What are Free Communities?
Here is a story that leads to examples of how to run free communities
Bob Podolsky was raised by a father who was a scientist, so from an early age he had a curiosity about life and truth and would later on in life strive to create free communities.
He studied math and physics in high school, and went onto study in four Universities, Cincinnati, Xavier, Hawaii and Harvard.
In Hawaii he received the National Science Foundation Fellowship for research in quantum electrodynamics.
After 10 years doing mathematical physics, and 10 years performing mathematical remodeling, he decided he didn’t like the bureaucracy, so he trained in different methods of psychotherapy and operated a private practice in this field for some 25 years.
He boasts, “I was able to practice the most effective methods of doing therapy without yielding to the prohibitions imposed upon members of these self-serving cartels – whose members don’t know these methods, can’t apply them, and don’t control them financially.”
These cartels dominate the psychiatric, psychological, social work and counseling fields which we believe is why no one ever gets better. None of these methodologies work, they are very judgemental, and in psychiatry, it’s ALL about pushing drugs.
By 1992 he started writing articles on ethics, law, and the government, because he had realized that the systems everyone thinks is there to help us is THE cause of most of society’s problems.
He was able to use his previous skills analyzing physical systems to then analyze societal systems.
He feels the 3 BIG causes of all of society’s problems are:
- Big Business (we call them EVIL CORPS). He feels banking is the crux, but we feel there are MANY EVIL CORPS that ruin society, not just the banking sector. Although, they may have been the first industry.
- Organized Religion
- Government
The acronym he came up with to describe these 3 causes for all of society’s ills is B.O.R.G.
In 1984 he met John David Garcia who was the author of, “Creative Transformation,” Garcia’s most well known piece of work.
Bob Podolsky came to understand that with ethics, we can all make better decisions than one can by any other means. Earlier in his life he rejected ethics, but then grew to understand this very important concept from Garcia.
Garcia wrote 4 books, and taught an enlightened version of ethics and the purpose for human existence.
He believed in science, creativity and being aware of morals. He believed that creativity was the key process we have within ourselves, and we can’t get to morality without creativity. It motivates us to act.
Given that creativity has been stifled in the school system and in most religious homes for centuries, it’s no wonder society is in the situation it’s in now.
He felt that going to school and ONLY studying one subject is a mistake.
Once he finished his second master’s degree, he stopped going, because he saw that the learning provided was too narrow a field, and most everyone cared more about impressing everyone with their knowledge, rather then helping their students increase their own mastery and intelligence.
(Creativity = Intelligence * ethics)
Garcia also learned that because times have changed, striving for happiness without creativity will have a huge ill affect on humanity. Before creativity and happiness were in synergy, but due to technology, the lack of communication and the huge spurt of human population, this is no longer the case.
He also founded the Society for Evolutionary Ethics (SEE) and created the Octologue concept which embraces free communities.
Garcia’s main points were:
- “Whenever one must choose between happiness and creativity, one should choose creativity where creativity is defined as the ability to predict and control one’s environment.
- An alternate definition of creativity: creativity is whatever qualities of the human mind that enable people to discover new scientific laws, invent new machines or create new works of great art or assist others in doing those things.
- An ethical act is any act that increases the creativity of at least one person without decreasing the creativity of any person.
- No person has a right to any part of another person’s life or property, except, possibly, by prior mutual, voluntary contract.
- Although many aspects of the U.S. Constitution and many of the Amendments to the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, proved a great success, Majority Rule proved a failure. No electoral majority in any existing country can be trusted to make creative or ethical decisions.”
After Bob Podolsky studied and befriended John David, he founded Titania, the community and concept dedicated to peace, love and truth by using ethics and creativity.
He believes strongly that if we don’t use ethics in our lives, humanity will find itself extinct.
During most of recorded human history, society has been organized using negative hierarchic models which teach individuals to use power. Titania instead uses the Code of Honor that provides a set of unique principles for its mission and procedures. This is all based on the concept of free communities.
Titanian is located in Mesa, Arizona, and has been evolving for the last 20 years. It is their dream that humanity will evolve into a moral society in which most, if not all, of humanity’s problems will have been solved.
It’s method of society uses the Octologue and HoloMat / HoloMatri system.
To watch the interview with Bob Podolsky, click here.
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