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Religious fanatics

Religious fanaticsSo now, every time the religious fanatics say something that triggers me, I’ll paste it here.

It’s clear to me that deep down they hate humanity and ONLY care, love and bow down like a slave to their jesus christ or evil gawd. Or they feel the need to try and brainwash and CONVERT the entire world which of course includes me.

I’m talking about all religions, but my evidence is mainly on christianity and a smidgen judaism.

I’m going to showcase my list here to show everyone WHY I can’t stand religion and the religious fanatics who make life unbearable for many reasons including their slave mentality and their brainwashing by quoting BS scripture ALL THE TIME.

Here’s another article I wrote on religion a while back. To make very clear, Spirituality has NOTHING to do with religion!

You can’t reason with religious fanatics because they think their gawd wrote the bible (this is both the old and new testament), and yet there’s no proof this is true. Many times I’ve heard the jews wrote it, or at the very least it’s ALL an allegory meant to make people think about being kind to others and the BIGGER PICTURE. There are no factual stories in it. This is called circular reasoning. Link.

In my opinion religious fanatics are INSANE. Note that I’m only talking about the fanatical ones.

I don’t care what religion it is, they are ALL the same. In fact, they all seem to say the same things thinking they are different than the other religions, but they are NOT. They are too similar when it comes to holidays and what all 3 books say.

That’s another reason I believe the evils CREATED RELIGION to control the SLAVES. We are the slaves if you haven’t figured that out already.

It’s just a different religion to entice different types of people (do you want chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?), but it’s all the SAME controlling evil BS meant to make people hate and fear themselves and worship something or someone else. This makes it easier for the evils to control them.

Where have I heard THAT scenario before?

Oh I know, POLITICS, the mafia government! Where people think the left and the right are different.

No left or right


Democrats and Republicans


Religion teaches you to HATE

I would put religious fanatics right up there with the evil collectives or maybe slightly below them. They have no intention of making life better, let alone work on their emotional issues. They just want to put everyone down and wait 1,000 years until their jesus christ, gawd, or messiah shows up to “save them.” This allows them to do nothing but allow this evil to RUN AMOK, and they feel they don’t have to LIFT A FINGER to solve the problem.

They also do NOTHING to fight back, they just want their evil gawd to do the fighting or saving for them. This is how toxic RELIGION IS and I also want to say that even if you are no longer religious, just know that the brainwashing from religion may have warped your mind. You may have the same cowardice notions that they do.

I’ve also come across both christians and jews who welcome the harm and killing off of ALL HUMANS and animals using their evil gawd as a reason for all of this. Their gawd DECREED it, so it’s righteous. WOW Again this is proof that the religions are very similar.

I’m still on the fence about whether these 3 different gawds even exist, but I can tell you right now IF they do exist, they ARE EVIL. Just as evil as the evils are. I say that because never ONCE have we seen proof that any of these gawds creating a level playing field where we have a chance to live in a world with PEACE!

Just to be clear, I am NOT an atheist. I’m Spiritually Conscious. I believe in the Universe, Creator, Mother Earth, and I naturally follow NATURAL LAW. Here is the longer lecture, and here is the list which is quite long actually. I don’t follow everything to a T, and I’m HONEST about it, unlike most people, but I follow most of it and following it comes NATURALLY to me. I don’t have to read a fucking BOOK to figure out whether I’m doing something that goes against Natural Law, I have a Conscious because I’m connected to Source. Not as much as I’d like to be, but still connected.

And most of these religious FANATICS actually enjoy our pain and suffering saying that WE ALL DESERVE IT.

So even if you don’t do everything they list off here that does go against Natural Law, they STILL think it’s okay that you are being harmed and killed off by their evil gawd. That’s the problem with their story that gawd is behind all of this. Why would their gawd kill people who don’t deserve to be killed? Or are they saying this just happens because they live on the Prison Planet so innocent people will eventually all be killed off due to the evils???

Humans really trigger me. THEY DISGUST ME!

They are either so low IQ they have to be told what to think and FEEL, are VERY dysfunctional and insecure because they don’t want to heal their childhood trauma and become a better Human Being, or they are under DEEP MIND CONTROL so they work for the evils by harming everyone else.

While I may not LIKE Humans by and large, I NEVER wish any harm to others UNLESS they harm me or others FIRST, then you have every right to fight back to the DEATH!


People don't need religion

I won’t change these religious fanatics words, although I may snip parts that have nothing to do with religion if it was all in one comment. I don’t have time to put quotes around each point. If I say something, I’ll let you know.

These are ALL from brain dead religious FANATICS who are VERY dangerous.

I’ve been reading more and more how christians killed so many people even just around the time when christianity first came about. They have harmed, traumatized and KILLED many people over the last several thousands of years.

Here’s one…

In the late 14th century, Spanish Jewry was threatened with extinction at the hands of mobs of fanatical Christians.”

And before you think a jew wrote this, actually it wasn’t, since he was talking about the evil jews when he made this statement.

This also proves that jews weren’t just kicked out of countries because they were evil, but also because the christians didn’t like them being jews and demanded they ALL convert – DISGUSTING!

Here’s the list

  1. “Humans are not the ultimate good. Humans can not make a perfect utopia if they follow your 8 man group ideal. Confessing faults in some kind of encounter group is not going to solve your problems. Men are evil from the start. Men are fallen. There will be no peace on Earth until the 1000 year rule of Jesus Christ.I am disappointed with your misguided faith in men and the ideal of men solving the basic problems of their nature without Christ as their center. Men are flawed and doomed to fail.Your bootless ideal is a humanist deception that will fail.
    Jacques De Mailly”
  2. “Astro projection gives demons legal right to ur soul and body… If u are into new age meditation and opening ur third eye… Then u need to repent… Divination is witchcraft…. If this applies to u then turn from sin and turn to Jesus christ of Nazareth for salvation and eternal Life after this short test we call life… These are serious times…. Seek and ye shall find… His children hear his voice… I’ll leave ur channel with that message of love” @RepentOrDieForever
  3. I uploaded this, and got this remark from a brainwashed religious FANATIC – “Self pride is a sin.” I blasted her. It’s people like HER who have beat down people so they don’t love and respect themselves and ONLY worship their jealous gawd, jesus, and the bible. This is exactly WHY people are insecure and do whatever the mafia government and others tell them to do. They can’t think for themselves or make decisions for themselves.
  4. This guy in the video was talking about the Freemasons and how the Freemasons claim that they can make you a better man. Then he goes on to say, “Only God can make you a better man.”Here we go again with people spreading lies that only God can make you a better person that you’re really not responsible for your own development as a human being and the spiritual human being no less. This once again takes the responsibility off of the human being for learning the tools to empower themselves to become a powerful human being and to have the life that they want and to help humanity and society as a whole. Because let’s face it, if God is the one that decides whether you become a better person or not, then why do you have to do anything?Once again, it’s all in God’s hands and your justice peon that doesn’t know what the fark you are doing and this is exactly why no one is doing anything to fight the evils because God’s going to do it all and were too weak and uneducated to be able to do anything. I’ll repeat again, the evils did a great job in mind controlling generation after generation that they are not worth shit and yet people have no problem being ass holes out in real life that they’re very good at. But of course, is God responsible for making a person be asshole, no then it’s the person who did that not God God only gets the accolades when he does something that’s altruistic. LOL
  5. Same guy… “He goes on to say that if you don’t have God on your mind from the minute you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep, then you’re just going to have the devil.” Okay, so if you don’t think about God 24 seven, then you’re going to automatically start thinking about the devil. That is just so ludicrous. It’s a complete copout. Okay, he was going through some depression and issues with his wife, I get it, but instead of working on himself and his relationship,  he has to turn to religion and or the devil. There is no in between
  6. This wasn’t directed at me, but again, here’s slave speek… “Israelites are the people of The Torah.They are not Jewish, Messianics or Christians. Though there may be many Israelites among them as I was.

    Israelites obey the Torah commands in Deuteronomy and Leviticus as applicable, even while in our diaspora punishment which appears to be almost up. This includes the first commandment to have no other gods, Deuteronomy 4:2 not to add or subtract from the commands and to never mix Torah with any other religion.These are not our opinions. We are in a contract with The Creator. He calls people from all nations to specifically serve just Him. They are blessed if they obey after entering into this contract. Punished unto the third and fourth generation if they disobey ( by my figuring we are just leaving the last generation ordered to punishment as The Creator prophesied in Deuteronomy).Israelites are every color. They are a Nation. They are made and kept in that Nation through obedience.We were scattered everywhere because of disobedience. Either ours personally or our forefathers.If you feel like an orphan awakening in a strange land, finding yourself realizing your gods are strange and you were a slave and seeking The Most High, you might be an Israelite.Deuteronomy is the key to your shackles. It always was.This is in no way to degrade our Christian, Messianic or Jewish bears.I offer clarity because I am searching for my people. They would be here for good reason. There are many good things here and many good people of all walks.But some of you hear that call to come home.Love and shalom to the brothers and sisters near and far.Time to wake up.”

  7. I’m pretty sure I didn’t say a word about religion and I got this from a deranged religious fanatic.  This was on Mercola’s site.”You aren’t as awake as you think you are. God’s Word is THE TRUTH, and if you knew what it actually said, you would have been able to piece everything together a long time ago. I got news for you…The Bible has already predicted A coming World Empire which will enslave humanity, and Jesus is the one who returns and ends this kingdom. If you want to be on winning side, you might wanna put down your Q-codes, and pick up a Bible.Things are just beginning, and sadly most people have no idea what’s about to hit them.

    The souls of men are being fought over, and the majority think they are “awake”, but they are really still on the path to destruction.There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness.

    Better is little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble therewith.The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath.The Lord is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.Proverbs 14:12,16,27,15:3,9,16,24,29,33″

  8. This person was responding to a video I uploaded which was pretty good. Instead of him or her just saying that, they had to make themselves out to be BETTER than her and put her down.”Interesting stuff. Typical gatekeeper talk like David Icke. She tells allot of truth about the illuminati, for those unaware it is not difficult to logically understand that Satan is very real and/or there are loads of people that worship him for the wealth, power, health, fame and pleasure he gives them. Join a secret society and if you have the slightest of talent they will start giving you stuff if you sell your soul. So far so good. But in the very end it is clear this person does not have faith in the Most High. The satanic side is rationalized and worldly ‘tips’ are given to fight it. Obviously a hopeless endeavour and pure false hope. Every leader in the world is in on this plan, every leader of all systems from politics to banking to entertainment. The idea is to work towards more discord, fear, anger, revolt. They need it. Trying to explain your next door neighbour this Luciferian agenda will probably do the trick if they are not awake. We are in the Biblical end days and the Bible is indeed the Word of YHWH, Our Father and Creator. If you are not reborn in the spirit, if you are not washed by the blood of the Lamb, do not repent and understand you too are a sinner, you’ve not passed the ‘test’. You will be deceived and distracted. The anti christ may very well be WILL I AM but if you think you can beat the devil at his game you will poorly lose. Please follow the light and do not go on these dark trails with lies behind lies, sold to you with many truth. It’s time to go home for those that seek the LORD. Maranatha”

  9. More evil religious fanatics who very openly say that their evil gawd is doing all of this to us. Whether you believe in the mainstream gawds or not, they clearly believe that their evil gawd has every right to harm and kill people even if they haven’t done anything wrong.

    EVERYONE makes mistakes, that’s part of being Human and does NOT mean you are a sinner. OMG, I can’t stand these low IQ people who look down upon everyone else instead of looking in the mirror. They care MORE about punishment then love, community, becoming Spiritually Conscious, growing, evolving, helping others, etc.

    “If you read the Bible you will understand the real reason why all of this is happening. It isn’t the first time this is happening. Many times throughout the Old testament God’s chosen people have turned their back to God and then God punishes his people. The same thing is happening again. How many people have read the KJV Bible? How many understand the KJV Bible and follow God’s commandments? Almost no one. This is the sole reason God has turned his back to us because we are a defiant people and evil sinning people. We believe in all kinds of other gods, believe in science, the medical system and lust after every desire. How many people are living together unmarried? Divorced multiple times or just have sex with any one that comes along. How many gays, lesbians and trans people are there? In the US 100 million abortions in the last 50 years. Mass genocide of our future generations for the lust of our desires. The end is coming because of our sins, transgressions and iniquities plain and simple and we deserve every bit of our judgement. You want to see change, read the Word of God’s Bible the KJV Bible, understand the crucifixion of Jesus, the veil of the temple rent in twain, the sacrifice of Jesus’s blood for our sins and the resurrection, rising out of sin and death brought into the Spirit by the All Mighty God so that we who believe in Christ can also be crucified with Christ out of sin ad death and be born of the Spirit. John 3: 3 – 8. There is still a small window of opportunity for salvation for those that seek the Lord Jesus Christ. Time is short, do it now!”

  10. This was either directed at me and my comment on my rumble channel (I don’t have time to look at what I said) or the video I uploaded. I gave the low IQ brainwashed fool a piece of my mind… “Oh that’s really good, you’re leading people away from Jesus Christ. That’s something you’ll have to account to God for. Just warning you that you’re daming yourself here.”
  11. I saw this link and no I didn’t go look at it. The words say enough. Http://TrustChristORGoToHell.org/
  12. This was the comment proving that the dairy farmers are told to throw out MILK. Whether it’s healthy or not healthy milk is NOT the point, but this fanatic couldn’t get that. OF-THE-WORD-IN-THE-WORLD – https://old.bitchute.com/profile/87CzxXZdu8OG/

    “you don’t understand – this dairy farmer… filthy 100%.. but we can use the gift’s of God Yahuah – – NOT RELIGION! A gift of God Yahuah.. milk from a Cow and Goat . But it was never meant to be processed, denatured, pasturized, and SOLD for a profit !!! That’s where it goes wrong. Your grammar and understanding is lacking did you not make it past grade 6 Corky? Oh and another of your misunderstandings…..science is a religion 😅 ” Link

  13. Thank you. I don’t even “take credit” for my work. Everything I DO is glory to God! Not me…not of my own self. I am just a layman who knows NOTHING without God leading me.
  14. Amen. There is NO WAY I could ever come to these conclusions without Him leading me. I’m surprised I can even read still after all I’ve been through. Glory to God that I’m not a babbling, devil filled drug addict like I used to be. Morgellons attacks the brain too, so I am BEYOND blessed to still be able to read, write and create content. It’s ALL Him!
  15. There is only God. Nothing else exists
  16. I was hospitalized in Oct 2020 due to a life threatening OD and was on life support for 6 days, I know for a fact I’ve been tested at least 2-3 x’s and now I’m terrified that I’ve lost my salvation.
  17. In the population (ignoring the fact that the majority of them are actually probably non human) leftists are the modern day pagans. There are a lot fewer actual humans on the far-left than they lead us to think, usually human leftists are left of centre and somewhat reasonable. Maybe not at university age, because they are so heavily indoctrinated, but working age and up, it’s not common for a real human with a soul to be a hardcore leftist. The pagan itch and need for idolatry was diminished by our ancestors and isn’t as strong today, it’s typically scratched through worship of celebrity, politician, Jesus etc.Conservatives are typically Esav and you get the good and bad among them, but typically as they are Christian and gain their values by their poor understanding of the tanakh under the “New Testament” banner, typically they have a decent outlook on life, respect Jews and Israel, uphold good values, etc but they are still Esav and have his bad traits too, and they will also turn on us or anyone they disagree with on dime.

    We should be neither, politics is not our religion, Trump is fake, they are all actors and democracy has never existed. Maga is magician, order of mages. When we are voting we are devoting ourselves to the state, and it’s coming leader who rise through the character of Donny Darko Trump (the sages called him Armilus).

    Keep out of politics. Stick to HaShem, to Torah, remember you are not American, not European, not Asian, African or Australian, etc – you are a Jew, or maybe a Noahide sojourning with us, holding onto our tzitzit, G-d is your only king, never forget that.
    (Not directed specifically at anyone, this is a general comment towards all Jews and Noahides)

  18. This was in response to my comment on nazi YouTube that no one fights back with me. As you can see, these people are under DEEP MIND CONTROL and will use every excuse NOT to fight back blaming their fake, evil or non existent gawd for all of the tyranny, trauma, pain, damage and killing off of the Human Species. I guess the evils are innocent and not responsible for their actions, IT’S ONLY THEIR GAWD who decreed this.

    Even if what they say is True (let’s assume for a minute that they are correct and I’m wrong), would you ever WORSHIP something soooo EVIL??? And this means, that their gawd, has been attacking us for thousands of years, maybe even millions, I’m still not sure, because even though this war started in March 2020, we’ve been enslaved forever.

    Also, this person says almost word for word what another religious fanatic says, and I’m pretty sure, they aren’t in the same bible study group, which has to mean, they are under DEEP MIND CONTROL, and these thoughts are put into their minds.

    “Sharing information, even on the internet, is a way of fighting back. Besides, we cannot stop what is coming. Biblical prophecies cannot be defeated. You can try, but you will literally fail every, single time. That is unless you think you can fight God’s Word.”

  19. This religious fanatic attacks me on this video. Here’s what he said. WOW. I had to ban him after I gave him a warning. I didn’t see his comments right away because I don’t read everything since I’m too busy. These people are INSANE. I guess he is a hitler worshiper. That’s my assumption. Somehow because I don’t worship hitler like they do, that means I want to kill all religious people. SMH

    Do I like religion? NO I DO NOT, but if I wanted to kill every religious person because they are mind controlled low IQ zombies who are seriously dysfunctional, there would be no one left in this world, plus I don’t want to kill people, I want to live IN FUCKING PEACE. I’m NOT a violent person unless someone is ATTACKING ME!

    Normally I wouldn’t care about religious people except for the fact that they think their gawd does all of this evil and therefor they don’t have to FIGHT BACK because gawd wants this to happen or it’s too big to do anything to stop this OR like this guy says, it’s satan so he’s too scared. sigh


  20. No one here attacked me, but people who seem intelligent, quickly turn stupid with the SAME religious indoctrination. They all say the same thing over and aover again and THAT’S how you know they are under MIND CONTROL. They have no thoughts of their own, everything has to come from their bible.

    First person – “They have lost to God before and they will lose to God again. They even know that they will lose on some level in spite of the lies that they tell themselves every single day. It’s just a question of how many people they can convince to join them in their misery. It’s all they’ve really got.”

    Second person – “Buffalo Fesses! If it did not happen over 15 years ago, as it should have, it will NEVER happen. No! This however was foreseen long ago and a “way out”, has been provided. Mankind, not the Hu-Mans, have only one Hope now and it is Jesus Christ, who defeated the grave and death for Mankind. Many who don’t go along and comply with the NWO, will be exterminated as undesirables. But will come back resurrected, on day of spectacle. When most Jesus loyalists are eliminated, all fury , violence and death will rain down on the NWO and all its citizens. Who die and go to the lake of fire. Even them who cannot die, will be cast into the lake of fire. The New Kingdom of peace shall have days without number forevermore. And all these rich folk, monsters and brutes, shall be forgotten and shall be remembered no more forever.”


  21. This is from an Aussie who couldn’t respect me when I asked him NOT to talk about religion and quote scripture to me. He also twisted everything I said not once, but continuously and I sent him voice messages, not text.

    He finally stopped, then a month later he was at it again sending me links, this time one was from CO Rogan.

    He got offended the first time because I told him that I thought one of the 911 Truth engineers was CO. I never said I was 100% sure, someone mentioned that a while ago AND I personally talked to that guy or someone else connected to that organization back in 2019 and offered to make calls for them and never heard back.

    Had he just had a normal conversation with me correcting things I may have been learned that they weren’t True and we could have had a good conversation, but he just wouldn’t STOP. He had to FORCE scripture and religion down my throat.

    Religious fanatics ALWAYS have to quote the bible. And they always have to tell me how I’m doing this wrong or that wrong or they judge or talk about sinning. IT DISGUSTS ME!

    They never want to learn anything from my side, they think they know EVERYTHING and are special since they study their BIBLE. EVERYTHING is about the bible. They worship it on a fanatical scale which is quite alarming actually if you think about it.

    Quoting script is like quoting French to a Russian child. They don’t understand it and you are just wasting your breath, but religious fanatics can’t help themselves.

    He got triggered because I said I don’t think jesus ever existed and it’s an allegory. He thinks because I haven’t studied the bible for X years I have no right to my opinion.

    I haven’t studied this topic in detail since I’m too BUSY fighting the evils, but I did read this book written by 2 christians, and I read parts of this book.

    Now as of January 16, 2025 my Think Tank partner said he accessed The Akashic records,and they told him the following (this is a short version):

    a) The first jesus was a part of the Essenes who were hiding things from the evils who were the ruling class (emperors). The good Jesus taught people to read and write, and he also did energy healing.

    He taught people that you can do what I can, even better.

    He was a regular person, not a gawd or son of gawd.

    b) The second jesus was created by his mother who slept around and became pregnant. It was really taboo to have a baby and not be married, so she said he was the son of gawd, knew  how to be a ventriloquist which made it seem like the baby could talk. She also did some black magick and taught him sorcery. 

    And the third jesus phillip says will be a fake evil jesus.

    Here is this religious fanatics’ comments and him putting me down saying I’m not Spiritual:

    “This is a very primitive view that completely ignores historical documents, as well as the never-ending miracles.There are more historical documents that confirm the life of Jesus, than Julius Caesar, yet the spiritual deaf and blind resist the existence of the one that is more provable, why?

    Because we are in a spiritual battle, not an intellectual one.

    To answer who are the right Christians, you would look, like I’ve already shared with you, at the apostolic lineage from Christ. Christ was baptised by Apostle John, who taught Polycarp – Polycarp invited to Rome to celebrate the Eucharist by Anicletus (the Pope), Polycarp taught Irenæus, and suddenly we’re in the 3rd century.

    This is not made up, these are historical facts, but those that have studied very little (not at all), will use unsubstantiated throw-away comments like, “it’s just a bunch of stories, without knowing how the Old Testament is a manual to identifying the messiah.

    As for miracles to reveal the Glory of God and the possibility of the impossible, an example I would give would be the aspiration at Fatima. The ‘miracle of the sun’ was reported by the anti-Catholic communist newspaper, the communist author was attacked for the story, and was pissed and fought back the attacks simply because he reported the facts of his personal eyewitness account. I could give you more, but don’t think quantity is the golden key to unlock spiritual blindness and deafness.

    Lastly, regarding the dumb diagram which is ignorant the the fullness of the deposit of faith, as a person seeks God, people are repelled from you that do not serve your purpose, and people are brought into your life that best serve you. My personal examples would be on two separate occasions, years apart, life changes intercessions took place within 48 hours that changed my life beyond what someone could dream up as possibility, directly linked to deep intense prayer to Christ to take command and fulfill his will upon us, not or own will. Because in our fallen erroneous state, we make dumb silly mistakes, and are miserable when chasing our own desires of the flesh, instead the desires of our creator.

    An example of where you made previously a throwaway comment that was unsubstantiated and intellectual inept, was when you alluded to Richard Gage to being ‘controlled.’ Which was absurdity and grossly unjust to the personal sacrifices that he made to get the truth out.”

    You see, here he talks like s slave who has to bow down to his christ and fulfill his will since obviously living for yourself isn’t good enough, that means you are somehow SELFISH.

    This is more proof that religious fanatics hate themselves and everyone around them.

    Do I think men and women shouldn’t have a purpose? Of course not. EVERYONE should know what their purpose in life is, but to say that EVERYONE’S purpose should be to bow down as a slave to the evil gawd or a jesus they think is gawd or the son of gawd (they can’t keep their stories straight) is ridiculous.

    If my only purpose on earth is to be a slave and not even enjoy being a woman, I’d rather be dead.

  22. These next ones think there’s nothing to fear and AGAIN, believe their evil gawd is behind all of this, which is partially True. sigh

    “Nothing will work against any of the true body/bride of Christ… unless God allows it. Within the past few days He has made it clear to me that He is now unleashing His protection whenever and wherever He wills it in regards to His people. He is also now beginning to move against those who intend to harm His people insofar as it is His will to do so. We are to rest in His perfect peace and trust Him absolutely in all things… small and big. I felt His wrath rising up in His Holy Spirit. Much love to all the true body/bride of Jesus Christ. Stay strong, stay focused, and stay faithful.”

  23. God bless you for all you do, Celeste. I’ve felt the Lord tell me He’s coming soon. I was hoping there would be some miracle to change what’s happening, but I even told my mom today that I don’t see how that would happen. So many people are not ready, and that makes me sad. But I’m prepared to be with my Lord and Savior in heaven.
  24. God says He will protect His children during the tribulation. Stand strong. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽Revelation 3:10.
  25. What an amazing privilege to be alive to see our King return.
  26. I am so glad that we have a Savior that is in control of everything. He is not worried and neither am I. Come Jesus Come.
  27. Jesus gave us only one way out: Take up our own personal cross, enter in at the strait gate, and walk the narrow way.
  28. Yes sister. I know you are a child of God. We put our faith in the LORD. And I don’t blame you and I thank you for sharing your knowledge and information to us for free. You need to keep your self safe and your source safe. We need to use discernment and Holy Spirit to know what is truth. God bless you MARANATHA
  29. Things are coming to Frutition of Scriptures and we who are Under The Shadow of The Almighty and in His Garden of His Word Psalms 91 KJV Shall survive to the End of Our Lot in The Land of The Living and Over Come, Spiritually Amen ❤ Cindy

I’m going to stop here and then just add any new ones I get as get them.

The only way to win this war is with US!

People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP and fight with me or someone else to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth. ACTION!

Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.

I know it’s hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.

The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.

Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that’s sharing the workload.

Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils’ mafia governments. It’s the ONLY way.


It’s our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren’t United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and FIGHT BACK by taking ACTION, NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!

Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.

The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn’t be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that’s why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.

This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That’s where the psyop religion comes in – SALVATIONISM.

They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone or something ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us while you wait, wait again, wait some more until YOU ARE DEAD.

Here’s my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it. https://ourfreesociety.com/alternative-therapy-courses/

There’s NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.

It’s when you don’t care and don’t work to rid yourself of them (this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.

With tough Love

The Our Free Society Warrior Alliance
I hope you learned something.

Never make Authority your Truth… make Truth your Authority

The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

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1 comment on “Religious fanatics”

  1. WOW, I uploaded a video from a Christian who said nowhere in the bible does it say the earth is flat. It does mention a firmament, but that doesn’t mean the firmament flat earthers always refer to is what their bible is talking about, although I agree the guy wasn’t clear.

    But let’s forget about that.

    LOOK at these INSANE FLAT EARTHERS who aren’t just flat earthers, but christians too.

    Look at how they talk about people who don’t believe the earth is flat as IF that’s the ONLY THING that matters in this entire world is the shape of Mother Earth!

    These christian fanatics are very very EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED.

    This is MORE PROOF that flat earthers are under DEEP MIND CONTROL and the same goes for christians.

    I don’t want to make this about flat earth, but every time I come across someone who is a fanatic about flat earth, I’m attacked and called STUPID or not a Truther and now they are calling me a jew. Just shocking! Many are christians, but not all.

    All of these insane christians think that EVERYONE has to be a CHRISTIAN – WOW

    ———————————-This is the same insane person on Bitchute

    Any man comes to you claiming he has the perfect model of earth, they are nothing but a godless lying pos. no man can know the true model of earth because nobody can leave it to measure it. That should have been the first lesson s called flat earthers learned.


    Water can never stick to the outside of a ball. It’s not possible. the globe can never exist, there is no measured earth curvature anywhere no proof we are moving no proof of anything except proof nasa fakes space and lies to all the idiots who would trust in men instead of God. they honestly deserve the deception. their hearts are wicked.


    The bible 100% does not show a globe spinning earth. the earth is like a tent to dwell in, how many spherical tents have you ever seen? 0 not 1 verse in the bible to support helliocentric model, but all verses support a fixed and immovable earth. if you don’t know that then you’ve never even read the bible because i do. fake christians a plenty all go to hell in the end.


    Agreed. globetards are satans children.


    I’m not crying… you idiots will be destroyed – tis written, and at the height of the arrogance which is now. You can’t really kill Christians anyway, they all resurrect – tis written: Ezekiel 37. That’s why Jesus gave such a ho hum to John the Baptist being beheaded. The flat earth proves it’s the bible telling the truth – about EVERYTHING.

    Ezekiel 37
    10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

    11 Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.

    12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

    13 And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,

    Daniel 2
    34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.

    35 Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.


    Real Christians seek THE TRUTH. They aren’t sold out to the government through a 501c3 contract. The obvious 6-6 .. the sign of another freemasonic pit. The Zionist “Christians” aren’t really Christians, like the Catholics aren’t really Christians. They are almost as stupid as the globe-tards. Almost. “Many shall say on that day, Lord, Lord… ” “Away from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you”. – Jesus.

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