I can’t find an amount.

      Pete Lescoe founded Food Should Taste Good in 2006. They create natural tortilla chips in a variety of distinct flavors such as Sweet Potato, Lime, Olive, Chocolate, Multigrain, and Jalapeno. Food Should Taste Good’s product portfolio also includes kettle cooked sweet potato chips and other natural snacks.

    12. August 2012 – Campbell Soup Company bought out Bolthouse Farms for $510 million. They supposedly grow organic carrots and I remember I used to drink their organic carrot juice which I loved. TERRIBLE. They also have organic chips and dressings.
    13. May 2013 – Plum Organics’ sells organic baby foods including fruit puree and toddler snacks. They were started in 2007 by co-founder Neil Grimmer and some other parents. They were bought out by Campbell Soup Company for (nowhere does it say how much.)In 2021, there was a lawsuit filed that Campbell hid the fact that the Plum Organics baby food had high levels of heavy metals. Link.
    14. June 2013 – Hearthside is a major producer of baked bars and cakes where some are all natural and organic. Founded in 2009, Hearthside Foods is based in Downers Grove, Illinois. They describe themselves as America’s largest producer of grain-based bars and they say they are Gluten Free, Kosher, Halal, Organic, Natural, HFC-free (doesn’t have to be refrigerated), Non-GMO, Nut-free, Peanut-free.

      Post Holdings acquired the branded and private label cereals and snacks lines from Hearthside Foods for $158 million. Post is that older brand of cereal such as Honey Bunches of Oats, Pebbles, Great Grains, Grape-Nuts, Honeycomb and Malt-O-Meal.

      Contrary to belief, cereal is NOT healthy for us. It’s full of sugar and dyes and grains such as wheat, oats, corn, etc., ALL of which I’m sure are almost 100% toxic GMO.

    15. 2014 – Annie’s which isn’t Amy’s Organic just so you know. Annie’s was know for it’s mac and cheese, plus some other products, but they don’t disclose if their milk and cheese is non GMO or the cows are fed non GMO. They were bought out by General Mills in late summer 2014 for $820 million.
    16. 2014 – Stonyfield Organic Yogurt – Danone/Dannon who also owns Evian, started buying up Stonyfield’s Organic Yogurt shares in 2001, and by 2014, they were completely taken over. Groupe Danone is a French food product company.
    17. May 2014 – Van’s Natural Foods was bought out by Hillshire Brands. Then (get this) Tyson Foods bought Hillshire Brands out in August 2014. Founded in 1988, Van’s Natural Foods is based in Peoria, Illinois and produces gluten-free breakfast foods.

      LOL, while researching this, I saw that Tyson (of course) gets a lot of lawsuits, AND guess what the lawsuits are about now…. THE FAKE VIRUS. They didn’t force their employees to wear toxic face diapers, social distance, didn’t put up plexy glass, etc. to protect their fear based employees from a virus that doesn’t harm anyone. Of course they didn’t do all of this because they know it’s all BS since they are an evil corp.

    18. August 2014 – Rudi’s Organic Bakery was bought out by Hain Celestial Group, Inc. for $61.3 million.

      Rudi’s Organic Bakery started in 1976 in Boulder, Colorado and produces certified organic breads, buns and rolls, tortillas and wraps, bagels and English muffins in both regular and gluten-free.

    19. September 2014 – So Delicious while not organic, corners the largest frozen dessert plant-based, dairy-free frozen dessert category in the United States. It’s also gluten-free and of course vegan because it’s dairy-free. They also sell creamers and cultured products. They were bought out by WhiteWave for $195 million.They were founded in 1987 and is based in Springfield, Oregon (near Eugene).
    20. 2015 – Niman Ranch began in the early 1970s on an eleven-acre ranch in a small coastal town just north of San Francisco. They produce beef, lamb, and pork.

      On their site it says.. “Niman Ranch and its network of U.S. family farmers and ranchers raise livestock humanely and sustainably.”Niman Ranch rose to prominence as a key partner in Chipotle’s “Food with Integrity” supply chain, one that championed progressive animal husbandry practices and fair farmer pay.

      In late 2014 and early 2015, the animal rights groups Compassion in World Farming and Mercy for Animals had released videos of alleged abuse on two of the company’s contract chicken farms. The MFA video in particular showed egregious treatment, as a farm employee slammed chickens into the ground and stomped and kicked them. For a company like Niman Ranch, whose tagline is “Raised with Care,” the contrast could not have been starker.

    21. May 2015 – Blake’s All Natural Foods was bought out by ConAgra (they won’t disclose the amount.) They were founded in 1929, located in Concord, New Hampshire, and produce frozen meals that are all natural and organic.
    22. 2015 – Dave’s Killer Bread is a company that made delicious organic sprouted, whole grain, gluten-free bread, and even hamburger buns. Everyone seemed to love his bread along with his feel-good story of going from a druggie and criminal back to the family bread making business.

      In August 2015 he sold out to Flower Foods (owned by Atlanta Corp) for $275 million.

      They are responsible for the low-end junk GMO bread brands Wonderbread and Sunbeam. People can already tell the difference in quality.

      Flowers is also number 37 on the list of being responsible in PREVENTING GMO labeling. Something that EVERY person who cares about REAL food has been fighting for for decades.

      They paid out $250,000 to stop labeling in Colorado.

    23. September 2015 – Then evil Flower Foods bought out the Alpine Valley Organic Bread Company based in Mesa, Arizona.
    24. 2015 – Applegate Farms – they were one of the largest organic meat distributors and were even weeding out ALL GM feed, but THEN in 2015, they were bought out by Hormel which is 1000% genetically modified!!!
    25. June 2015 – Garden Fresh Gourmet makes some organic salsas. They were bought out by toxic Campbell Soup Company for $231 million.
    26. May 2016 – Silk almond milk sold out to WhiteWave, a sister company of Dean Foods that is notorious for GMO products.

      They even switched the soybeans to GMO and didn’t even tell their customers.

    27. 2016 – American Horizon started off in 1991 selling organic milk and by 1994 was selling nationally. Then they added organic cheese.

      There have been many complaints that they are just a factory type farm.

      They also owned these company names – Juniper Valley Farms, The Organic Cow of Vermont, and the United Kingdom brand Rachel’s Organic.

      Dean Foods bought them out in 2004 and in 2006, the Organic Consumers Association organized a boycott of Horizon Organic and Aurora Organic Dairy. They said they weren’t following organic practices. A huge health food chain stopped carrying their products and they were accused of monopolizing the organic milk industry (no shit.)

      In 2013, WhiteWave Foods (owner of the Horizon brand and also took over other companies – see above) became an independent company from Dean Foods.

      In July 2016 that French company Danone who bought out Stonyfield, started the purchase of WhiteWave Foods for $10.4 billion and everything was finalized in April 2017. It then became DanoneWave.

    28. R.W. Knudson’s was started in 1961 creating organic fruit and vegetable juices and Spritzers. They are owned by Smucker’s which publicly supports the use of GMOs and I couldn’t even find a date when that happened – WOW. Now they are being sold off to Nexus Capital Management LP.
    29. John Battendieri was the founder of  Santa Cruz Organic until J.M. Smucker bought him out and it also doesn’t say what year that was. WOW. His bio on Wikipedia is huge with organic this and that and yet, here we are. I used to buy that juice. sigh

You can see how slowly over the course of 5-10 years, the evils have bought out every single well known organic company so they can poison us!!!


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