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How the digital prison is rolling out

Stealing your biometricsI’m going to detail how the digital prison is rolling out and most people in the FAKE AWAKE COMMUNITY are supporting our imprisonment. People in the fake awake community care more about the DEATH JAB than the digital prison. Obviously I DON’T support either, but for me, not having to take the DEATH JAB was a LOT easier than the DIGITAL PRISON.

If you haven’t watched this video you should, because this is WHERE WE ARE ALREADY HEADED. And here’s my Digital Prison playlist.

For people who don’t know who the evils are, here’s my definition and list. And here is a video and PDF about who controls most of the world, although most of the evils’ names are hidden for obvious reasons, while evils on the lower rung of the EVIL PYRAMID have their names showcased. And my evil playlist.


Companies around THE WORLD are forcing the DIGITAL PRISON on YOU!

Companies brainwashing you or forcing me to use the toxic cell phone weapon – Link

Forcing everyone to give up their CASH is part of the DIGITAL PRISON.

Here’s my article on what you will be giving up if you allow this tyranny and slavery AGAINST CASH AND FREEDOM and while just having cash does NOT constitute FREEDOM, it’s just one more piece of giving up your FREEDOM.

Playlist on them forcing credit cards and eventually CBDCs.


You must do it TOGETHER. No one can fight by themselves, no one ever trusts one person anyway because they are low IQ to begin with. You have to FIGHT WITH ME or someone else TOGETHER. TAKE ACTION NOW! Link.

Everything I’m going to list below only started in around 2022, started ramping up in 2023, and now is in FULL EVIL SWING in 2024. I started this article on October 24, 2024 and HOPE to get it published on December 21, 2024.

2025 is in less than 2 WEEKS away, and you will see a TON of slavery happening in 2025, I guarantee it. It’s a milestone for AGENDA 21. Link to videos explaining Agenda 21. It’s shocking to me that there aren’t more people who talk about this.

  1. While the evils were starting the brainwashing process of us slaves having to have a code to log onto a site, it was always done through email or your landline and started roughly in 2018 if memory serves.

    That ALL changed in late 2022 and really started in 2023. Now a lot of companies, even small and medium ones, are DEMANDING a code not through email or a landline, but through the toxic cell phone WEAPON. Now why in the world would they all roll this out together???

    Do you understand that the cell phone is a WEAPON on so many levels including to track and trace you, harm your brain, body and personality, and spy on EVERYTHING you say, buy, type out, who you talk to, what you are talking about, etc.? THIS HAS ZERO TO DO WITH TRYING TO SELL YOU SOMETHING. All of that BS is a LIE!!! Oh and I forgot, it spies on EVERYONE around you who has a toxic cell phone weapon TOO!

    I tell people to do a test and NOT use their toxic cell phone weapon for a week unless you need to call someone. See how far you get.

    If you never go online, buy anything online, or run a business or work online, this doesn’t apply to you.

    Here’s my article on why they started pushing the toxic cell phone weapon going all the way back to maybe 2016 or 2017, I can’t remember.

    Here’s my playlist on how dangerous cell phones and mobile phones are.

  2. Many sites are now going to DEMAND you have 2FA or what they are calling is MFA (multi factor authentication.) This all forces you to comply, like a slave, just to get onto a website that used to take you 10-30 seconds to log into if you used a password manager. This new slavery will train the rats (yes that’s us) to do as we are told, otherwise you can’t do ANYTHING online. THIS is the DIGITAL PRISON. AND then the next step is to brainwash everyone to REJOICE and let the evils steal their BIOMETRICS.

    I saw many people on evil LinkedIn rejoice that they no longer have to wait in line at the airport because of the biometrics SLAVERY. That’s another reason they did the false flag 911 and created the fake TERRORIST THREATS which forced EVERYONE to be a slave at the airport being searched as if they were CRIMINALS. Link. And you ALL went along with it WORLDWIDE!

    Of course the lie will be that there’s so much DANGER ONLINE, and everyone will fall for it and FORGET that just a few years ago there was little to NO DANGER. Same BS as the scamdemic where they convinced all zombies that there’s always boogeyman viruses running around making people sick and killing them.

    Yes some people get hacked, but you know what, it’s a fact that most people get hacked by people they KNOW. I also believe this is why the evils created the IDENTITY THEFT psyop years ago, so people would hear that word over and over again and be scared. Even if it happened to you, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t done by the evils. You have no idea who did it to you, right? Explanation of what a psyop and false flag are.

  3. Almost EVERY single site I use on a regular basis now uses CloudFlare when they didn’t before 2023. I figured out a few years ago that CloudFlare is an evil corp. I tried to find a free alternative since I’ve been using it for years, and couldn’t. Reminder, EVERY time they give you something for FREE, that means they are evil owned. Only the odd time is this not true.

    Back to CloudFlare – this means every time we want to log in, it takes up more of our wasted precious time because the site takes time to load, plus it’s tracking you. This is especially true if the site using CloudFlare jacks up the security to very high. Either that, or they now have captcha which a lot of companies had on their sites before, but has increased in 2022/2023. The bottom line is, many sites unless they were large, NEVER had captcha before. PLUS, the amount of puzzles you have to go through now have increased and have become more complicated definitely going back to 2022. I waste a lot of time with this BS. I never had to before. It’s taking down your location, I’m sure of it.

  4. More and more companies are being attacked by the evils (I know the evils are behind this) so their site is getting hit with DDoS attacks where it brings the site down, or they are hacked where there’s malicious code put on their site.

    What’s the purpose of this?


    These sites are by and large NOT AWAKE, and they believe that there’s way more hackers out there than there were before, so they will do whatever they are TOLD. If they are awake, they are evil owned OR threatened to do this. Here, watch this and how easy it is for the evils to threaten a company.

    One site I need to go onto every so often has blocked traffic outside of Canada and the US, so I can’t get on it without a VPN. It’s been like this since April 2022 and they clearly aren’t going to change it. I’ve lost money because of this.

    I have also noticed the odd other site that is blocking me because of my IP address.

  5. A lot of companies now are pushing the QR code. Before companies were doing it during the scamdemic at restaurants forcing you to see the menu on your tiny toxic radiating CELL PHONE. I was proud to hear that some people were saying NO and walking out of the restaurant due to the slavery and brainwashing, but I’m sure the majority just pulled out their slave weapon and consented, only too happy to act like a puppet and brainwash themselves with their toxic cell phone weapon.
  6. TONS of companies now push for you to ONLY use their cell phone or mobile app. While before there were small terrible companies (maybe owned by the evils) who ONLY created an app for their service so they never got my business, they were one-offs. Now EVERY company has an app and the huge evil corps are brainwashing everyone to use it and stay AWAY from a regular REAL computer, and the zombies are only too happy to comply.
  7. In some countries you can’t even use your bank without the toxic cell phone weapon and even in the States that’s the case in many American banks. Why? Ask yourself WHY if you still think this is NOTHING!These banks are also starting to force you to turn on LOCATION SERVICES in order to log in. Now why do you think that is? TO TRACK WHERE YOU ARE of course and what you are doing with your MONEY. It has ZERO to do with protecting you.

    What, something huge changed since I’ve been doing online banking in and around 2006 or so? NO it has NOT!!!

    I really can’t remember when I started, I remember it was hard to pull me away from doing banking on the phone, but once I switched to online banking, I never went back.

  8. Sites that NEVER demanded ID before are suddenly DEMANDING ID. Even evil Pay Pal never demanded it until October 2024. I’ve been FORCED to give up my ID to 3 sites in the last several months AND since I refuse to give out my biometrics, I’ve lost Pay Pal, Uphold and I just had to give my ID to a notary which obviously now has my face (it was on cam) and I may not even be able to get the checking account I should be getting because they may not give it to me since I’m not in the US right now.

    I’ve been online full time since 1996 and NEVER EVER did I have to give my ID to ANY company. I’m trying to remember if there was even one. Normally you went into a bank to open a new account and yes there you had to provide it, so yes, with banking I would be okay with that, but that’s NOT what’s happening here.

    NEVER EVER did you have to be in the US to get a US bank account opened, you just had to be an American.

    And I can’t use some money transfer sites anymore because I’m not in the US. Here’s my article on that. The evils control TONS of the money transfer or wallet sites online. I’m sure it will be ALL OF THEM by the end of 2025 if it isn’t already.

  9. I have noticed an INCREASE in how many sites won’t provide me a service unless I’m business registered. Again, I’ve been online running a business since 2000. I had one company I resisted a business with back in 2004 I think, I eventually let it slide, but more importantly, it was NEVER demanded of me unless I was going to buy wholesale. NEVER online did I have to prove I was a business. This is to track and trace what you are doing and of course to make you spend more money on accounting and to steal more money from you by way of the mafia government. Here’s my playlist on taxes are THEFT.
  10. Evil facebook is now blocking groups from running normally. If the evil AI and evils decide you are posting too much information that they don’t ALLOW, you as the admin will now have to approve every single post AND they won’t allow posts until a certain date. Here’s the message – link.
  11. Here’s the continuous story about how evil facebook has been stopping me from posting in tons of different groups and the owners of the facebook groups don’t even know it’s happening. It’s AUTOMATIC, of course, done by the EVIL AI everyone worships and stops all FREE FLOW of conversation, commerce, socializing, etc.
  12. Here’s what happened to a zombie expat, in 2023 I think, who is American and was living in Mexico and you know it’s a zombie since they want to wear a slave muzzle and are happy they are being tracked and traced like a slave… “Last time I entered the US I approached the “globalprecheck” (or whatever its called) kiosk to place my passport on the reader. It was about 2 years since I had been back to the states. To my suprise, I didn’t need to actually place my passport. The system recognized me from just standing there even with a mask on. I checked “no to all” to the 6 questions and I went into through the immigration point. I walked and picked up my bags and went straight out the door to the arrivals terminal. Literally took 15 minutes with all the walking.The governments facial recognition has become incredible.”
  13. Several money transfer sites are now asking me WHY I’m sending money to the person you are sending money to. Evil Xoom (evil Pay Pal bought them out in 2015) was one, and yes this happened to me over $11. Yes you heard me, not over $10,000, but $11!!!!!!!!!!I yelled at the low IQ zombie Filipinos on the phone, and another money transfer site told me they would be demanding the same thing. It’s getting really bad. Pretty soon you won’t be able to send anything to ANYONE, business or personal, without you giving up your PERSONAL REASONS FOR DOING ANYTHING.
  14. I’ve heard a few times now since 2022 in communist Canada and Australia, that people went to their bank to withdraw their money and the bank wouldn’t let them or told them they would have to wait a long time OR they had to give a reason for WHY they were taking out their OWN MONEY!Playlist on banking.
  15. It’s November 21, 2024 and I’m seeing lots of reviews on evil Trust Pilot that different types of companies are closing their account with no explanation based on their BS terms and conditions. Have you not noticed how many times every site now updates their terms and conditions page? This has been going on for at least a year over and over again including TONS OF UPDATES. THIS IS THE DIGITAL PRISON ROLLING OUT PEOPLE, WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!

    I remember when the bank closed my account for no reason at all in October 2022. I had no blemish on it, but I’m poor and they are closing down all poor people. They said they do NOT have to give me a reason. I remember this happening back in the summer of 2022/23 when World Remit and Remitely closed my accounts on the same day. I thought it was due to a scam freelancer who was getting me to send her money for a discount on airline tickets, but 2 years later I realized that I don’t think it was that.

    All these evil companies do is point you to their slave terms and conditions and then they tell you to figure it out for yourself. Almost ALL of the companies online are doing that now and you think that’s a COINCIDENCE???? WAKE UP!

  16. In November 2024, livestock in the US is now being FORCED to be tracked by digital IDs from a farmer. This is from this NGO or whatever they are called, and remember that most NGOs are evil run and aren’t REAL. Here, you can watch this video on that.

    I’m on their list. Link, and I’m suspicious of them because I wrote them at least a year ago about what’s going on if they want to learn more about the Truth, and also asked how I could reach out to ranchers to join my Supply Chain Network, and they ignored me. Judith McGeary is the Founder and Executive Director.

    I already knew the evils were going to TRACK EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL WORLDWIDE back in 2020 or 2021. AND they will be doing this with every piece of vegetable/produce a farm grows so that farmers won’t want to farm anymore and you will HAVE NO FOOD TO EAT. Then the evils will offer you their toxic LAB GROWN FOOD and INSECTS. Here’s my food supply playlist, and here’s the insect one.

    The PRESSURE put on the farmers now since 2021 (even before) starting with the Netherlands in Europe is HORRIFIC. Here’s my community platform. You HAVE to learn how to gather with others and FARM! And sell to everyone in the Truther Community.

    Here’s the information – “FARFA”The USDA’s new rule on Animal Identification has gone into effect, requiring that adult cattle and bison crossing state lines have a tag that is both electronically and visually readable.

    We’ve already heard reports of veterinarians being unable to get the traditional low-tech forms of official ID even for those cows moving just within the state, and having to use an electronic ID instead. This is one of the many problems with the rule that we predicted!”

    And I just found this when searching for their site. This is from December 2024. Very strange that some things are FOR the farmer and Humanity, but I had to waste time trying to find out what “a bill being FILED” meant and they hide that information on evil goolag, but look who gave it to me. THE EVIL AI. LOL

    It means it’s a long way off from becoming and evil man-made LAW. I’m AGAINST ALL man-made LAWS. I ONLY support Natural Law and some logical rules and organization. Natural Law links. One and Two.

    Why does it look like they are giving the slaves something to keep them happy? My guess is that it’s to use their typical psychological warfare tactic where they give the slaves something to make them Happy, then they PULL it away from them to devastate them. Evils ALWAYS use trauma as a WEAPON.

    Also to make people actually think the mafia government cares about them so they trust them and don’t FIGHT BACK, when nothing could be further from the Truth.

    She notes that the amount of bills passed or being reviewed have escalated in the last 2 years which speaks VOLUMES! Here’s her text.

    “Check out some of the promising bills that have already been filed:

    Expanding the cottage food law (a top FARFA priority)
    Requiring country of origin labeling for beef and pork (a priority we have worked on federally)
    Prohibiting glyphosate and certain food additives at primary and secondary schools
    Requiring labeling of food containing mRNA vaccine materials
    Raising the grant amounts for young farmers
    Protecting backyard chicken owners from municipal and HOA restrictions

    Plus, the bills that we know are in drafting:

    Allowing the sale of ungraded eggs from small farmers to restaurants and retailers
    Expanding options for buying raw milk
    Supporting farm-to-school programs
    Providing for fair property tax treatment for small farmers

    And then there are numerous bills that fall into the category of “could be good, could be bad, we need to dig into them”:

    Electronic registry of brands and livestock markets (needs to be watched to make sure it doesn’t turn into electronic mandates on the animals themselves)
    Climate change preparedness and its effects on agriculture and drought (could support regenerative ag methods that are climate resilient … or could be used in ways that are counter productive)
    A constitutional amendment to protect the right to produce meat and meat food products (great concept, but does it mean even more leeway for CAFOs to pollute everyone?)
    Banning foreign ownership of land (what about mega corporate ownership?)
    And more already filed – 56 total food & agriculture related bills already!

    And many, many more to come! You can do your own search at the Texas Legislature Online website. TLO allows you to search bills by topic, create a free account, and track whatever ones you want. We encourage you to engage as deeply as you are inspired to!

    And that’s also one of the key pieces of FARFA’s work. We will be working hard in the coming months, reviewing the bills (there will be thousands before this is over!), participating in committee hearings, tracking amendments and changes that could change the whole picture – and updating you on what’s happening and how you can make your voice heard with our elected officials. We’ll be sending you more emails than usual in the coming months, please take the time to read and act on them because our effectiveness in fighting for small farmers and local foods depends on YOU!

    And if you’re curious about what the current “funding fights” in Congress mean for the Farm Bill, stay tuned! We’ll be sending out a detailed update soon!

    Thank you again for being a part of this important movement!

    In solidarity,”

    I really think she’s just an agent hired to make people think we even have a chance in HELL of being FREE when it comes to OUR OWN FUCKING FOOD!!!! And that SHE is going to be the HERO to save everyone. I’d have to dig deeper into her which I don’t have time to do, AND see how long she’s been “fighting” against the mafia government and what steps she’s made, but if she’s NOT AWAKE and clearly she’s not if she ignored my EMAIL, then SHE’S THE ENEMY.

    Every time someone REFUSES to listen to you when you tell them the Truth, they are WORKING FOR THE EVILS. Zombies ARE one of our BIGGEST THREATS.

    This is how the evils play their GAMES with us PEOPLE, it’s just like the BS voting where they make YOU think you have a chance in hell of controlling your OWN LIFE, then they rip us to SHREDS controlling US LIKE SLAVES!

  17. In 2024 I started to notice a TON of sites pushing me to log in to their site using evil goolag instead of their own login. And yes I already know that was a thing several years ago where they were pushing you to log in via goolag and fakebook, but on these specific sites I’m pretty sure that wasn’t an option before, or if it was, it wasn’t in MY FACE to get me to log in. So that’s increased.

    I’m pretty sure this is so they can track everything you are doing within that site or at least note that you use that site.

This is a very long article about how the digital prison is rolling out because it has to be. And if you think I’m done, think AGAIN. I’ll be adding new evidence to the comments every time I experience or see more ENSLAVEMENT.

Please fight with me. I just need ONE HOUR of your time per week.

The only way to win this war is with US!

People can shirk their responsibility in all of this which is just cowardice, but every day you can always choose to REALLY wake UP and fight with me or someone else to Help Save Yourself, Humanity, and our Mother Earth. ACTION!

Truth, Spirituality (nothing to do with the psyop known a religion), shedding your childhood trauma, becoming a mature adult, and then taking responsibility for yourself HAS to be done.

I know it’s hard because the evils control us, but it HAS to be done. If we all start to do it, this war WILL BE OVER. We have the POWER to stop them, but you have to play your part.

The key is learning who you are with everything else stripped away. Truly look in the mirror.

Learn how to love and respect yourself and then help others. If we all help one another, that’s sharing the workload.

Build alternative communities based on FREEDOM and Truth. Do it together outside of the evils’ mafia governments. It’s the ONLY way.


It’s our negative energy they feed off of. So long as we aren’t United and Strong, they can control us. We need to be United and Strong and FIGHT BACK by taking ACTION, NOT just accept what is going on. This is NOT a movie!!!

Both parts have to be done AND people have to STOP WORSHIPING MONEY.

The evils use money as a WEAPON. Money shouldn’t be used to judge others by their WORTH. Anyone who thinks this way is controlled by the evils and is harming Humanity. Yes we need it in THEIR system, so that’s why you need to break FREE from their evil MATRIX.

This war can ONLY BE WON BY US, not some deity or Human. That’s where the psyop religion comes in – SALVATIONISM.

They want you to NEVER grow up and fight them. They want you waiting for someone or something ELSE to save you so they have free reign to kill us while you wait, wait again, wait some more until YOU ARE DEAD.

Here’s my alternative therapy page. I hope you read and bookmark it. https://ourfreesociety.com/alternative-therapy-courses/

There’s NO SHAME in admitting you have issues. WE ALL DO.

It’s when you don’t care and don’t work to rid yourself of them (this doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a work in progress) that I have a problem with that because you refusing to not do the work affects ALL of us, not just YOU.

With tough Love

The Our Free Society Warrior Alliance
I hope you learned something.

Never make Authority your Truth… make Truth your Authority

The definition of insanity is blind obedience.

Culture teaches us that only the police have the right to defend.

If You Resonate With This Article, Please Share It With Others

And if you can support my work (there are different options), it would be much appreciated. If not, I understand.


3 comments on “How the digital prison is rolling out”

  1. In Kansas City, the local mafia government made it so now you have to pay for parking using your TOXIC CELL PHONE WEAPON.

    Plus no more free parking, but that’s not the major point.


  2. A couple of months ago a woman told me the following:

    When she would log into evil Pay Pal on her toxic cell phone weapon there was no problem, but when she logged in via a REAL computer, she had nothing but problems and she had to jump through tons of hoops to log in.

    This is AGAIN, MORE PROOF they do NOT want you on a REAL COMPUTER, they want you on the toxic cell phone WEAPON!

  3. I forgot to add THIS ONE in my article.

    I was having huge problems with my autoresponder company and wanted to move.

    An autorepsonder company is the software that allows you to have a list where people sub/signup to, and then you send them emails to either inform or sell them something. You write it up once and it goes out to your entire list or they are automated.

    I’ve been using list software since around 2001, so I know the industry fairly well, although I haven’t switched companies in a while and most people don’t, because it’s a pain to move all emails, templates, and subs over to a new company.

    Anyway, in 2024 I started looking around and TONS of them told me that they will NOT allow me to send out emails if they violated their terms and OF COURSE my emails would probably do that at some point. BS like hate speech and even talking about the trans or gay agenda, etc. I even got the feeling if I bashed the evils I would lose my account.

    One even told me that I can’t ask for donations WTF???? Not that I ever do in my emails, just once when I needed money to find a programmer to help the community platform where you find others to build offline communities with. It doesn’t send out email notices and this feature benefits EVERYONE.

    I don’t make money off of helping people. Shockingly I think most of you selfish people actually think I owe you something. I do all of this because it’s the right thing to do AND I CARE ABOUT HUMANITY, and almost NO ONE helps me with donations or even an hour of their time per week. And then you think I don’t have the right to get ANGRY! I’VE BEEN DOING THIS FULL TIME FOR 5 YEARS STRAIGHT.

    Back to donations – I usually just ask for donations in my blurbs on my videos or have a banner on my site.

    But the other SLAVE DEMAND, which is 1000% CENSORSHIP was terrible. That I couldn’t tolerate, so I couldn’t find another company.

    These companies now have FULL CONTROL over you. You can’t even say what you want to your OWN SUBS!

    They are MY SUBS, NOT THEIRS!!!

    I’ll repeat, just because YOU do not experience what I do, does NOT MEAN you won’t down the road, it’s just that you don’t run businesses online and most of you are 9-5ers. I’m not.

    I don’t think you FULLY GRASP what this all means even for you and everyone ELSE!

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