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The Our Free Society Supply Network

Supply NetworkThis is a brief rundown on The Our Free Society Supply Network.

Join the Telegram group in your country and help start a Supply Network in your city whether you are a seller/business or a consumer! Please share

Countries added to the Supply Network

  • US
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • The UK
  • Germany
  • Italy

Here’s the link to all of the groups, but please read the rest below first.

As I’m sure you should all know by now, the evils are removing the ENTIRE WORLD’S food supply and every other supply chain has been broken so the cost of everything is going through the roof so that we can’t even afford to buy things.

Not only that, stock is running very low even on evil Amazon. Pretty soon there will be NOTHING LEFT.

A company can’t afford to produce something if they don’t get supplies to make whatever it is they produce, and if everyone relied only upon China which they already do, well we already know those companies won’t get stock from them.

This is also one of the reasons the evils started the false flag war between the Ukraine and Russia.

To make sure we aren’t going to starve to death and we have what we need, Our Free Society has started Telegram groups for each country that has a lot of awake people and shows an interest. You can find them here and please fill out this questionnaire.

Once we have enough people in that main group for your country, then we will create subgroups for States or Provinces, then subgroups for cities, and if it’s a large city, then divide it up even further.

If you don’t see your country listed and you know there’s enough awake people in your country, please reach out to me, Michelle.

These supply networks are meant so people can deal directly with the seller no matter what they are selling, such as produce, meat, chicken, eggs, cheese, nuts, clothes, furniture, kitchen appliances, etc.

We are cutting out the middle man and the evils.

My recommendation to all of you is to start a company where all of the workers own the company. I can help you a little bit in preparing for that, but I don’t have a lot of time. I may have to get someone to write something up so you can read it over. This way you can manufacture and ship to ALL awake Pure Bloods.

Note: my heart goes out to anyone who took the death jab and now regrets it and has started their awake journey by learning the TRUTH.

You can be a part of this Supply Network chain so long as you try to detox what is in your body and we aren’t even sure that will work.

I say this because all zombies are a danger to all Pure Bloods and they are responsible for why this war took off so fast. If zombies hadn’t rushed to worship their fake news, mafia government and dangerous low IQ whitecoats, had taken the time to ask questions and LISTENED to their friends and family who tried to tell them what was going on, the war would have either never taken off, or been very slow.

We aren’t sure zombies can even be trusted based on what’s in their bodies

They can rat us out at any time, they infect us with their radiation poison in their bodies, and they may even be able to inoculate us because we know this can already be done with sex.

Unfortunately their bodies are degrading with loss of weight, they can’t think, their brains are dying and they are transitioning to be transhumans. We are pretty sure when the evils decide, they can flick a switch and zombies can attack us or kill themselves.

I am still working on how to solve the issue of shipping to other countries.

Do NOT register your company with the mafia government.

How to join the groups

Please spread the word and fill out this survey otherwise you will be removed from the group. Note: only OFS has access to what you have filled out.

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for the transactions between the buyer and the seller. Do your due diligence and please GET ALONG. If you keep fighting, you are just furthering the destruction of our human species and giving the evils what they want, the 99% fighting with one another.

People need to learn how to communicate so they aren’t getting triggered all of the time. Here’s a way to work in a group or community with little to no conflict and here’s a communication game.

Follow NATURAL LAW. Watch this Lecture. You don’t harm me and I won’t retaliate if you do, very simple. If everyone knew and followed Natural Law, the world would be a LOT better place.

How to pay someone?

Initially people will continue to use money/fiat. After that most people would recommend crypto, but I don’t know if that’s a long term solution, but clearly it’s your choice.

There’s silver and gold, but no one knows how to use this and what if we don’t have silver or gold? Remember, the evils control the value of it.

Eventually we will ALL have to barter, so start getting used to it. More and more people are using barter and that increased after the false flag 2008 meltdown.

I don’t like the bartering method where everything has a “value.” This keeps everyone addicted to the evil MONEY system.

Money itself is not evil, but when people worship money as a religion and do nasty things to get money and care MORE about money then themselves, love, relationships, etc., there inlies the problem. Do you know how the evils get most people to do evil things? MONEY!

Also, how can you put a value on something when the entire world is in a war?

You can say that this item is worth $20 today and then tomorrow it’s worth $50. Is that fair for the person who doesn’t have an item that’s also worth $50? No it’s not.

And what about people who don’t have items to match your item but they need your item?

The way bartering should work is that everything is of equal value to everything else.

You need me to cook for you and I need you to write software for me. Your software program is no longer worth more, it’s equal to my meal for you, although I’m sure I would have to cook several meals for you.

Being that I’m an entrepreneur at heart, this was REALLY hard for me to wrap my head around when a woman told me about this back in 2020, but I finally accepted it.

We HAVE to stop worshiping money and stop working in a job instead of changing the WORLD!

When we die with money in our bank accounts, guess what… we DON’T take our money and materialistic items with us.

That should teach you something.

While you are alive, you won’t be able to do ANYTHING with your money because it will be gone or worth NOTHING. They say this is happening on December 13, 2022. Even if it happens in January or February of 2023, we are SCREWED if we don’t start working TOGETHER and STOP letting our FEAR or immature EGO get in the way of saving HUMANITY!

The more money you have, the harder you FALL when you lose it. Trust me, I know.

I used to be upper middle class and I lost it ALL back in 1995/96, and it took me YEARS to get over the loss. SMH

Please try to unbrainwash yourself from what we have been taught for decades about money, value, life, etc.

The evils did this to us. They brainwashed people to judge others based on how much money they have in their bank account or how rich they look and that’s WRONG!

We should be judged (not by gawd as I don’t believe in the mainstream gawd) but by:

  • How kind we are, and I don’t mean every second of every day, but overall, do you have a kind heart? Do you help someone you see struggling instead of talking down to them telling them to GET A JOB? NASTY!
  • How intelligent we are. Do you continue to learn and study the Truth and use both sides of you brain? Or, do you stay brainwashed by the evils, the mafia government, the fake news, whitecoats, society, your peers, etc.?
  • Do you follow Natural Law?
  • Do you work on your childhood trauma using alternative therapy to learn how to love and respect yourself and become a better person and help others without expecting something in return?
  • Do you take efforts to make society and our world a better place?


  • In the Telegram groups you can post saying you are looking for such and such an item. Make sure you say what area you need that item to be in or if you can travel X distance to get it.


  • You can post what you are selling, the price, your website, location, will you ship, etc. Please don’t post more than once per week.
  • No selling of toxic anything!

    The evils have been creating all things toxic ever since the early 1900s, especially after WWII finished. They did this to make us all sick by way of our brains, hormones and digestive system. Here is my ongoing list as I learn of MORE ways the evils poison us.

    We need to change that. If you are selling toxic items (food or otherwise), you will be removed from the group.

    We understand you may not be used to this, but we NEED to switch from toxic to organic clean fibers, food, water, air, safe machines, low EMFs, EVERYTHING created with health in mind, both to ourselves, and Mother Earth.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

List of Supply Network Groups

Please introduce yourself in the group telling us what you need/are selling.

Things will change as this gets going because I am new to this and it’s a work in progress.

Let’s make this happen people!


Our Free Society
I hope you learned something.

Never make Authority your Truth… make Truth your Authority

The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

If You Resonate With This Article, Please Share With Others

And if you can support my work (there are different options), it would be much appreciated. If not, I understand.

A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!

Truth, connecting to consciousness, following Natural Law, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others, to build a better world, is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you


Please consider purchasing any of the items listed on the banners or donating to help me pay my bills and hire freelancers to help me so I can continue bringing you truthful content and solutions during this war.

I have used every single item I recommend.

Click here for the Support Page

Much appreciated

Thank you



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