Seeking part time Spanish and English speaking virtual assistant
I’m seeking part time Spanish and English speaking virtual assistant and here is my hiring ad.
I’m a non profit and I work for FREE hence the lower budget.
I’m hoping I find someone with a kind heart because I never had a problem finding people until 2023 when people started to become nasty and greedy.
The main task right now is to find me a house to rent. There is a $30 BONUS on top of the hourly amount if you find me the house I end up moving into. If you don’t want to make the calls for me to companies (this is for me personally, nothing to do with sales), just let me know you only want to find me a house, but you will still need to message potential landlords.
This is a part time job 1-6 hours per week for an intelligent Spanish speaking VA who reads everything I write, is reliable, a quick thinker, can follow instructions, and doesn’t disappear. My budget is $3-4/hr. USD or $70 pesos per hour if you are in Mexico.
Most calls (30-60 minutes) need to be made during the day US CST. The rest (unless it’s urgent) can be done afterward.
I prefer someone in Mexico, but for the right person you can be anywhere so long as you are fluent in Spanish and Ingles, understand me verbally on Telegram, and you are good at online research so you can find me a house for rent, find companies I can buy from, and call companies.
If you aren’t in Mexico, I have a way for you to call for free, or I will pay for an app for you to call.
I need a strong mature person (but not the bullying egotistical type) who isn’t easily controlled by others and is not full of FEAR.
Your job is to have my back and deal with Mexican companies and people who I need to purchase from.
I do complain about how bad workers and businesses are here, so if you are going to have a problem with that and think I don’t have the right to complain due to all of the inept businesses and terrible disrespect here in Mexico, then don’t apply. I understand this is the way things are in this country, but that does NOT make it right. It stresses me out to no end because I care about respect and ignoring people is HUGE disrespect.
I live in Mexico now, but don’t speak fluent Spanish. I moved to Celaya Guanahato GTO and it’s very toxic here, so I want to move back to one of these towns or cities in Michoacán.
Morelia, Pátzcuaro, acuitzio, Capula, Arteaga, Tzintzuntzán, Uriangato, La Piedad, Tarimbaro, Erongaricuro, or Zamora.
I am low income because I work for free with my non profit, so no rich gringa here.
You must be able to follow procedures, instructions, and use my office tools, and not assume you can do whatever you want because you think you know better than me. Suggestions are welcome, EGO is not.
You should be able to concentrate on what you are reading and have a good memory. If I have to repeat my questions to you over and over again because you miss most of what I write, or you can’t follow simple instructions, please don’t apply.
And if you are Mexican and feel the need to tell me I don’t understand Mexicans, then don’t respond. I’ve had this happen over and over from Mexicans which is why I feel the need to mention it.
I have been here for over 2 years. That doesn’t mean I just accept disrespectful, bullying behavior, lying, or companies who can’t even do anything properly. And no, I can’t move (I wish I could).
Saying that, I love the nice Mexicans, they really warm my heart.
My evidence…
How people and a lot of companies just ignore me on WhatsApp when I’m trying to ask questions or order (I use Google translate). Or I ask a question and they can’t even answer simple questions and I have to repeat myself over and over again. This isn’t an issue just in Latin America although it’s worse here, it is an issue with almost all 3rd world country people. SMH
I have literally had to spend sometimes 2-4 hours trying to get a cocina economica or restaurant to deliver me food. I’ve gone hungry often in Mexico, and this wastes my time. I just want FOOD, how hard is that???
Most landlords are terrible here. They actually expect you to fix their house for them or they act like houses NEVER break down so I must have broken their house. This house I’m in now had 3 toilets that didn’t work when I move in & it took 3 months for them to finally fix them. I went almost 2 weeks with no hot water and at least 3 time with no water at all.
There’s more evidence, but I won’t bore you.
Yes, I am very direct, but also kind hearted, and you will learn a lot from me both with me correcting your Ingles and about the Truth.
I’m not a 20 something, I’ve been around a long time, I’m an ex entrepreneur and now a Truther Activist.
I don’t play games or pretend, so if you can’t handle straight forward people who don’t lie & aren’t superficial, then this job isn’t for you.
You should be well versed with posting and researching on Facebook because I sometimes need to post hiring ads for drivers, a cook, and a cleaning lady in Celaya Guanahato GTO or post that I’m looking for a house for rent.
I prefer you have a computer and not just use your cell phone which takes a lot longer and isn’t efficient.
You and I can talk any time after 3-4 pm CST when I get up, or at night. You can do the research at night too, but as mentioned, the calls need to be done during the day.
Please email me here and provide me with your work experience as it relates to facebook, online research and calling companies.
Also, tell me where you are located, and please give me the keywords “We are going to get you Moved back to Michoacán Michelle.”
I look forward to working with you.