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What a cashless society means


  • A cashless society means no cash. Zero.
  • It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here and there.’
  • Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled.
  • I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they’re asking for.


  • No more tuck-away cash for those preparing to leave domestic violence.
  • No more purchases off marketplace unless you want to risk bank transfer fraud.
  • No more garage sales.
  • No more cash donations to hungry homeless people you pass.
  • No more cash slipped into the hands of a child from their grandparents.
  • No more money in birthday cards.
  • No more piggy banks or tooth fairy money for your child.
  • No more selling bits and pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
  • Less choices of where you purchase based on affordability.


  • Banks have full control of every single cent you own.
  • Every transaction you make is recorded.
  • All of your movements and actions are traceable.

What a cashless society means

So a month or two ago I became aware that the Truthers within the UK were freaking out because the british mafia government was removing all of the cash.

It turns out they were NOT removing all the cash, they were replacing it with other cash, the plastic cash. Now we are in August 2023 and they are starting to remove ALL CASH. See this brave man here.

And here is a great way to FIGHT BACK!

That reminded me that Canada did the same thing several years ago, so did the US, and other countries overseas. Even Mexico did this.

I assumed they were putting something on the paper like they do with ALL of the thermal receipts we touch when we go to the store.

Those receipts have BPA on them which affects our hormones which we know turns us from our natural gender into the opposite one and causes a whole host of other health issues.

But then someone said he thinks they are putting tracking devices into the notes and I have to agree with that assessment because why else haven’t they rushed to make the whole world CASHLESS? That is their plan anyway.

They have to get the tracking notes out into the world so they can track anyone who doesn’t obey the evils and tries to use it. That is my guess.

Our Free Society
I hope you learned something and if you can support my work (there are different options), it would be much appreciated. If not, I understand.

A knowledgeable mind will set you FREE and so will using Natural Law to fight the evils and evil collectives. Remember, according to Natural Law, if you or anyone you know is under attack, spiritually and lawfully you are allowed to fight back even by killing that person!

Truth, connecting to consciousness, following Natural Law, learning how to love and respect yourself and then others, to build a better world, is ALL that Matters, and then taking ACTION!

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