Holocaust Update for October 2022
Here is your Holocaust Update for October 2022.
Because of my escape in late 2021 I never got all of my previous Holocaust Updates done, so I’m just going to finish them off when I have a chance. My apologies. This was on the short side. I didn’t have a full office or a good place to live at the time. Here’s all of my Holocaust updates as of July 2020.
- Goolag is pushing cyber attacks – https://nimb.ws/Plt7Lh
- Once again Israelis are attacking the Palestinians, but THIS TIME they attacked and almost killed one of their own. A 70 year old woman. Link.
- I got this from an DHL email FUCK ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!! https://i.imgur.com/9orx95Q.png
A flood in Nigeria is the biggest disaster they have experienced in over a decade.
31 out of 33 states in Nigeria have experienced flooding in 2022. The most affected states are Kogi, Anambra, Delta, Bayelsa and Jigawa.
603 dead, 1.3m displaced across Nigeria – link.
Residents in Lagos State, Nigeria receives flood warning from government – link.
About 3 months ago Pakistan was hit with MAJOR flooding. The evils are killing us through their weather WEAPONS!
- LG promotes nano in their LG nanocells TVs. How much you want to bet the TVs brainwash and do other things to their brains.
The only way to win this war is with US!
People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP and fight with me or someone else to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth. ACTION!
Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.
I know it’s hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.
The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.
Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that’s sharing the workload.
Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils’ mafia governments. It’s the ONLY way.
It’s our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren’t United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and FIGHT BACK by taking ACTION, NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!
Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.
The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn’t be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that’s why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.
This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That’s where the psyop religion comes in – SALVATIONISM.
They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone or something ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us while you wait, wait again, wait some more until YOU ARE DEAD.
Here’s my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it. https://ourfreesociety.com/alternative-therapy-courses/
There’s NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.
It’s when you don’t care and don’t work to rid yourself of them (this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.
With tough Love
The Our Free Society Warrior Alliance
I hope you learned something.
Never make Authority your Truth… make Truth your Authority
The definition of insanity is blind obedience.
Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.
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