Vaccines kill babies and they blame it on SIDs
I’m going to start this article writing up how Vaccines kill babies and they blame it on SIDs.
I’ve known about this for a while now and instead of putting it on my other two articles about how people have been damaged or killed by poisons vaccines, I’ll start a new article. Here’s the one regarding the flu vaccine which we already assume was or is very similar to the death jab called covid19 vaccine, and here’s one for all the other poisonous vaccines that damage and kill people.
Here’s my vaccine playlist, and I’m so busy, I haven’t had time to go through a HUGE list of whitecoats who came forward about the poison of ALL vaccines years ago. Most of the videos are gone. The evils video burned them off of nazi YouTube.
To save time, I won’t put quotes around each person’s story.
Hey everyone, not sure if my story can help, but I’m sending it to you and you can decide to use it or not.
Hello, my name is Jenny, I live just outside of Dawson Creek, in a little community called Sunset Prairie in northern B.C. I am a mother to 3 beautiful girls. Elliauna would have been 9, Emily is 8, and Elizabeth is 4. They are my world.
In 2009 my partner and I decided we were ready to start a family. We were so excited, we didn’t find out the sex of the baby we left it a surprise. April 20th 2010 was the day she was born. Elliauna Alexadra born at 8:31pm 7lbs 2 ozs, she was beautiful, 44 hours of labour, but she was worth it.
Everything was amazing. We loved having our own little family. Everybody gushed over her. Family sending us cards and packages for her arrival. Doctors said what a healthy baby she was, she was so alert and reaching all of her milestones. She was in perfect health, she was perfect.
We recieved a call from our health nurse letting us know that Elliauna was due for her vaccinations in June. We booked an appointment for Thursday June 24th at 10:30 in the morning.
However I was nervous about getting her immunized because she was so little still, so we went in a couple days early to discuss the vaccinations with the nurse. I wanted to make sure they were going to be ok for her and I just wanted them to ease my mind about it because I had a bad feeling. So we went there and talked to the nurse asked her some questions, she really didn’t seem to know the answers to because she just printed us off 4 pieces of paper, front and back of a little information on each vaccine she would be recieving. I explained to her how I felt about them, and I was told that I wouldn’t be protecting my daughter if I didn’t get her vaccinated. I wish I had seen the actual vaccine inserts when I asked for help about making the right choice for my daughter regarding her immunizations. They weren’t even mentioned. I had no idea.
Thursday June 24th 2010 we packed up our stroller and headed over to the public health building for our appointment at 10:30 that morning. I had to hold my baby down while they gave her 3 shots. 1 in one leg 2 in the other. Infanrix-hexa, hep b, Pneumococcal Conjugate, and Meningococcal C Conjugate. I had never heard her scream like that before, like she did when she got those shots that day. I cried, I felt so guilty, but I was doing the right thing and protecting my daughter from diseases that could potentially kill her. I believed them when they told me that reactions are extremely rare, only about 1 in 1,000,000. I believed them when they said she’d be just fine. I believed them when they said “this is normal”. We waited 15 minutes after her appointment, like they say to do just incase she has a bad reaction. Everything seemed to be ok. We were given a little piece of paper with a list of about maybe 6 things to look out for incase there’s a bad reaction and when we should seek help and we were sent home. For the rest of the day she was really sleepy. She’d wake up in and out of sleep with little crying fits for the rest of the day and that night.
Friday, the next day her eyes were really bugging her she kept trying to scratch at them. She was still really sleepy all day and by evening her eyes were red and swollen, so we decided to take her into the emergency room, because these things were on that little piece of paper they gave us of things to look out for. They looked at her, looked in her eyes, lifted her arms, they told us that she’s fine and this is normal after immunizations and they sent us home.
Saturday June 26th, she wasn’t getting any better. But this is normal, so we carried out our day normally. I still remember the day like it was yesterday. She was wearing little pink sandals and a brown dress with big bright flowers on it, it was a beautiful day so she had this cute little bonnet on. We had breakfast for dinner that evening. I had her in her bassinet in the kitchen while I was cooking and dancing around the kitchen listening to music and singing while she slept. Later she got to play with her dad’s shiney little wrenches he has, she really liked them. It was a good day, but she still wasn’t getter any better. Her eyes were still really red and swollen and bugging her and she seemed really uncomfortable and still so tired. I knew something wasn’t right. I know my baby, I’ve spent every minute of every day with her for the last nine weeks and I know something is not right with her, this is not the happy little baby I know. So we decided to take her back to the emergency room and have them take another look at her. There was a young doctor there that I had seen before during my pregnancy, he was new and still learning from school. He took a look at her and he thought she seemed to be uncomfortable but ok, but he wasn’t sure so he got another older doctor to come and double check. He checked her over, he told us not to worry, she will be ok and that this is normal after vaccinations and we went home. That night we did our usual routine with her, snuggles, a bath, feeding and then bed.
5:20am Sunday June 27th 2010, I woke up to my husband shaking my arm. I looked up and I could see the look on his face.. and he was holding our daughter and I could see her little arms and legs were dangling. He said “hunny hunny, somethings wrong she’s not moving, she won’t wake up!” I said “bring her to the bathroom and put her foot under cold water and see what she does.” So we rushed to the bathroom turned on the light, and we didn’t need to put her foot in water. As soon as we turned on the light and looked at her the panick set in. She had purple blotches all over her head and body. At the time we lived in Dawson Creek right across from the hospital. My husband quickly put shorts and a shirt on wrapped her in a blanket and ran as fast as he could back to the emergency room. He didn’t even put his shoes on.. he was running so fast. I wasn’t far behind him, also in my bare feet, when I got there, maybe a minute or 2 after him, they already had her on the bed trying to bring her back. My husband was right beside the staff who were working on her. I was on the floor crying. I remember looking up from the floor and seeing her little feet bounce with every chest compression. I remember staring at the flat line on the screen and praying so hard that she would make it. I remember I thought I saw the flat line flutter and it gave me false hope. They tried for 30 minutes to bring her back, but it was too late, she was gone. I was so confused, we had no idea what to do next. The only thing I could think to do was pray. So I grabbed my husband’s hands and we stood by her and we prayed and we cried, we cried so much. They took us to this quiet room in the hospital, where we got to spend time with her. We made our phone calls to our families to tell them the news, that was so hard. We stayed in that room with her for hours. She was wrapped in a white blanket, and we just sat there and held her, and we cried and cried. I didn’t want to give her to them. The coroner came and it was time. And I handed her to him and watched as he turned and walked down the hall away from us with our baby in his arms. I’ll never forget that. The next time we’d get to see her would be in the morgue after her autopsy. That day is a story in itself, but I won’t get into that. We got her back, everything but her brain.. because she was just a baby her brain was too small and they’d have to keep it and do an autopsy at a later date. That was hard for me to take, I wanted all of her back. We got her cremated later that week and finally got to bring her home with us. She now stays in a little pink angel that has flowers in her praying hands and she sits in a glass box in my room because I don’t want any dust getting on her.
I wish I would have trusted my gut and my bad feeling. I wish they would have told me more when I was asking questions. I wish they would have showed me the vaccine inserts. I wish they would have been honest with me. I wish they would have listened when I said something was wrong. I wish I never got her vaccinated.
a forever grieving mother”
I’m going to add this link here with more proof that SIDs is caused by poisonous vaccines.