The Need for Action
Ever questioned the reality of our world? If you’ve recently started challenging the beliefs instilled since childhood, you’re not alone. We need to join forces, pool resources and people’s expertise to fight together for a Free World!
What is going on?
We’re engaged in a war against our will. Humanity is under attack by a small group of people who have controlled the world for thousands of years. This group of people openly started the last battle of this war in March 2020 with “COVID,” and it has become obvious that their end-goal is to enslave us entirely. Time is slipping by and we must take action.
Our fundamental human rights are disappearing, and we can’t stand idly by.
The Solution to this problem requires several moving parts – we’re not powerless! By joining forces, we can reclaim our Human inalienable rights and build a better future. This is not just about survival; it’s about preserving the Human species.
If you’ve started questioning the status quo, if something feels off, let’s talk. We’ll provide information to empower you. Together, we can fight back and secure a future that’s worth living.
Your help is crucial. Join us, and let’s save not just you but humanity as a whole.
The small group of people whom we refer to as the ‘evils’ includes bloodline families, crypto Jews, Jesuits, Vatican, monarchies, secret societies as the Freemasons, Bilderberg and Illuminati and their collective puppets such as the WEF, UN, WHO. There are tons of corporations, organizations and almost all of the governments worldwide who are under these puppets and controlled by the evils. There are just way too many to list here.
Here’s more information on the evils and their evil collectives. We do not deal with conspiracy theories, we do objective and unbiased research, and we uncovered factual conclusions.
Most people didn’t see this coming. They have been asleep, and even now refuse to see reality because they are under DEEP MIND CONTROL.
Even within the Truther community most people are under MIND CONTROL. They think someone or something else is going to save them or this is just a dream and they will wake up from this nightmare. Here is a video on the evils’ sophisticated mind control weapons and we are discovering a few more every so often.
Around mid 2020, the evils stopped hiding their agenda. The “in your face” slogan of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their allies is, “You will own nothing but will be happy by 2030.” See here.
They have used the fake covid virus and other lies to start the process of destroying humanity and all living things through a multitude of attacks and this is without a doubt – GENOCIDE.
You can watch this video on the 10 stages of genocide.
We have to work on breaking this Mind Control and raise awareness – only through raising the collective Consciousness can we achieve this.
The many ongoing generational attacks of the evils:
- Corrupted the media (fake news) since the early 1900s. Over time it got worse and most people believed all of the lies spread on mainstream media. Even the information on alt media/news is regularly compromised by what’s called Controlled Opposition (CO). Here’s the definition of CO.
- Around the 1960s, the evils started to undermine the social structure leading to divorce rates of 50%, children raising themselves, attacks on gender and culture, and the division of community.
- Since the 1980s, they created a worldwide drug addiction pushing recreational drugs or their toxic medical drugs.
- Collapsed the banks and received huge bail-outs during the financial crisis meltdown of 2008
- Started to eliminate cash and digitize money for full control.
- Printed huge amounts of money through their central banks worldwide, which lead to hyperinflation and each country’s bankruptcy.
- Treated humans as slaves or cattle by forcing them to use toxic masks, toxic PCR tests, and take deadly injections. They imprisoned people at home through lockdowns, and made people afraid to be around other people by using social distancing mandates. Children weren’t allowed to play with other children and see their grandparents.
- Split families and friends through media and other manipulation techniques by creating fake controversies such as covid19, race, gender, climate change, medical care, conspiracy theories, and pseudo wars.
- Left the elderly in hospitals to die alone due to lack of human contact, proper food and water, or were poisoned to death by drugs or the ‘vaccine.’ Many seniors were so scared of the fear porn on the fake news that they refused to go to the hospital when they were in pain. They died alone in their apartments or houses.
- While we don’t believe in toxic allopathic “medical” care at all, thousands of people who were scheduled for doctor appointments or surgeries were refused for various reasons including NOT having taken the death jab.
- Poisoning the world’s air, food, and water supply. They started decades ago, but ramped it up after March 2020 to make people believe the effects of the poisoning were due to the fake covid19 virus. They accomplished this with chemtrails and electromagnetic radiation using their frequency weapons. Fluoridation of toothpaste and water is ongoing. They even put it in salt in some countries.
- Drastically reduced the middle class by lockdowns and other measures which lead to bankruptcies and cheap sell-offs of their businesses, properties, and land, especially farm land.
- Blocked food production to create starvation by spraying the skies with toxins including graphene oxide and heavy metals. This also reduces sunlight.
- Paying farmers to destroy produce and animals.
- Burning down food storage and processing plants.
- The mafia governments are also throwing out food.
- Creating wild fires, droughts and massive floods using geo-engineering.
- Dramatically increasing the cost of energy and fertilizers. This is just one reason the Russia/Ukraine war was started.
- Increased lies about climate change to convince people to accept a one-world government as a solution!
- Causing heavy inflation to impoverish and starve people. An increasing amount of people can’t afford a home, food, or energy anymore.
- Forcing farmers to STOP growing food by taking away their land or they are using geo-engineered attacks.
- Forcing people into the toxic ‘smart’ cities as the new jails.
- Brainwashed people into using ‘smart’ electronic devices which emit radiation and allow 24/7 spying and control.
- Limit travel and access to forests, mountains and beaches.
- Fund wars on both sides, such as the war between Israel and Palestine or the Ukraine/Russia false flag war. This way people keep picking sides which divides us from working together to fight THEM, and it provides a good distraction from the actual issues.
- Censorship and thought police – speaking the truth (even personal opinions about race, men, women, etc.) it comes with the consequence of being bullied or silenced and not just by the evils, but by ANYONE who disagrees with you – zombies, new age cultists, etc.
- Threats of new “pandemics” and the media pushing the narrative that parents not vaccinating their kids is ‘TERRIBLE’ which then causes panic and people “join the mass crowd/group think/communism” even if they disagree.
We must stay vigilant and oppose these attacks done against us. The patterns have started to become more clear and predictable, and we should NOT stay silent. Action is required otherwise we are consenting to the evil.
The Need for Action – Join OFS
It is clear that the evils will never ever stop this ‘war’ unless we take action.
Just because this seems daunting, it doesn’t mean we can’t win if we focus, have a strategy, and work together!
No strong leader will come to save us, we need all hands-on deck to wake people up, resist, neutralize the attacks, and take back control over our lives: WE ARE IN A FULL BLOWN WAR!
For several years, Our Free Society (OFS) has been investigating the evils while striving to provide options and solutions. Join us with your energy and skills in this existential battle.
Our Free Society is looking for people who:
- Are clearly awake and understand the challenges and attacks humanity is facing.
- Are serious, committed and stable emotionally.
- Can be from anywhere in the world.
- Can spend a few hours (1-3) to a few days per week working on tasks. No one is looking over your shoulder.
- Have basic skills for the tasks listed below.
- Being a good communicator and intelligent is an asset!
Your energy and help is really needed for the tasks mentioned below. For some training and support can be provided, for others, relevant skills and experience are needed. Most work is done online.
Details of work and required skills
A. General OFS work including:
B. OFS Think Tank for Solutions
- Intelligent and ability to strategize.
- Spiritually conscious - nothing to do with religion. Rather understanding ourselves so we can respect and love ourselves and others. The understanding that we ALL affect one another energetically and even if we don't like most people, we strive for love, understanding and care whether HUMANITY and our Mother Earth continues to live and function as we were meant to.
- Having a good overview of what we face on this planet, and ideas for solutions.
- Ability to withstand mind control, peer pressure, and the handling of the complex Truth.
C. Various Projects
Project #1 ‘Orgonite to combat chemtrails, weather control and EMR in your area’
Going unnoticed, toxic chemicals such as aluminum, barium, as well as graphene oxide have been sprayed by planes since the 1980s. The reasons given were for rainmaking in desert, or to stop global warming.
Cell towers, wifi, smartphones, and power lines emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) which affect our energetic body. In fact all living things (even tangible items) have an energetic footprint to them.
When people are near these devices, they experience major health problems over time. 5G is the evils' new tool for total surveillance, mind control of people who have been injected with the ‘vaccines’ and even lethal attacks on individuals using its DEW (directed energy weapon) feature.
‘Orgonite energy devices’ have proven to create positive energy fields that counteract several of the negative effects.
Orgonite is made of metals, resin, and crystals. They filter and neutralize toxic ionized air, and create a natural energy field that benefits all people, animals and plants.
The original scientist and inventor of orgone energy, Wilhelm Reich, died in jail in the 1950s. Others have carried on his work which leads to the present day orgonite devices.
Orgonite energy devices need to be spread widely and specifically positioned in strategic places near 5G and other cell towers, weather stations and places of the evils such as offices of the FED, Big tech, Big Pharma, etc. People who have used orgonite and seen the benefits, share orgonite with others and distribute it freely. This is why they use the term ‘gifting’ for orgonite devices.
Having this in every country will have a cumulative and a major positive effect worldwide!
Reported positive results:
- Restored natural weather patterns such as the return of rain in deserts.
- Reduced the evils' use of weather control weapons that is creating droughts, deserts, storms (rain and snow), tornadoes, and hurricanes.
- Created a positive mental state of mind and atmosphere; reduced health problems such as headaches and low energy.
Dedicated groups can carry out this work including the production of the orgonite devices, safe and effective ‘gifting,’ upscaling to larger orgonite devices, and fund raising. A guide is expected soon, and will be available with background information and more details.Project #2 ‘Research - breaking mind control using frequencies
This project's aim is to test if the widespread mind-control can be broken by frequency therapy.
Many people are under DEEP MIND CONTROL through years of propaganda, social engineering, social media and other mind-control weapons. In addition, people’s bodies and minds are affected by masks mandates, toxic PCR tests, and the ‘vaccines’. For more information watch this video.
Healing tones (frequencies) may overcome the mind control spell and maybe a potential solution which we need to research. For example, Michelle was able to heal 3 times with these healing frequency tones after getting sick from ‘vaccinated' people through their toxic shedding.
Mind control project managers will work with a few participants who are ‘mind controlled’ and test the frequency therapies.
People who are ‘vaccinated’ and mind controlled may be interested in participating as they become aware of the negative effects of the 'vaccine.' The project manager should be able to establish a working relationship with the mind-controlled participants.
This will test the healing capacity of frequency tones as well as how quickly it breaks through their mind control.
OFS will keep track of all notes with observations to create an extensive report.
Outline for the testing:
- Quality headsets or a good set of speakers are required to pick up low frequencies.
- Select one tone at a time and see which one work best.
- Participants should listen to the tones 30-60 minutes per day minimum. They can fall asleep which is even better for healing.
- This should be done daily for a minimum of 1-2 weeks.
- Detailed notes should be taken to record any changes.
- After testing several tones for 2 days minimum, record which tones work, and which ones don’t.
Contact and follow-up:
If you want to help fight the evils, please do one or more of the following:
- Share this information widely with people who may be interested in joining or providing support.
- Provide financial support even if it’s just a little bit. See details here.
- Get active by helping the team. We’d love to have you!
- Click here for more information about the task volunteers and fill our questionnaire listed there after reading the document.
- If you’re interested in joining the Think Tank, here’s the document including a questionnaire you have to fill in once you have read the document.
- If you have any other questions, please contact me here.
Suggestions and feedback are appreciated and we look forward to hearing from you!
OFS Team:
Odysee channel:$/invite/@OurFreeSociety:2
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