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There was an old lady who swallowed a lie

There was an old lady who swallowed a lieThere was an old lady who swallowed a lie
I don’t know why she swallowed the lie
Perhaps she’ll die!

There was an old lady who wore a mask
What a farce – to wear a mask
She wore a mask to catch the lie
I don’t know why she swallowed a lie
Perhaps she’ll die!

There was an old lady who stayed in her home
How unhealthy – to be all alone
She stayed in her home as she was asked
She wore a mask to catch the lie
I don’t know why she swallowed the lie
Perhaps she’ll die

There was an old lady who took the jab
How absurd – like a rat in a lab.
She took the jab to go outside
She wore the mask to catch the lie
I don’t know why she swallowed the lie
Perhaps she’ll die!

There was an old lady who got a boost
Fancy that – she’s double juiced
She took the boost as the jab didn’t work
She stayed inside because she was asked
She wore a mask to catch the lie
I don’t know why she swallowed the lie
Perhaps she’ll die!

I know an old lady who kept up-to-date
Isn’t she great – she stayed up-to-date
She stayed up-to-date to top-up her boost
She took the boost as the jab didn’t work
She stayed inside because she was asked
She wore a mask to catch the lie
I don’t know why she swallowed the lie
Perhaps she’ll die!

I know an old lady who mocked anti-vaxers
She was a model citizen who paid all her taxes

I know an old lady with no remorse.
She’s dead of course!

(Written by – The Small Fox – an adaptation of a poem by Dorothy B. King, 1946)


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