What is making us sick
I’m going to start an article on what is making us sick.
Since everyone reading this should already know covid is NOT a virus, then the obvious question is, what is it?
I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of what makes us sick since at least April or May of 2020.
I went through tons of videos and articles and here are some of the most compelling videos that convinced me this was NOT a virus at all. I probably have more that haven’t been added to the playlist yet.
The thing is, the evils are using all different types of methods to make us sick. There is no ONE thing that makes us sick. It’s a combination of several things.
Here’s my list of poisons that I add to every once in a while when I learn about something new they are poisoning us with, but I’m specifically interested in what makes people sick NOW during this war. This war that they are blaming on the fake virus covid-19.
That even people who know something is wrong and don’t want to take the poisonous covid19 vaccine (to me it’s a death jab) are STILL brainwashed into thinking that there really is a virus called covid19.
In my July Holocaust update, I listed all of the countries where people have written to their health department asking them for PROOF that the virus covid19 has actually been isolated and exists, and guess what…
NONE OF THEM could give them proof.
- The UK
- Ireland
- Canada
- The United States
- Argentina
I’m sure there are others, I just haven’t come across them yet OR everyone in that country STILL believes in the scam covid19.
So here’s my list of what I know is making people sick and this is even since around December 2019.
- The previous four year’s flu vaccine had graphene oxide in it and caused the so called “first wave” of the fake virus covid19. I don’t believe this is the only reason people got sick, because some people who got sick never got the flu vaccine, but in certain parts of Italy, people were dropping dead 4-5 years ago.
- You can listen to this video that talks about chemtrails and them dropping viruses (again, not viruses, but some toxin) that made people very very sick in 2017.
- Once people started wearing toxic masks every day for hours on end and then getting toxic PCR test after toxic PCR test, that caused them to get sick.
- People sat glued to the lying fake news TV stations watching the made for TV horror unfold. They convinced themselves they would get sick, so they made themselves get sick. If you don’t know by now that your mind can do whatever you tell it to do AND that stress and trauma causes people to get sick, then it’s time to WAKE UP! Here’s the BRAVE man, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, who originally figured this out. I say brave because the mafia medical industry (it’s the same in every country) went after him for publishing his findings and that was in Germany.
- Chemtrails – the evil have been spraying smart dust starting in the mid 80s. Then it turned to full on chemtrails. You can watch these videos here, but there’s tons of evidence that they are spraying toxins on us and I know that at least in March 2020 they did a worldwide SPRAYING. I didn’t check about prior to that. In those chemtrails were nanobots (graphene oxide) and who knows what else because one thing I’ve learned is that if you don’t know what to look for, you will NEVER find it which is why the pathologists can’t figure out what is killing the people because they don’t know about all of the weapons the evils use against us.
5G is a weapon that doesn’t just spy on us, it also makes you very very sick AND, it’s a method to brainwash people. You can watch this, this, this, and this.
They hadn’t completely rolled it out by the time we started hearing about covid19, but they had started putting 5G into street lamps all over neighborhoods in the UK and other areas around the world and Brits were getting sick big time just from the towers and street lamps.
During the first lockdown (I mean imprisonment), that’s when trumpet snuck in the 5G clause and passed it through with only truthers figuring it out. Then he was telling everyone we now need 6G.
Fecal matter. So last year there was a very long thread on fakebook that I spent over 8 hours reading and responding to. A woman in either the UK or in the US discovered that the fake virus was really a bacterial infection due to fecal matter. The governments were closing down all of the bathrooms in parks, etc. for no logical reason at all. I have the thread if you want what I copied. My guess is that they were spraying fecal matter on us in their chemtrails.
I NEVER heard anything about this plausible explanation again and then I saw this video and another one Jud did last week. Hmmm
My apologies for not putting Jud’s name in the slide and referring to him as “this guy.” that wasn’t nice of me. I forgot his name was his channel name.
During that fakebook thread, that was also when I learned that some women where seeing strange things in their water, even filtered water.
Where I was the water was killing my hands even after 5-15 minutes of me washing them or dishes.
I also bought a brand new German gravity water filter, and the white filter on the top started to turn BROWN. I was furious and had to return it.
Since mid to late 2020 my guess is that they are poisoning the water with something.
- I also noticed where I was that they were cleaning the streets minimum once or twice a week.
So you might say okay, they take care of their city, but I’m trying to remember if I heard them cleaning the streets as often in previous years, and I’ll never forget this video where the guy discovered they were spraying toxins on the highways.
This video is the Spaniard’s opinion, but I talked to a woman within a month or two after the war started in March 2020, and she said when her husband came back from Brazil, everyone (their son too) got sick, and she could tell it wasn’t natural.
Being that she was holistic, she got everyone better within 2 days. I added her suggestions to my health remedy articles. Link 1 and Link 2.
Now that was in December 2019, BEFORE toxic masks, pcr tests and the death jab came into our reality.
I have another article that talks about what is making people sick if you want to read that one as well here.
Remember that when we are sick, the body is trying to DETOX from what you are poisoned with either by your own hand (food) or the evils’ hands… food, air, water, what we handle every day, chemtrails, 5G, their frequency weapons, stress and trauma, and the list goes on.
I do recommend reading this book to get a very good overview of how EVERY lie they have told us forever can be explained if you just look at what they are poisoning us with.
And I also recommend reading this book so you can see how the evils took over the holistic industry and wiped it AWAY replacing it with the criminal allopathic (mainstream) medical industry that MOST people worship today as if it’s a gawd.
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I want to add this to this article.
“Something that was very peculiar, is an area I know of – I think it was about 2019 – the apartment building managers replaced ALL the units with the super bright lightbulbs. They never ever went into people’s units to “do” things for them – but when it came to these units they EXPLICITLY went into EVERY single unit – and replaced EVERY single lightbulb. I thought it was extremely peculiar, because these units rarely, if ever, do things for peopel – let alone replace lightbulbs. The other odd thing is ‘supposedly’ these lights were supposed to last ‘forever’ – but they basically lasted about 2-3 years (period of convid). When they started burning out and residents asked to have those lights replaced – the apartment building managers sent a memo to the tenants saying ‘go buy lightbulbs yourself, & do it yourself’. It was very, very peculiar. And yes – the regular lights are harder to find. You still can – but not at major stores.”
This person commented on this video – https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/American-mafia-government-banning-all-healthy-incandescent-light-bulbs:4
Ok, I FINALLY got some evidence that the toxic LED light bulbs are not just making people sick, but controlling what they think and feel.