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Alternative Therapy Courses

You can not change what you refuse to confrontSo it’s been a long time coming that I needed to write up this article that lists Alternative Therapy Courses.

If you want to be FREE, you have to work on your inner childhood trauma.

There is NO way around this as much as you don’t want to do it.

If you are totally happy with the evils killing humanity and our Mother Earth, move right along.

If you actually CARE, then you MUST work on yourself FIRST! Then you help others.

Before giving you my list of alternative therapy courses, here’s some information, but first understand that I haven’t taken most of these courses. I’ve only taken two.

You are responsible for doing your own research and going with the one that feels comfortable for you.

Reading books is fine, but they will NOT help heal you in my opinion.

Only real-life tools and exercises work to help release and heal.

That’s like you hiring a contractor to build your house, but he’s never built a house a day in his life, he only read books on the topic. They are a precursor to helping, yes, but you really want the contractor who has experience in the REAL world.

Stress harms our body and health and can even kill us.

Just look at how many people have committed suicide during this war and how many others are severely depressed.

When I first heard that stress makes us sick I didn’t want to believe it.

That was back in 2006.

It took me another two years before I finally accepted that this was true AND there are doctors who have proven that as well. You can read Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s story here. I just started reading it the other day in fact, and have another page or two to finish.

If you have any sites I don’t have on my list, please reach out.

Mainstream Therapy

None of what I’m giving you below is mainstream therapy like psychiatrists (THEY ARE VERY DANGEROUS because they get you hooked on toxic drugs that will tear your body to shreds and I’ve also heard they can make you go psychotic or kill yourself) or psychologists.

I don’t believe in mainstream therapy and yes, I’ve been to one shrink when I was 18 for a whole year, around 3 psychologists, and 1 psychotherapist in my mid to late 20s. I once went to one, and within 15 minutes she got triggered by me saying I can’t stand insecure people. She wanted nothing to do with me after that. Imagine my SHOCK.

Not only did they not help me, they made me worse, because there’s nothing worse than seeking help and them not helping you so you feel even more depressed about your situation.

Most of these therapists are very dysfunctional themselves and pass their issues onto their patients. They only get into the industry to try and find answers for themselves. In my opinion, that is NOT a good reason to get into that profession.

They are often triggered when a patient says something they can’t handle, and that’s happened to me a few times long ago and yes, even with two alternative therapists.

If I wasn’t a strong person inside, it would have crushed me, and there was one time when it did.

Also, I’ve heard from others who went to mainstream therapy, and one told me that all the therapist does is sit and listen because they enjoy the drama. After a while, she realized she was paying for THEM to listen to a great dramatic story.

The reason talk therapy does NOT work, is because you never release your pain. You just keep rehashing it, coming back and talking about your problems over and over again with no release.

Not to mention, most people who go for mainstream therapy go for YEARS.

Alternative therapy doesn’t work that way. Most courses are for a week or a few months and that’s it. You learn the tools which should have released some of your emotional trauma when you were there, and then you continue to use those tools daily or to help you when you are in a stressful state.

And in my opinion, NOTHING in mainstream society WORKS. That should be evident by now.

The only thing I like that’s mainstream is POP music, but I happen to have a huge range of music that I like, so POP is just one kind.

All of mainstream society is controlled by the evils AND they try to get rid of anything alternative THAT WORKS, so that should be a clue that some (not all) alternative methods WORK, otherwise the evils wouldn’t bother with it.

Childhood Trauma

Based on my experience, we all need to do major childhood trauma removal also known as shadow work.

Depending on how much your parents, family, teachers, religious figures, or peers abused you, the more you need. This doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to do it every month and become addicted to self-help therapy, because there are people who do that too and it’s not healthy. We also have to LIVE LIFE and enjoy it.

My point is, we start off with one course and see how it goes, and take it from there. Then in another 6-12 months, look into another one and so on.

There is no shame in having been abused.

I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been abused. The evils have created a society where ABUSE is commonplace and has been passed down from generation to generation. Again, this was NOT done by accident.

When I say abuse, it could mean any of the following… emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, no love, no one took care of you, and so on. Or it could be a combination of several of those.

In fact, if a baby isn’t loved and taken care of properly by its mother, it WILL grow up with health issues both physically and emotionally and almost always have negative relationships. You can read the scientific book on that here.

Then as a sort of a “spring cleaning,” it’s always a good idea to take a course once a year.

Fuel for our body

Also, remember that a diet that consists of toxic food will also make you depressed and the poisons the evils unleash on us also harm our emotional state. I won’t give you my poison list here because you don’t need to read that now.

Our body NEEDS healthy clean nutrient dense food and clean ALIVE water to fuel the body and mind. FOOD IS MEDICINE!

I once got out of a depression ONLY because someone told me about a drink that helps to heal. That drink literally saved me from that depression. Within 6 days I was like a NEW person.

When we are depressed, it depletes our body of nutrients.

How to heal the world

I often talk about the first step to solving our worldwide problems is working on our childhood trauma and emotional issues. We MUST heal ourselves first before we can attempt to heal the world.

None of this is going to happen overnight, but admitting that we ALL (yes, even me) need to work on ourselves is the FIRST step to healing.

There is NO SHAME in admitting that and NO, you should NEVER EVER be sent to a mental institute or be told you are crazy. That is where the EVILS send people who they want to SHUT UP or steal their money, work or inheritance.

They control the whitecoats who lie and write up a fake letter saying this or that person is CRAZY. This is a method the evils have been using for literally thousands of years.

Working on Ourselves

Please PLEASE for your sake and everyone else’s, work on yourself. I have listed tons of different types of alternative therapies. Just find one that you resonate with.

Just because I like one method, doesn’t mean it will work for you. No two people are the same. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that we are ALL the same because we aren’t, but we DO all want the same things in life…

Love, health, shelter, food, air, water, and community. That doesn’t change no matter where in the world you are.

Like the book I’m reading just mentioned and of course I agree, people know that they have to brush their teeth and shower often, otherwise they will make themselves sick. The same thing goes for our emotional health. If ONLY people would care about working on releasing their emotional trauma, we would be a much happier and loving society.

And that also means most people wouldn’t be afraid of fighting the evils.

The reason WHY the evils are able to control so many people is BECAUSE they haven’t worked on their childhood trauma and learned how to love and respect themselves. For this reason, they are easily brainwashed or mind-controlled. Or they follow what everyone else is doing because they are scared to stand out of the crowd or they are easily pressured into doing something they don’t want to do.

Again, that’s a sign a person is a follower and doesn’t feel comfortable being who they are.


Childhood Trauma

So here’s the list and some of these therapies can be available worldwide

One thing I want to mention before you start diving in…

Nothing irks me more than New Age cult worshippers. Remember, the evils created the New Age religion. You can watch Mark’s lecture on that here. They usually worship their incomplete version of the Law of Attraction that says that if you think or feel one negative thought, you are bringing all of your negativity upon yourself.

My experience is that they always attack me by saying that I ask for it ALL!!! These people are very dysfunctional, in my opinion, and like to show off that their life is sooo great and mine isn’t. I’ve had that happen all the time since around 2007 or thereabouts.

Some even talk down to me as if I’m a little child and imply that I don’t know anything about life and that I purposely play the VICTIM. This whole “you can’t be a victim” BS swept through Hollywood and North America from what I understand.

I’ve experienced this with these new age cultists, and even people who are NOT part of the New Age religion, but are religious fanatics. They don’t want to hear the truth about what is going on, so they want me to tone down the truth and only pray positive thoughts.

THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT and the evils did a very good job of brainwashing millions of people who parrot the same BS lies over and over again that if we all just love, the evils will just POOF – disappear.

Back to why I’m saying all of this.

Most people don’t know that you could have issues not just because of your childhood trauma, but also due to your family’s trauma and their parents’ trauma too.

I also believe in curses and YES, I believe in magic (if the evils believe in it and use it, then it has to be powerful.) Magic can be used for either positive or negative OR for protection against someone who’s attacking you.

Curses are never mentioned in the new age cult and there’s a reason for that. They don’t want you to know they or someone else has cursed you, or that it’s even possible.

Even when you swear at someone you are cursing them.

Anyone who pretends to know everything about the mind, spirituality, and the Universe is LYING TO YOU!

There is so much to learn about spirituality and the mind, I’ve only scratched the surface.

So my point is… if any one of these practitioners makes you feel guilty for feeling bad about yourself, others, your life, the war or whatever, or if they try to talk you out of the reality that we are in a war and say it’s all in your head, it will all go away, just give it ANOTHER month (I’ve been hearing this from trumpet worshipers, some religious people and New Age cultists alike since April 2020), DITCH THEM QUICK.

You don’t need people who are brain dead trying to help you.

If they and their life during this war is so perfect, challenge them to go off and heal the evils and see if they come back alive and in one piece. They won’t.

We can work on our shit, yes, but we can NOT heal anyone else. That’s their job, and the evils are not even psychopaths, they are BEYOND EVIL.  They don’t want to heal themselves.

Can we help others to heal, yes, but only if THEY do the majority of the work.

The evils exist, they are real, they aren’t in my imagination and I’m NOT creating them ONLY in my reality. Again, a New Age cult BS construct.

Meaning, if I was suddenly happy 24/7, that would NOT get rid of the evils, but energy does matter since we are all made up of ENERGY and we emit a vibration, so as you can see in this war, since EVERYONE was full of fear, that energy spread WORDWIDE.

But saying all of that, I do believe that we need to STRIVE to be happy.

Back in 1999, when I first came across this book, I resisted happiness for a few years because I thought happiness was something only in fairy tales and it’s NOT. It’s a choice – BUT, if you have childhood trauma blocking you, it will be much harder to be authentically happy.

You can fake it which is what the new age cultists tell you to do, but you shouldn’t have to is my point.

And if the evils want to make us miserable, they will find a way because that’s what they do, and I believe this is why most people are unhappy, NOT because they consciously choose to.

And lastly, we are ALL connected, so yes, you have to strive to be happy because YOU COME FIRST, but ignoring everyone else who’s enslaved by the evils is pure selfishness and dysfunction.

So keep that all in mind when looking for a practitioner, because I don’t want you to get upset by some rose-colored glasses practitioner who thinks there IS covid and we should be terrorized by the mafia government and the evils and the truth is all in our heads.

If you care to share and used one of the therapies below, please write to me in confidence to tell me which one it was and how it went (positive or negative.) It’s good for me to get feedback.

Sorry for the very very long article and Good LUCK!

I add to this list every time I come across a new one, so you may want to bookmark this page.

  1. Anthony de Mello, Awareness – someone was really helped by this man. Site.
  2. Ayahuasca – I don’t recommend this as a be-all that ends all. I think one should have already done alternative therapy before going for this. It’s become more popular (there was even a reality show about it in America) but the mafia government goes after anyone who holds the retreat unless you are in Latin America. You should NEVER EVER go to a retreat if there isn’t a therapist there to help you as it’s very very deep. A lot of shadow work is done to release pain. Also, as of 2024, I’ve heard that some people are getting sick (going mad) from it I think because the evils are poisoning it.

    I looked into it and was excited to go (this was pre-scamedmic) and when I asked questions after I watched a video, I got no proper answers, and eventually they disappeared, but if memory serves, that was the Mexican location and I already know that people in Latin American don’t even know what customer service is or how to communicate well so that figures.

    These retreats are held worldwide and most people say it’s life changing for them. Site.

  3. Barbara BrennanHere is her site where you can find practitioners worldwide. I do admit when I called several, almost no one returned my call and some were beyond expensive.
  4. BePeriod – Based on the book called, “The Fourth Way. What I like about what Asaf Braverman said was that we can’t just fix ourselves, we have to fix society too. That society is a direct reflection of ourselves and this is so true. Site. He has his courses in different languages such as French, German, And here is the site that talks about George Gurdjieff.
  5. Body Electronics Therapy – Dr John Whitman Ray – I assume he’s already passed over, so a woman wanted to keep his work alive and put things up on YT here, and this site years ago. Even though it’s of poor quality, I’m sure his work isn’t.
  6. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – way too mainstream for me, but you may like it. I found a site for you that lists a few different types within that realm. Site.
  7. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) – this is more mainstream I just realized, but I’ll leave it in here just in case you want to look into it. Site. And here’s the textbook.
  8. CreativeMind MethodSite.
  9. Doll Therapy – I couldn’t find anything about this online, but this woman did this and it helped her. “I did a lot of inner child healing and I bought a toddler-aged doll that resembled me as much as possible…Then I basically re-scripted conversations about traumas that occurred which my parents “should’ve” said to me or at least my version of it. I don’t remember where I came up with this idea but it actually helped a lot.”
  10. Dynamic Neural Retraining System (Annie Hopper)Site.
  11. EMDRSite.
  12. Emotion CodeSite on how to use it correctly.
  13. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping – this one is very popular. There’s different versions of this. This guy claims he can get results faster. Video.
  14. “Eurythmy” which Steiner called “visible speech” and “visible signing.” Think of things like Yoga and Qi Gong only more advanced – Site for a couple who does this in Boulder, Colorado.
  15. “Existential Kink” by Carolyn Elliott PhD.Videos and Site.
  16. Family Constellation TherapySite.
  17. Fast Track Hypnotherapy  – I don’t have a site to give you. You will have to look it up in your area. Hypnotherapy does help to retrain the subconscious mind which is where all of our emotional traumas are stored. Most people don’t understand that it’s not our conscious mind that’s in control, it’s the subconscious and of course that affects how we think, speak, and then act. There’s also NLP which is used worldwide. I will give you a site to read over about that here.
  18. Hoffman Quadrinity ProcessSite. This did save my life back in 1997, but it was a difficult course not because of the course, but the other people in the course. I also heard recently that a woman was abused at the location she went to. She needed medical care because she was already sick before going, and they wouldn’t help her. That shocked me. This course and time in my life was a HUGE turning point for me, so if you are relatively healthy and can handle some ego from the trainers (I came across one with ego as well), I do recommend this course as a starting point.

    They have locations all over the world, so everyone’s experience is going to be different.

    I released a lot of pain and matured miles in the short week of the course. I healed more as time went on as well.

    I think one of the reasons they don’t coddle you is that they want you to mature and coddling means you won’t mature. Mainstream therapists ALWAYS coddle which is why most people never mature and actually grow up.

    Just so you understand, when you have a trauma as a child, you stop growing emotionally. So let’s say your trauma was at age 6, you will hold back maturing due to that trauma. This is why soooo many people are little children trapped in an adult body.

  19. Holistic HarmonicsSite. Someone else recommended it.
  20. Kolbe IndexSite. Doesn’t seem like it’s therapy, but it sounds interesting.
  21. Lightning Process (Phil Parker)Site.
  22. Lightworker Training (Tatiana)Site. Her free YouTube videos. Meditations. Her Odysee channel. Her Telegram group.
  23. Limbic RetrainingSite.
  24. Medical OrgonomistSite and here’s a short video. Based off of Wilhelm Reich. I finally got the book he wrote cleaned up and uploaded to the site here.
  25. Mind Body ToolkitSite.
  26. Myofascial Release ApproachSite.
  27. NeurosculptingSite.
  28. PathworkSite
  29. Porn addiction – is very real and I still have to research if it really does harm your brain when you are addicted to it.

    This isn’t from a practitioner, but I liked what he had to say to a 23 year old who has been online since age 8 and was intelligent enough to realize that he needs to help himself heal from his porn addiction.

    Although I don’t agree that masturbating is a bad thing unless you are addicted to it like so many men (and some women) are these days.

    It was very interesting about the first and second chakra development process which I didn’t know about.

    “Hello friend. Kudos on the vulnerable share. My experience is when in doubt, start with the early childhood trauma that is causing the imprint programs to run in the bio-energy field. How was life during 0-2 when the root and sacral centers were being developed? What pain/wound is causing the imprint program to run in your field? What was the setting like around your parents or whomever you were around during those ages? It may help to ask your parents if they are still around.

    For me, it was a feeling of being always needing to be wanted in that regard and connecting the dots that my parents divorced at age 2 (sacral center development) but at 7 months in the womb my mother discovered my father’s infidelity. Insert feelings of not being wanted that I was soaking up like a sponge! Essentially these imprinted frequencies during the development of my root (fear/survival) and my sacral (sexual/sensuality) centers caused me to get into these non-productice recurring patterns along those lines. The fix was up to acknowledge it, feel it in every cell of my body, and then essentially re-program the imprint program that has been running in my field with unconditional love from source/zero point field via intentions and meditations. If this stuff resonates check out Barbara Brennan’s work in that field.

    On the physical level, stop ejaculating. Learn to separate ejaculation and orgasm and move that energy into your higher centers for various good instead of letting that vital energy go from your bodytemple, especially needlessly in the act of a solo porn session. When that sacred energy is cultivated and harnessed properly you won’t have a need to seek pleasure from anything “out there”, especially the solo porn ejac sessions as you will have everything you need inside now. Your relationships are sure to improve (mine did dramatically) as you won’t objectify everything attractive/beautiful that you see and try to either mentally or physically turn it into some errotic sex scene from something you watched on pornhub. If this resonates check out Mantak Chia’s work around the subject and the Microcosmic Orbit meditations.

    When you combine these the idea is that you start to change the magnetism in your bio-energy field that holds the current imprinted neural network structures in place. This ideally causes the current unwanted habits to make way for new, beautiful and creative habits and patterns.

    Just my experience and two cents. Thanks for listening. Inspired someone of your age is trying to resolve these types of issues. Namaste and keep it up!”

    Here is Mantak Chia’s work which is great, because it’s QiGong which I love. I don’t think I’ve heard of him before. Here are videos on QiGong you can do at home.

  30. Primal TherapySite #1 and Site #2.
  31. Psychotherapists (normally I wouldn’t mention them here and I had a very negative experience with one who got triggered because I said I don’t like insecure people and she asked me to leave – WOW. A lot of these people in mainstream therapy are VERY dangerous and shouldn’t be practicing if they are this insecure and dysfunctional, so please be careful. If I was any weaker than I was back then, I would have taken my life just by what she did to me. Saying that, if memory serves, these are unique and different types… transpersonal psychotherapist integral psychotherapist)
  32. Reclaiming Your Life: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Regression Therapy Overcome Effects Childhood Abuse – book here by Jean J. Jenson. People have said they have cured their bipolar disorder using these methods. Amazon removed over 133 reviews (yeh right it was a glitch) so  now there are only 34. 34+133 that is.
  33. Shamanic TeachersSite.
  34. Somatic ExperiencingSite #1 and Site #2 – this isn’t a video from Peter Levine, but it’s about his methods. Video.
  35. Soul Bonding – by Bob Podolsky –Pamphlet.
  36. Soul Retrieval – look for the therapies, not the YT meditations. Site.
  37. Stomach Issues – Releasing trauma in the stomach – Article.
  38. Tapas Acupressure TechniqueSite. Sounds very interesting and very cheap too at only $45.
  39. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Numbers 5 and 9 helped the person who gave this to me the most. Number 5 and Number 9 Part 1 and Part 2.
  40. The Completion Process – Teal Swan – so I’m on the fence about her. While there is something off about her, she has in fact come back from being a sexually abused mind controlled child, so that may be what all the sexuality is about. I have no issues with sexuality, but she subtly flaunts hers and that’s what I have an issue with. Saying that, thousands of people love her and I liked her book which was interesting, and some of her videos. She’s not mainstream in how she thinks, so that interested me. The one on suicide was taken down by nazi goolag which is too bad, because I feel it would have helped people. Here’s her site.
  41. The Son-Rise ProgramSite. For autistic children and based on the “Happiness is a Choice,” book I mentioned above.
  42. Time of Transition Embodied Soul AwakeningVeil of Reality – Bernhard GuentherSite. I’m on the fence about him. At first I loved him and would have probably gone to his program had the scamdemic not been in full swing, because he was awake. But then over the next 3 years there were some red flags about him, like he had a guest on talking about how great trumpet was, and he put the 2nd hour behind a paywall. Then in early 2024 someone mentioned his name in a very negative way, but didn’t tell us what happened. He was going through a lot in the video, but still, why call only Bernhard out? His wife is too new agey for me and the final straw for me was a woman commented on his instagram page that she had a big awakening  about certain things and it really helped her. He completely ignored what they said and just said Done, PDF sent. I was shocked. Link. Lastly, he shut off the comments and replies on this video when it was only a week old and the video made him look like he was AI generated. Link.
  43. Timeline Healing – Sounds very interesting. Site. And there’s several channels on the topic here.
  44. Think DifferentSite.
  45. Total Health MasterySite.
  46. Transactional analysis – again, more mainstream. Site.
  47. Trauma Release (TRE)Site.
  48. Trauma Consciousness – Melanie Tonia Evans – Video and Site.
  49. Vibrational Retraining – Sound Therapy – Site.
  50. Vipassana, or insight meditation – I don’t practice the Buddhism religion, but this sounds interesting. Site.
  51. Yogic Power – While it sounds good, I got turned off by having to call someone a Divine Master. Site.

Okay, wow, that took several hours to gather together even though I already had it on an Excel file. I had to look up every site quickly and sometimes it took a bit of research.

I HOPE that you pay me back by seriously looking into one of these programs. Mull it over and GO FOR IT!!!!

It will bring me joy to know you are taking a serious look at your emotional well-being. I know it’s hard, I’m guilty of doing EVERYTHING for humanity and putting myself last.

That’s a sign that I still need to learn how to love myself more and trust me, I love myself way MORE than I did when I was in my 20s or even most of my 30s.

If you feel comfortable talking to me, shoot me an e-mail when you are done a program so I can get your feedback.


Our Free Society
Peace, Love, and Serenity
P.S. I had to rush to get this done as I need SLEEP and someone is waiting for this, so if you find mistakes, please point them out to me. Thanks


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