What a healthy school should be teaching
What a healthy school should be teaching your children so they grow up to be healthy both mentally, physically and emotionally.
What a healthy school should be teaching your children so they grow up to be healthy both mentally, physically and emotionally.
What public school doesn’t teach you. How propaganda works. How to think for yourself, how to take care of your body yourself, what is usury.
They aren’t public schools they are government schools. Communist schools to indoctrinate your child into worshipping the government.
Teachers bullying kids in school so that they grow up thinking there have mental issues when they don’t. Abuse by teachers is very common.
Schooling myths include things like assuming kids won’t be intelligent if they don’t go to government run schools. They won’t be socialized.
Using brainwashing language in school. Passive language tricks children and hides the nature of who is actually in control.
Turning your kids over to strangers to work on their minds. Is there a more radical idea than letting strangers mould your child’s mind?
School is not education. Reliance on being told what to do and when to do it leads to intellectual crippling.
Purpose of school is to turn kids into slaves. Compulsory public school prepares young people to be servants to those in power.
Teachers try to stop kids from going to the bathroom because teachers are trying to control them and keep them in class.
How government schools and the mafia government ruin kids lives and brainwash and control their every thought and move.
Schooling is more about control over the minds of children than preparing them to engage with a diversity of ages.
Never ask my child what she wants to learn. Does your government run school, or any school, ask your child what they want to learn?
State schools must create obedient children so they can control adult populations like they controlled school children.
US government made schooling compulsory in 1891 that enabled federal officers to forcibly send Native American children to state schools.
Purpose of school is to turn kids into slaves so they will obey the government and their employers even if what they are doing is immoral.
Lies public school teachers tell the kids so they are brainwashed by their teachers and the government that hires them.
Forced public school destroys critical thinking so children are raised as slaves to think only what the government wants you to think.
Covid and masks what they are teaching your kids in school to brainwash them into thinking covid and toxic masks are real, needed, & normal.
Compulsory School erodes self direction and forces kids to only learn what they want them to learn so the government controls them.