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Why the cotton swab?

Covid19 PCR TestWhy the cotton swab for the PCR test.

This is a very detailed comment (although from a while ago, sorry, you know I have tons of drafts I haven’t published) from a youtube video and I liked Cody’s theorizing when it came to the cotton swab going up the nose.

I too knew way back when back in March 2020 that they were putting something on it, but he took the theorizing that much further.

Thank you Cody. I just edited it so only the part about the cotton swab was present.

I’m not thrilled with all of the links he provided because they are mainstream. Then him saying that AIDs is a disease because there’s NO SUCH THING as diseases. He’s right about HIV though, you can watch this here.

So where did all of the diseases come from you ask?

What the evils did was get doctors who are low IQ and just order followers, to come up with names for every sympto,, people had and call them diseases. Then they could poison people with drugs and vaccines and once again, do their FEAR PROPAGANDA thing.

Fear creates STUPIDITY. If you believe the lies from the mafia allopathic industry, then you get what you deserve to be SICK or die. The truth is out there, it’s just a matter of you listening to it and WAKING UP!

From a holistic standpoint, there’s only 4 main reasons why you get sick, not thousands and thousands.

4 Reasons You Get Sick

https://ourfreesociety.com/why-we-get-sick I recommend this book.

“I have said from the beginning of this that “I” would like to KNOW what is on the end of those Testing Swabs that they are PUTTING DEEP into the Nasal Cavities of those they are “Testing”. I’m pretty sure the TEST is either some NEW BACTERIAL INFECTIOUS concoction or some form of their Vaccine that could indeed have Micro Chips or whatever in it.

If any of that is true, then of course the COVID-19 Test Results from those Swabs (And the Anti Body testings where they put a NEEDLE into you. Who knows what the NEEDLE is coated with that would then transfer into YOU once it gets moistened and activated by body Heat and Blood/Fluids as they take your Blood.) would all be erroneous data/results since they would not be interested in what they know is not there. Leaving them free to say what they want and since the Sheeple got tested it has to be real. Ugh…

Side Note: When this fist started they were Swabbing the Inner Cheek of the Mouth for the TEST…..then they had the Finger Prick and Blood Smear to see if you had any Anti-Bodies if you had tested positive and then tested negative later. That was the Toe in the Water so to speak and now they are going Waist Deep.

My “personal” hypothesis is that:

  1. The Swab Nasal Test is putting “something” into people. Hence the heavy push for EVERYONE to get tested and McDonalds offering FREE Value Meal Coupons if you do get tested.
  2. Then the Anti-Body testing they are NOW starting to push hard for will be checking to see if what the SWAB put into you is doing what “They” wanted it to do. It has NOTHING to do with seeing if the Nasal Swab tested people who were Positive and recovered have Anti-Bodies that could SAVE ANOTHER PERSON’S LIFE.

How perfect is this, SCARE all the Sheeple into BEGGING for the TEST….then put whatever you want INTO them with the SWAB.

Then since there is no new Novel Virus, you just keep sending back POSITIVE results so they become even MORE scared, and then after a length of time, tell them to come back to be RETESTED and then tell them they are Negative now and “could” have Anti-Bodies that could be used TO SAVE LIVES OF THE INFECTED FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES!!

So, now the Sheeple agreed to having their Blood Taken under that guise when in reality they just NEED that Blood to make sure whatever went up their nose on that swab is doing what it is supposed to.

The Wearing of the Masks also helps whatever they are sticking up people’s noses and into their sinus cavities to STAY MOIST AND IN THERE long enough to replicate enough for it to do it’s job. Without the MASKS or FACE Coverings it might get SNEEZED OUT and AWAY from the “Test Subject” before it could take hold to do it’s Job. Another reason why it is put DEEP into the Sinus Cavity.

Now add to that the new information that even if you do have Anti-Bodies that they will only last for 1-3 MONTHS and then you are IN DANGER AGAIN!!! So, that means you need ANOTHER “test” in 1-3 months so they can now stick in the NEXT whatever of their multi stage infection plan, just like the SERIES of SHOTS they give children being Vaccinated.

Then of course the whole Anti-Body testing thing will begin again. I’m also pretty sure that some REALLY NASTY stuff will be used in some Test Swabs in “Targeted” areas of the World to make people Die pretty fast in order to ramp up the Fear and try to put “Conspiracies” down.

So, as the Sheeple are unknowingly getting a “Series” of Vaccines right now DEEP in their Nasal Cavities with Tests, if there are any “Side” Effects of the Vaccine or whatever they are putting into them then it was THE CORONA that did it. Not the Vaccine and The Sheeple are none the wiser and just keep going back to be EXPERIMENTED ON under the FEAR of DEATH and the BELIEF that their Government CARES about them and is trying to SAVE THEIR LIVES.

But, HOW DARE us Truth Seekers say anything to REALLY protect them or that we are NOT unwittingly participating in the TESTING going on.

There is ZERO need to put a Swab past the mucosal lining of the nostril to check for infection. Also, if they were “really” wanting to be thorough in testing for a Respiratory Infection they would NEED to also do a Throat culture. The fact they are using a PCR test which was created and advanced during the AIDS-HIV Era says something.

This link next shows that HIV-AIDS is what it was primarily used for right after it’s discovery and development. https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/sexual-and-reproductive-health/hiv-aids/diagnosis/pcr.html which was used for HIV AIDS testing, which by the way Fauci was the Head of that back in the late 1980’s and AZT was His DRUG that KILLED a lot of people. AZT is still used but it HAS to used in combination with at least 2 other drugs to counter the KILL RATE of AZT in AIDS patients. HIV has never been isolated. AIDS and HIV are two separate medical conditions. AIDS is a PROVEN Disease and HIV was a “Theoretical Virus” that has never been proven to exist. Fauci and his team decided HIV would be a LOGICAL cause of AIDS and developed AZT to be administered to patients. AZT is why so many people DIED from AIDS during the first 5 years after it’s discovery. It was found that people diagnosed with AIDS who STOPPED taking AZT recovered quite quickly and those that kept taking AZT DIED. So, I do NOT trust Dr. Fauci at all!! The World Health Organization and The National Health Institute are in the pockets of the Pharmaceutical Companies and do NOT have the Public’s Health and Safety as a priority in their operations.

Here is an Audio of a Virologist who worked with Fauci back in the late 1980’s early 1990’s. The Video was removed from YouTube. https://greensmoothiegirl.com/your-high-vibration-life/episodes/virologist-blows-whistle-interview-dr-judy-mikovits-phd/?utm_campaign=free-content-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email-broadcast&utm_content=vibe-podcast-
Virologist Blows the Whistle on Fauci.

Michelle: I can’t find what he’s talking about nor the patent number…

Here is the actual Microsoft Patent WO2020060606 that people have been talking about. You need to scroll about halfway down to see where the description starts. https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/docs2/pct/WO2020060606/pdf/TEKz6GoL-DyveCx1tQsLDzGQTSUWQu-noye9Su1toSIinH0-7C26QzgqaRTz1d5BZCTy5WevDi8ltxdh-jJX47W79nW61LMBnLaZAZKu2uL77tF_g-vAixK-wAcnDujF?docId=id00000053167998

Here are some Vaccine Articles on RNA vaccines…which by the way have NEVER before been used in HUMANS!! Only Animals. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/two-extreme-long-shots-could-save-us-coronavirus/608539/ This is an interview with a panel of Doctors discussing it. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/09/magazine/covid-vaccine.html Here is an article about Moderna and their mRNA Vaccine https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-how-it-works-cvd/ “The details that Moderna presented suggest that the company may be on its way to achieving something unprecedented: licensing the first mRNA vaccine for human use.”

Back to the Nasal Swab testing, ALL doctors say to NEVER use Cotton Swabs to clean your ears. Not just because you push wax father into your ear and cause it to become impacted or that you might possibly go too far and puncture your Ear Drum. One of the Main Dangers is a strand of Cotton coming off and lodging in the ear canal which will trap bacteria and then become infected. So, WHY would they use a COTTON Swab to WAY UP into the Sinuses which if a piece of cotton came off it would then trap bacteria and cause and infection. They KNOW this and are still doing it. The Cheek Swab they were first doing was perfect for DNA sample collection to use in the PCR test if all they were doing is testing for infection.”

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