Why people are getting sick
Here are my thoughts on why people are getting sick, but first here’s my covid playlist that details what I learned after the war started in March 2020.
If you don’t already know, I don’t believe in germ theory. If you still do, here’s a long page with tons of links (the ones that haven’t been taken down by communist goolag) that prove that viruses don’t harm us. I’ve gone back on forth on whether viruses do exist and I think they do, but they are NOT meant to harm us. This is not how our creator created us. It didn’t say…
“You know what, I’m going to make all of their bodies work in perfect synergy, except I’m going to create this one thing (a virus) that’s going to get them SICK and then pass that sickness on to others.”
So the reason the evils lie about the viruses isn’t just to get you scared for no reason, but because they have their deplorable scientists manipulate the viruses in their Frankenstein labs and made them very very toxic. They made them into a BIOWEAPON.
This is called gain of function.
So my question has been since almost day one, WHY are people getting sick.
I knew it was the evils poisoning us because LOOK at how many poisons we are subjected to per day and you tell me how the natural human body (even insects and animals), can remain healthy with all of that.
One thing you have to understand is that there’s two timelines:
a) Pre the death jab being introduced and,
b) After the death jab was introduced.
So when you ask the question “why people are getting sick?” you have to specify which time-frame, because obviously the death jab was meant to make millions sick and kill them.
I’m more interested in why people were getting sick BEFORE the covid-19 death jab (not a vaccine) rolled out.
So here’s my summary. If you have any ideas you wish to add, please forward them to me.
- The masks. Masks make you SICK and people have been wearing them since the war broke out, so that’s almost 2 years now. They don’t prevent anything and they suffocate you among other things. Here’s one article on the mask topic. Here’s another, and here is my playlist where you will see the evidence that the evils put graphene oxide (and gawd knows what else) onto the masks before they were shipped WORLDWIDE waiting for us when they started the war.
The toxic hand sanitizer gel which people who are braindead use in place of water. Literally some people spread it all over their hands multiple times a day and for the really crazy ones, it could be upto 10 times per day. That stuff is POISON!
And if you think just because you don’t use it, it doesn’t get into/onto you, think again. People who use it handle everything from cash, to what you buy in stores, they stock fresh produce, they spray it in the air and you are subjected to that POISON.
The toxic PCR tests are making people sick. They are full of graphene oxide, aluminum, and Ethylene Oxide, so it was NEVER meant to test you for anything, it was meant to harm you PLUS collect your DNA. I finally got evidence of the DNA in late 2021. Here’s my playlist when it comes to the fake PCR tests.
Update on 01-03-24 – more links that prove the fake PCR test is a mini death jab.
Just a note that not everyone gets the infected PCR test which is why many of you do not become sick just like with the death jab. It depends on which vial you receive. Saying that, I’m pretty positive that even if you aren’t given the aluminum and the EO, you are given something even if it’s just a microchip.
And how many people willingly took the PCR test over and over again, or were forced to by their work or when they needed to travel or wanted to travel?
It can take only ONE PCR test to make you sick, but an accumulation of the tests could definitely make you very sick months later.
- The constant onslaught of radiation from all things wifi, cell towers, and your cell phone (especially toxic smartphones.) The more your cell phone is like a computer, the more powerful and toxic it is. Buy yourself an EMF reader to test. I bought this one.
Their 5G weapon that works with LED lights. Did you know that anyone associated with the evil collective (or evil bloodlines) does NOT have 5G in their neighborhood? The list is trumpet, KILL BILL (Bill Gates), even the Rothschilds, and I’m sure the rest of the evils and people associated with the evils. There has to be more evidence of this.
I’m talking to an electrical engineer right now who is CONVINCED that is what is making people sick and I am on the fence about this because many people who got sick in the beginning were nowhere around 5G.
The mosquitoes that KILL BILL has unleashed onto the world. I know he released them in India because someone told me he was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes, and no matter where he ran to, they followed him.
KILL BILL also released them in Florida and Texas. See this report.
Look at THIS lovely video which shows where his DERANGED mind is at.
It’s no different than when the American government create Lyme disease which most people don’t know is a bioweapon. See article.
I’m pretty positive they have increased the amount of spraying (chemtrails) they have done with their toxic CHEMICALS. You can watch this video here and here.
They have been doing this nonstop since around the 90s or even before with smart-dust.
But my guess is that they are spraying more than just aluminum, Look at this video which shows how a woman who lives out in the middle of nowhere in Vermont is soaking in ALUMINUM which made her snow toxic to her dogs.
I wish she had had them test for other chemicals, but I assume they would have needed direction on what to test for, and we don’t know what the evils are spraying. I heard that some very toxic chemicals are very very tiny and need special testing equipment.
Not only does it harm you, but it also harms all of your vegetables and livestock, so anything you eat has NO nutritional value. It even kills the trees.
Your body NEEDS vitamins and minerals and if you don’t get them, you will start to get sick with symptoms (NOT DISEASES). The word “disease” is a word that is a BS lie the allopathic mafia medical industry came up with to get you to believe you need a toxic DRUG for everything that is making you feel sick.
Go look up how many so called “diseases” (names) there were in the mid 1800s compared to now.
Think of it this way… you have a symptom, then you have to get to the root REASON for why you have that symptom.
It’s not easy because no whitecoat knows how to do this or cares, and most holistic practitioners are the same way. They just push drugs or supplements on you, they don’t get to the root of the problem. You remove the problem and you start to HEAL.
Remember the TV show “House?” THAT’S what every doctor should be doing. Minus the toxic drugs at the end, of course.
And here, as of January 2022, I found out they have ALSO been spraying mold on us. Link.
Update on 01-03-24 – Learn about DOR (deadly orgone radiation), it’s way worse then chemtrails, and I believe that the chemtrails are a cover for DOR.
I have been seeing non stop spraying where I live since I moved to this toxic small city, and today when I went out, I had trouble breathing. I will bet you ANYTHING, the DOR (in combination of other things) made people sick at the beginning of the war in March 2020.
Most people don’t know that you can make yourself very sick due to fear or trauma. This is a documented fact. You can read this site of how this German doctor figured it out. And years ago I heard from another doctor that during his internship he figured out the same thing. All of his cancer patients had a huge trauma right before they came in to see him. Most whitecoats don’t care or even bother learning this stuff, so they won’t even ask you.
If you sat in front of the lying mainstream media (MSM) and believed everything the criminal government reps and the controlled MSM talking heads who are paid millions dollars per year tell you, then you will be in a constant state of fear even IF none of what they said is true.
Back in mid 2020 I even talked to one woman who was CONVINCED she was going to get sick, so months later she got herself sick.
You can talk your body into anything and if you want to be a part of the “crowd” so you can get sick, then get sick, but do NOT blame it on some fake virus. YOU made yourself sick because you don’t want to know the truth and you like being sick.
Based on this scamdemic, we saw how many hypochondriacs there are out there. That’s a mental disorder and you need to heal yourself.
Here is a list of alternative therapies.
Last year several people noticed a white film in their water or an increase in chemicals in their water. I found this out after I read a very very LONG thread on fakebook that took me at least 8 hours to cover and copy notes from.
Someone had come up with the idea that this was a bacterial infection through feces. Yes, the evils COULD be spraying feces from very high up and you would never smell it because it’s being dropped from so high up. Or they could be putting it into the water.
I once smelled feces in my water after a truck came by at 2 am, did something and then left.
I remember when I moved into a new apartment and my hands started to hurt me after washing dishes.
So after reading this thread, I came to the conclusion that they could very well be poisoning the water. And they probably had been doing this even back in November/December 2019 so it would filter through each country and make people sick.
What they put in the water I don’t know and I wish people would have tested it. They still can.
It’s way too expensive where I am to test it. I don’t have $350 USD to test it.
- The evils’ frequency weapons which harm our cells, DNA and more by attacking our energy field. All living creators have energy to them. Once you attack that, the man, woman or child can’t function properly.I was SHOCKED when I learned that they can attack a whole region of people all at once.You can read all about it in this book which is an older version of the weapon. I’m SURE their weapon is way more advanced now.
Lastly the death jab or what the evils call the covid19 vaccine. Not only are ALL vaccines poisonous and there’s ample evidence of that, this one isn’t even what they consider a REAL “vaccine.” It’s meant to maim, kill you, and/or transition you into part robot, part human.
And what’s worse, it’s meant to make the smart unjabbed sick as well. Many have gotten sick from people who were death jabbed including me (twice now). Even babies and seniors and I’ve even heard that pets have died.
Here is my playlist on the death jab. I’m sure there are videos missing from the playlist as I have over 550 videos on my channel and the playlists became a feature after I started uploading videos.
This video is the Spaniard’s opinion, but I talked to a woman within a month or two after the war started in March 2020, and she said when her husband came back from Brazil, everyone (their son too) got sick, and she could tell it wasn’t natural.
Being that she was holistic, she got everyone better within 2 days. I added her suggestions to my health remedy articles. Link 1 and Link 2.
Now that was in December 2019, BEFORE toxic masks, pcr tests and the death jab came into our reality.
So this is a very good list of WHY I think people are getting sick and the evils are convincing you it’s some virus when it’s not.
If I come across anything else, I will add to this article.
Here is another article I had started and published because it had different ideas about why people are getting sick.
I highly recommend you read this book that investigated all the different ways the evils made people sick and then they came up with some BS story saying it was a disease.
I hope you are doing well.
We Deserve Health and a FREE society
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I want to add this to this article.
“Something that was very peculiar, is an area I know of – I think it was about 2019 – the apartment building managers replaced ALL the units with the super bright lightbulbs. They never ever went into people’s units to “do” things for them – but when it came to these units they EXPLICITLY went into EVERY single unit – and replaced EVERY single lightbulb. I thought it was extremely peculiar, because these units rarely, if ever, do things for peopel – let alone replace lightbulbs. The other odd thing is ‘supposedly’ these lights were supposed to last ‘forever’ – but they basically lasted about 2-3 years (period of convid). When they started burning out and residents asked to have those lights replaced – the apartment building managers sent a memo to the tenants saying ‘go buy lightbulbs yourself, & do it yourself’. It was very, very peculiar. And yes – the regular lights are harder to find. You still can – but not at major stores.”
This person commented on this video – https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/American-mafia-government-banning-all-healthy-incandescent-light-bulbs:4
Ok, I FINALLY got some evidence that the toxic LED light bulbs are not just making people sick, but controlling what they think and feel.