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World War 1 Truce Christmas Story

World War 1 Truce ChristmasMost people don’t know what happened during the World War 1 Truce Christmas story that took place in 1914.

In order to get people robotically accepting that killing people from other countries is okay, you have to promote war as a good thing.

(I have tons of articles in draft mode and I brought this up because I was telling someone the story. I’m finally publishing it after 3-4 years. I hope you pass it around. I can’t believe people STILL worship or at the very least support WAR!!! This all ties into why people will listen and do anything their criminal government tells them to do, including go to war against their own peaceful loving people living right next door to them.)

The evils who promote war use it to

  • Make LOADS of MONEY
  • Experiment on soldiers and,
  • Rape resources and land from other countries
  • Pit people against one another so they are distracted and don’t concentrate on being angry at who REALLY matters, THE EVILS.

The last thing the evils want, is PEACE or a TRUCE among the soldiers.

People (both soldiers and people back home) are so brainwashed into accepting war as a normal part of life, that they buy into the propaganda (lies) led by the governments and churches.

War is GOOD, and we are fighting some “enemy.”

It was right after the Constantinian coup around 313 CE, when Christianity turned from being a religion based on peace to a religion that said that it was “okay” to promote war.

A war where the Christian churches convinced people that the other side was the DEVIL and gawd was on their side. Gawd said it was okay to kill them ALL!

Who is “them?”

Anyone the mafia criminal governments and churches TELL you to hate!

Christmas Eve 1914

Back during the so called “Great War,” that, of course, wasn’t GREAT at all, during Christmas Eve of 1914, the soldiers from many different countries had FINALLY had ENOUGH of the killing.

The soldiers had experienced so many horrors such as

  • malnutrition/hunger
  • dehydration
  • infections such as typhus and dysentery
  • louse infestations
  • trench foot
  • frostbite and the gangrenous toes and fingers
  • death/dying
  • bad food
  • sleep deprivation
  • shell shock
  • traumatic brain injuries and
  • homesickness

What These Soldiers Had to Endure

Millions died due to the suicide missions they were forced to enter into because their government told them to do it and they were stupid and insecure enough to listen. It’s no different today. People sign up to kill others without questioning why they are doing it.

The generals who ran the war knew ahead of time that the soldiers on the front lines were entering into suicide missions.

The ones with the power would sit safely in their homes or bunkers, warm with food, drink, and warm clothes, then dole out orders for soldiers to kill themselves in a battle they knew they couldn’t win.

The soldiers were up against artillery barrages, and they had no way to defend themselves.

If they weren’t killed or physically maimed by the artillery shells and sniper fire, it was guaranteed they would be emotionally destroyed by the “shell-shock.”

Shell shock is what we now know as combat-induced posttraumatic stress disorder – PTSD.

There were many wounded soldiers who were trapped because they were left hanging on the barbed wire. They were left bleeding to death in the craters created by the bombs that were in between the trenches.

They would scream for days before they finally found peace by dying.

The troops in the trenches were forced to listen to their fellow soldiers’ desperate cries for help.

This haunted them, and those who did manage to make it home were broken shells of men.

Once they made it home barely alive, they were abandoned.

They were victims of the horrific “Great” war that had created a militarized culture that glorified war and killing.

Every country during this war and all the others almost always hides away the most disfigured war veterans so they can continue to recruit fresh PUPPETS who are willing to go to war for them.

And YET, the government makes fun of the deranged fanatics who are willing to suicide bomb themselves for the Muslim extremists. How is that any different than an American going off to war knowing full well he/she may be bombed or killed?


These men and women are agreeing ahead of time to go fight a war for psychopaths who are using the war to take over every country one at a time.

All soldiers who come back from ANY war almost always suffer from

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • sleep deprivation
  • suicidality
  • hyper-alertness
  • horrifying nightmares and flashbacks.

Amazingly for many years, these nightmares and flashbacks were usually misdiagnosed as a “hallucination of unknown cause.”

The low level intelligent shrinks or doctors would diagnose them with schizophrenia and then treat them with addictive, brain-altering, suicidality-inducing psychopathic drugs.

In my opinion, it’s only common sense that humans are NOT meant to harm and kill other humans. It’s just not within our nature to do that unless we are under attack and I don’t mean under attack in a month, or a year, or 3 months before, I mean under attack NOW.

Even then we clearly aren’t wired to want to harm people who are attacking us because people still encounter PTSD when they kill someone in self defense.

This is just one more example of how whitecoats are complete morons, OR they want to misdiagnose and get them hooked on drugs. It’s one or the other, there is no middle ground. And I don’t care if it was back in 1914. You’d have to be very low IQ not to figure out that people seeing war harms you mentally.

The World War 1 Truce Christmas of 1914

So eventually these front-line soldiers had a breaking point that led to a TRUCE on Christmas eve.

On December 24, 1914, this truce lasted for several days and shocked the heads of the military who did NOT want peace. Obviously, they wouldn’t allow this. The evils call soliders dogs (if you didn’t know), so there’s no way they are going to let their dogs call the SHOTS.

This spontaneous event happened at a number of locations all along the 600 miles of triple trenches that stretched across Belgium and France.

The military had to make sure that this event would never happen again.

What Happened on that Eventful Night?

The story is that a German soldier started singing the beloved (and easily recognizable in all languages) Christmas hymn “Stille Nacht”.

Soon the British, French, and Scottish soldiers on the other side of No Man’s Land joined in with their versions of “Silent Night.” Then other Christmas songs were also sung, often as duets in different languages.

The natural human aversion to killing other humans broke through to their consciousness and overcame the fear, patriotic fervor, and pro-war brainwashing to which they had all been subjected.

Soldiers on both sides courageously dropped their weapons and came “over the top” in peace to meet their enemy face-to-face.

Just to show you how courageous they were, to get to the neutral zone, they had to climb over barbed wire, walk around shell holes, and over frozen corpses.

Later on during the peace truce, these frozen corpses were given respectful burials with soldiers from both sides. They each helped one another with the terrible task of burying their comrades.

Breaking Through the Brainwashing

The spirit of retaliation had been replaced with the spirit of reconciliation and the desire for real peace. The new friends shared chocolate bars, cigarettes, wine, schnapps, soccer games, and pictures from home. Addresses were exchanged, photos were taken, and every soldier who genuinely experienced the emotion of love was changed forever.

How the Military Heads Dealt with the Peaceful Loving Soldiers and Buried the Story

Fraternization with the enemy (as well as refusing to obey orders in time of war) is universally regarded by military commanders (and courts of law back home) as an act of treason and a serious crime deserving of severe punishment.

In this particular case during the World War 1 Truce Christmas of 1914, most commanding officers feared mutiny among the soldiers if severe punishments were carried out.

They also didn’t want to draw any public attention to the situation by punishing them because then this could change the war fever back home.

So they censored home-bound letters and basically ignored the episode.

War correspondents were forbidden to report the truce to their papers, and there were threats of court-martial if they didn’t get back to killing the soldiers from the other side.

The evils understood that getting to know and befriend an enemy soldier was bad for promoting the killing spirit of war.

There were punishments that were carried out against some of the most conscientious soldiers who refused to fire their rifles.

Soldiers from all of the different countries involved in this terrible war were sent off to other areas to fight. This was to quash their feelings of love and peace.

A Movie Brings the Truth Out Into the Open

It was such an amazing story, that back in 2005, there was even a French foreign movie made about the story. It was called “Joyeux Noel” (French for “Merry Christmas.”) It received an Academy Award nomination for best foreign film of 2005.

An Example of How the Church Plays a Role in Promoting and Encouraging War

In a powerful scene in the movie, it showed a confrontation between the altruistic, Christ-like, antiwar Scottish chaplain and his pro-war aristocratic Anglican bishop.

The humble chaplain was mercifully administering the “last rites” to a dying soldier when he was approached by the bishop.

The bishop chastised the chaplain for fraternizing with the enemy during the World War 1 Truce Christmas. He then relieved the simple pastor of his chaplaincy duties because of his “treasonous and shameful” Christ-like behavior on the battlefield.

The bishop then delivered a rousing pro-war sermon to the newest troops which was taken word-for-word from a homily that had actually been delivered by a real Anglican bishop later in the war.

The sermon was addressed to the fresh troops that had to be brought in to replace the veteran soldiers who had suddenly become averse to killing and were refusing to fire on the enemy.

You can listen to this song and watch this clip of the movie based on the World War 1 Truce Christmas.



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