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Welcome to the Our Free Society (OFS) Community.
Looking for a real-life residential community?
This community platform helps people worldwide so they can create, setup or join a real offline community that is focused on Freedom, healthy food, air and water, and sustainability (not the evils’ sustainability).
Is this OFS community platform for me?
- This group is for people who are serious about starting, helping build, or joining a real life community.
- It is for you if you value freedom and clean air, water, food, and a community that will help support and love you.
Why this group? The problem in society
Many people are looking for a new living environment which is safe, the people care about Humanity, people care about holistic health, and work together with one another to cope and survive the present attacks of the evils.
Goal of the OFS community platform
- It is not easy to find people with similar views on life (especially now) who also want to create a community that thrives. This OFS community platform provides a place that brings people together who want to learn how to create communities, and then set the up or join a community anywhere in the world.
How this community platform is expected to operate
It is important that people on the platform at least share basic values and concepts. Below are some guidelines for a baseline. Our Free Society is all about Truth and Freedom.
The guiding principles of this online community platform
- Understanding and utilizing Natural Law which is the opposite to the present man-made laws that benefit the evils so they can keep us enslaved. It is fundamental in its respect for all humans and our
- To respect Mother Earth and all that inhabits it.
Encourage freedom in Freedom/anarchy-type communities where there are NO rulers (that doesn’t mean there are no rules.)
Our present system for the last several hundred years is toxic to Humanity and all living things.
It doesn’t matter what country you live in, the evils control each government WORLDWIDE. For more on Natural Law – see here.
- The current situation is that citizens (not humans) worldwide are owned by only ONE corporation. That is the crown corporation which includes 3 parts, namely the City of London, Vatican City, and Washington DC. You can watch this video that explains a lot.
You have a basic understanding that humanity has been attacked by the ‘evil’s for centuries or even thousands of years.
The main ‘evils’ are bloodline families, crypto fake Jews, Jesuits, Freemasons and other secret societies. Here are some books that may bring you up-to-speed.
- The Internet should ONLY be used as a gateway to meeting people of like mind or finding sites you can buy from. It should NOT replace human-to-human contact. Members are expected to eventually interact on the phone and offline by meeting people from this OFS community platform so they can build or join a new or already existing community.
- We are already in a semi transhuman state which the evils did to us because we started using computers (now the toxic mobile/cell phones) to satisfy our EVERY need. This is NOT natural and NOT human, and the sooner people wake up and understand this, the sooner we can start to heal. Here is a page with numerous alternative therapy courses you can take to help you heal emotionally from your childhood and societal traumas.
Some Community Platform Rules
- This platform focuses on the necessary steps and tools needed to create communities worldwide based on the attributes we mentioned above.
The topics should center mainly on those rather than other topics about the Truth or what else you do in your private life.
Nothing is set in stone, but we only welcome learning about all the facets needed for starting, building and maintaining an offline community.
- Members are encouraged to participate regularly and not lurk.
- Please log as much as you can post or comment on the myriad of topics needed to learn or teach others about building offline communities.
If these principles resonate with you, please Join Our OFS online Community by registering and also fill out this questionnaire so we can better understand your interest and if this is the right fit. Note: At least 75% of everyone who joins does NOT fill out the survey or doesn’t register, they do one or the other, not both. Please re-read this paragraph again and again so you remember to do both.
Thank you
The Our Free Society Community Platform
Our Free Society Community Collaborators
Unity in Community
— Building communities based on FREEDOM, Natural Law, and not adhering to the control of the evils as much as possible.