Home » Holocaust Monthly Updates » Holocaust update for June 2021

Holocaust update for June 2021

News from Our Free SocietyHere is your Holocaust update for June 2021.

  1. In the UK they are putting 5G underground. I can’t find any links to this, it’s just something I heard from one person.
  2. The evils are buying up all the houses in the US and then charging triple or more rental prices so people will be homeless and die. Please do NOT sell your home.
  3. For anyone who understands German, the evils in Germany (I’m still trying to figure out if most of the players are nazis, meaning the descendants of nazis) had their own Event 201 back in 2012. Here’s the PDF.
  4. Want to know WHY people are getting sick from the shedding being around vaccinated people??? I finally found the answer. It’s called Self-disseminating. TERRIBLE. Article.
  5. So this is for the US as well, but I’m sure it’s the same in other countries.

    There is no law in the US that states an employer can force you to take the covid19 gene therapy (remember, it’s not a vaccine), but there is a mandate.

    The EEOC is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This federal agency is responsible for administering the various anti-discrimination rules. Basically, EEOC is saying that a person’s vaccine status or willingness/unwillingness to receive a vaccine does not constitute a protected class like race/ethnicity/disability, etc. So there’s no law saying they can force them to take it, but there’s no law protecting employees who refuse to take it, so they can be fired for refusing.

    It’s here on this page Section K.

    I’ll repeat, you have to QUIT YOUR JOB and start working on being a soldier and building your own community. If you are serious, join the new Our Free Society social media corner where you can learn and find others to join your community.

  6. The nazis are out in FULL FORCE in Germany. Look at what they are doing to judges who ruled in our German’s brothers and sisters favor. Article.
  7. Birds are dropping dead in Washington D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana after going blind and having seizures and of course the brainless scientist don’t even talk about 5G, chemtrails, and HAARP as several pretty good reasons why this is happening. Article.
  8. A beauty salon in Dubai is carrying out “microchip manicures.” Absolutely DISGUSTING. Is it even true, or are the evils brainwashing people into thinking it’s true that putting microchips into or on your body is healthy, so they jump on the bandwagon? Article.
  9. Magneto’ protein – sigh, more evil scientists fucking with our brains and controlling our behavior and THIS is probably what they put into the braindead’s brains, but how is my question. Could the PCR test really do that??? Not everyone who got the test are controlled (I don’t think). Article.
  10. Governor Jared Polis of Colorado offers a million dollars for each resident who gets the poisonous vaccine gene therapy. They must be paying him a minimum 1 1/4 million per person to entice people. WOW. Article.
  11. Well, it turns out it’s TRUE, and here I was wondering WHY the evils were letting North Dakota and Florida defy them by stopping masks, social distancing, etc.

    Someone said that the Florida governor slid a clause in without anyone noticing. That they can force vaccines on us if we don’t take it. I wasn’t sure, so I sent it to my legal guy and he wrote back with…

    “There is such a provision The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health. Such actions include, but are not limited to:4. Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to be examined, tested, vaccinated, or treated for reasons of health, religion, or conscience may be subjected to isolation or quarantine. a. Examination, testing, vaccination, or treatment may be performed by any qualified person authorized by the State Health Officer. b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual. c. Any order of the State Health Officer given to effectuate this paragraph is shall be immediately enforceable by a law enforcement officer under s. 381.0012.”

    Here is the link.

  12. Here’s the patent on how they can give us vaccines in our food supply. Article. It’s a yeast-based vaccine.
  13. Judge (clearly not bought) says NO to Bayer offering only $2 billion to settle all future lawsuits against Roundup. They may actually stop using it, although I won’t hold my breath.

    And they said they will STILL use it on farmland (that’s if there’s any left in 2 years) so all of this is BS.

    Here’s the article. I hope they don’t kill the judge.

  14. Story from a funeral director in the UK and I haven’t edited it except to add spaces so it’s easier to read…”I am a funeral director running his own funeral home – for the doubters this is me, I have been in the trade 15 years.” This is their link.”What I will say is last year the death rate was totally normal in fact many of my colleagues turned their fridges off before Christmas because there was no one to put in them. We returned after Christmas and they began v… locally on January 6th and the death rate immediately went through the roof.
    In fact in fifteen years I’ve never seen a death rate like it.
    Then as suddenly as it began it ceased.
    We haven’t seen a C… death for three months now. I had a government sponsored pandemic guy who used to call me every Monday he would ask me two questions.
    How many deceased have I collected that week where they come from and how many were C…. and this was in order to collect C..death numbers. I explained I had collected people from care homes who were not C… but had simply passed to old age.
    He then began steering me saying “but wasn’t there c.. in that care home or hospital”
    Deliberate inflating C.. numbers despite me insisting they were not.
    After some months he finally admitted to me he did not know why he was doing the job as everyone was saying the same thing – there were no C… deaths. Some months ago I looked after a senior consultant who lost his wife.
    We got quite close and he told me openly never to take a j@b and he told me they are very very dangerous. When it first appeared like everyone else I was very concerned.
    One of the first deceased I had in my care when the event started was a six-year-old girl who had passed due to cancer.
    Naturally her family wanted to see her and this was at a time when funeral directors were taking Coffins straight to the hospital and sealing them.
    No wishing no dressing and frankly because they could get away with it.

    How could I tell this family they could not see their little girl ?
    So I washed and dressed this little girl and had her embalmed and I then thought “ if I can do this for them I can do this for everyone ”So that’s exactly what I’ve done through this whole C… episode I have washed and dressed every C.. labelled deceased personally this is dozens and dozens and dozens of people and I did so without a mask because I could not get any. I’m 53 I have high blood pressure and I am an asthmatic.
    This is supposedly the worlds deadliest event – it’s a miracle I’m alive eh… 🙄Now I will tell you as a funeral director I have seen massive effort made to deliberately inflate C… death numbers.
    Cancer patients and stroke victims and even one guy that was run over all ended up with C… on their death certificates – why ? I’ve also spoken to numerous families who were extremely angry and upset that C… was on the d certificate – they know their love ones did not have. Many of the alleged p0sitive tests were performed on those that passed away post-mortem as well raising obvious concern for their legitimacy I even heard whispers of local health authorities being paid a premium for every death certificate with C… on it – a clear incentive to do so – and there is no smoke without fire.I can tell you with confidence being on the front line I have spoken to many doctors many nurses and even a midwife who all agree with me as well as other funeral directors that this has nothing to do with C… and everything to do with you taking an experimental g3ne therapy j@b.

    I predict that this winter the mortality rate will be primarily in recipients of this j@b, it will be blamed on a newly named variant and those who refuse to have it.
    Partly to apportion blame and partly to try and mop up any last people refusing – I’m telling you I feel it will happen and when the panic rises it’ll fly through emergency legislation I’d wager to facilitate it.

    I’ve already seen local health authority tenders for a huge temporary massive mortuaries up and down the country and the contracts run from this winter till 2025.”

  15. So just like the catholic church, this organization (The Boy Scouts of America) is owned and controlled by the evils, or at the very least the evil collective are involved in the day-to-day.

    For those of you who don’t know, the evils/illuminati/freemasons are pedos and always have been.

    In fact, I am finishing up a very long video on the topic and I have a much clearer picture of how sex is used in every part of their organization, not even with the rapes and child sacrifice which the video doesn’t really address so far.

    It’s no surprise that they can pay out that kind of money due to their ties to the evils.

    Remember that the evils made their billions in drug dealing (opium), stealing our money (taxes), stealing other people’s businesses, porn, gambling (I think), and of course they control every industry on the PLANET, so this is like pocket change for them.

    It’s also no surprise there are no arrests because again, the mafia government’s legal system is an extension of the mafia government and is ONLY meant to keep us enslaved and them walking around FREE. You can et that ANY pedo who’s ever arrested is NOT part of the evil collective. They are sacrificed so you think the government is doing something about the issue when they aren’t. They are just covering up how THEY are involved. Article.

  16. In California, the Second Appellate District’s Court of Appeal upheld the California law that removed California’s Personal Belief Exemption from school immunization requirements. The writer makes me want to chase her and blank her, but we call can’t get what we want in life. Article. Oh, and I tried to log in to comment and I couldn’t. Once I got logged into WordPress, it kept telling me I didn’t have an account.

    So the evils have been spreading the news off and on within the truther community about the power grid going down. I am not sure whether it’s going to be the power or the Internet.

    Well obviously you can’t run the Internet without power, but you can run the power without the internet.

    I’ve been hearing about this since at least May/June of 2020 and so far nothing has happened, but they have been testing it in some countries for around 1-3 days.

    Three weeks ago from the date of this article I myself had my internet in my entire city go down for almost 24 hours and the issue was not outside, but within a building. And it wasn’t just my ISP, but all of them in my city.

    Look at one of the books KILL BILL recommends the sheeple read…

    Cyber Polygon is a simulation just like Event 201 which was telling us what they were going to do in advance. (predictive programming).

    They will be shutting down the Internet under the lie that there’s a cyber attack. After that, the evils plan to shut off the electricity and either shut off the water or tell everyone that the water is toxic and then hand out bottles of water that are poisonous and then blame it on the fake virus. It won’t happen in every country at once, but it will start in Israel, Australia, the UK, and then make its way over to North America. Of course I can’t be sure which country goes first, second, etc., but everything seems to start in Israel and Australia first. Here’s their fake simulation. By the time this article goes live, it’s already taken place and it’s getting BAD.

    Okay, so today just before finishing up this article I got more information…

    The lie about cyber attacks and why they have to take down the electricity has all started people. I hope you have backups for electricity and a way to get clean water. Do NOT drink or eat anything from the mafia government. Our assumptions are that it’s all poisoned.

    Here’s the article about Sweden. So far I can’t find any article about Lebanon who has no water or electricity and the animals in the zoo are dying because of this.

I’m signing off now.

I want to wish everyone all the best during this trying time we are in.

Once everything goes down, you probably won’t hear from me for who knows how long and I hope I make it through without passing over, but I may not make it.

I hope you all have support systems in place and you take what I said about quitting your job and starting your own community SERIOUSLY!

Hugs and much love

Our Free Society

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