Seeking Video Editor

Seeking Video EditorI am Seeking Video Editor.

This is part time work you can do any time, but it does need to be done within a few days.

You must be fluent in English and be able to follow instructions so I’m not repeating myself over and over again.

That’s both written and voice messages on Telegram.

I’m a Truther Activist running a non profit working to save Humanity and our Mother Earth from the WORLDWIDE war we are in, so I do all of this work for free, which is why my budget is low.

Bonus from working with me…

You will find out the Truth about what is really going on and almost everything I study. What the evils plan to do next, and any solutions I come up with. If you don’t fight back even by helping me, you are consenting to what is going on.

  1. Once in a while I need videos grabbed from a site I can’t get downloaded because it’s too difficult, or I need a video cut and run through a conversion site because it’s too big, or I need clips cut.
  2. The odd time I need subtitles put on a video.
  3. I also need articles copied into an AI voice generator site and then any issues fixed, closing slides, background music, etc. and that made into a video.
  4. Lastly, if your original videos are good, I also need videos created from video copy I give you. You will need to come up with your own clips, music, images, etc.

My budget is:

$1/downloading videos for me
$1/cut or conversion
$3/articles made into videos. I’m sorry I can’t give you $5, but there’s just too many of them. I have 30 just as far as today, and I have to pace them out so I have the money.
$3-5/subtitles depending on how long the video is

If there’s any additional work that needs to be done, $2-3, but this would be small work.

Please email me with the following:

  1. Your video portfolio – if you don’t have one, tell me why not
  2. Tell me what software you use.
  3. What sites do you have a membership with for music, images and video clips.
  4. Have you done subtitles before?
  5. Confirm you can handle content that’s about the Truth. All of this material is about the Truth in our world which isn’t pretty at all. I already told you were are in WWIII. If you can’t handle the Truth, then please don’t bid.

    Confirm you can handle it. You don’t have to watch every video I give you, but I’m sure you will need to skim some content. I need a strong person who wants to learn the Truth.

    Most videos aren’t outlandish, but some are. I have no idea when I will work on them. The Universe often puts content in front of me so I learn it and put another puzzle piece together about the prison planet we live on.




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